Wifi Hacking Series For Red Teamers & Pentesters

Aug 13, 2024
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Wifi Hacking Series For Red Teamers & Pentesters

Wifi Hacking Series For Red Teamers & Pentesters

Pentesting of the wireless systems is easier task than doing that on the wired network. You cannot really apply good physical security measures against a wireless medium, if you are located close enough, you are able to “hear” (or at least your wireless adapter is able to hear) everything, that is flowing over the air. As you have seen so far, there are numerous tools ready and waiting for you to use.

Some Faqs

It Is Important To Buy All This Hardwares Which Your Using In This Course ?

The Hardware Are Complete Mandatory Because Our Aim Is To Teach You Every Possible Way To Hack Wifi Networks By Using Different Hardwares.
What Is Raspberry Pi ?

Roughly The Same Size As A Credit Card, Raspberry Pi Is An Example Of A Single-board Computer, Which Has All The Basic Hardware Components Of A Computer (processor, Memory, Etc.) And Various Extensions (usb, Hdmi, Video, Sound, Etc)
What Is Wifipineapple ?

A Wi-fi Pineapple Is A Wireless Auditing Platform From Hak5 That Allows Network Security Administrators To Conduct Penetration Tests. With Pen Tests, Ethical Hackers Seek Out Security Vulnerabilities That A Threat Actor Could Exploit In The Company’s System, Network Or Infrastructure.
What Is Node Mcu ?

Nodemcu Is An Open Source Development Board And Firmware Based In The Widely Used Esp8266 -12e Wifi Module. It Allows You To Program The Esp8266 Wifi Module With The Simple And Powerful Lua Programming Language Or Arduino Ide(no Need To Learn Lua Language For This Course).
Benefits of this Course

Use Various Tools Like: Aircrack-Ng, Wifite, Crunch, Cowpatty, Pyrite, Reaver…
Complete penetration testing knowledge on WIFI networks
Able to hack any WIFI networks
Able to perform all this attacks by using android
Helpful tools to hack WIFI networks such as WIFI pineapple, raspberry etc…
Knowledge of WIFI security, encryption, hardwares which are use to hack wireless networks
Who this course is for:
For Them Who Want To Learn Wifi Penetration Testing
For Them Who Want To Learn Wifi Penetration Testing Using Android
For Ethical Hackers
For Red Teamers
For Them Who Want To Learn Wifi Penetration Testing Using Wifi Pineapple
A basic understanding of computers.
Computer with at least one wireless card to act as an access point.

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Active Member
Feb 13, 2024
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Wifi Hacking Series For Red Teamers & Pentesters

Wifi Hacking Series For Red Teamers & Pentesters

Pentesting of the wireless systems is easier task than doing that on the wired network. You cannot really apply good physical security measures against a wireless medium, if you are located close enough, you are able to “hear” (or at least your wireless adapter is able to hear) everything, that is flowing over the air. As you have seen so far, there are numerous tools ready and waiting for you to use.

Some Faqs

It Is Important To Buy All This Hardwares Which Your Using In This Course ?

The Hardware Are Complete Mandatory Because Our Aim Is To Teach You Every Possible Way To Hack Wifi Networks By Using Different Hardwares.
What Is Raspberry Pi ?

Roughly The Same Size As A Credit Card, Raspberry Pi Is An Example Of A Single-board Computer, Which Has All The Basic Hardware Components Of A Computer (processor, Memory, Etc.) And Various Extensions (usb, Hdmi, Video, Sound, Etc)
What Is Wifipineapple ?

A Wi-fi Pineapple Is A Wireless Auditing Platform From Hak5 That Allows Network Security Administrators To Conduct Penetration Tests. With Pen Tests, Ethical Hackers Seek Out Security Vulnerabilities That A Threat Actor Could Exploit In The Company’s System, Network Or Infrastructure.
What Is Node Mcu ?

Nodemcu Is An Open Source Development Board And Firmware Based In The Widely Used Esp8266 -12e Wifi Module. It Allows You To Program The Esp8266 Wifi Module With The Simple And Powerful Lua Programming Language Or Arduino Ide(no Need To Learn Lua Language For This Course).
Benefits of this Course

Use Various Tools Like: Aircrack-Ng, Wifite, Crunch, Cowpatty, Pyrite, Reaver…
Complete penetration testing knowledge on WIFI networks
Able to hack any WIFI networks
Able to perform all this attacks by using android
Helpful tools to hack WIFI networks such as WIFI pineapple, raspberry etc…
Knowledge of WIFI security, encryption, hardwares which are use to hack wireless networks
Who this course is for:
For Them Who Want To Learn Wifi Penetration Testing
For Them Who Want To Learn Wifi Penetration Testing Using Android
For Ethical Hackers
For Red Teamers
For Them Who Want To Learn Wifi Penetration Testing Using Wifi Pineapple
A basic understanding of computers.
Computer with at least one wireless card to act as an access point.

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Active Member
Aug 25, 2024
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سلسلة اختراق شبكات الواي فاي لأعضاء فريق Red Team وخبراء الاختراق

سلسلة اختراق شبكات الواي فاي لأعضاء فريق Red Team وخبراء الاختراق

إن اختبار اختراق الأنظمة اللاسلكية أسهل من القيام بذلك على الشبكة السلكية. لا يمكنك حقًا تطبيق تدابير أمان مادية جيدة ضد وسيط لاسلكي، فإذا كنت موجودًا بالقرب الكافي، فستتمكن من "سماع" (أو على الأقل يكون محولك اللاسلكي قادرًا على سماع) كل شيء يتدفق عبر الهواء. وكما رأيت حتى الآن، هناك العديد من الأدوات الجاهزة والمنتظرة لاستخدامها.

بعض الأسئلة الشائعة

من المهم شراء كل هذه الأجهزة التي تستخدمها في هذه الدورة؟

إن الأجهزة إلزامية تمامًا لأن هدفنا هو تعليمك كل طريقة ممكنة لاختراق شبكات Wi-Fi باستخدام أجهزة مختلفة.
ما هو Raspberry Pi؟

بحجم بطاقة الائتمان تقريبًا، يعد Raspberry Pi مثالاً على جهاز كمبيوتر أحادي اللوحة، والذي يحتوي على جميع المكونات الأساسية للكمبيوتر (المعالج والذاكرة وما إلى ذلك) وملحقات مختلفة (USB وHDMI والفيديو والصوت وما إلى ذلك)
ما هو Wifipineapple؟

يعد Wi-fi Pineapple منصة تدقيق لاسلكية من Hak5 تتيح لمسؤولي أمن الشبكات إجراء اختبارات الاختراق. باستخدام اختبارات الاختراق، يبحث المتسللون الأخلاقيون عن نقاط ضعف أمنية يمكن لمرتكبي التهديدات استغلالها في نظام الشركة أو شبكتها أو بنيتها الأساسية.
ما هو Node Mcu؟

Nodemcu عبارة عن لوحة تطوير مفتوحة المصدر وبرامج ثابتة تعتمد على وحدة Esp8266 -12e Wifi المستخدمة على نطاق واسع. تتيح لك برمجة وحدة Esp8266 Wifi باستخدام لغة البرمجة Lua البسيطة والقوية أو Arduino Ide (لا حاجة لتعلم لغة Lua لهذه الدورة).
فوائد هذه الدورة

استخدم أدوات مختلفة مثل: Aircrack-Ng، Wifite، Crunch، Cowpatty، Pyrite، Reaver…
معرفة كاملة باختبار الاختراق على شبكات الواي فاي
قادر على اختراق أي شبكات واي فاي
قادر على تنفيذ كل هذه الهجمات باستخدام الأندرويد
أدوات مفيدة لاختراق شبكات الواي فاي مثل واي فاي الأناناس، واي فاي التوت الخ...
معرفة أمن شبكات الواي فاي والتشفير والأجهزة المستخدمة لاختراق الشبكات اللاسلكية
لمن هذه الدورة:
لأولئك الذين يريدون تعلم اختبار اختراق شبكات الواي فاي
لأولئك الذين يريدون تعلم اختبار اختراق شبكات الواي فاي باستخدام نظام أندرويد
للمخترقين الأخلاقيين
لأعضاء الفريق الأحمر
لأولئك الذين يريدون تعلم اختبار اختراق شبكات الواي فاي باستخدام برنامج Wifi Pineapple
فهم أساسي لأجهزة الكمبيوتر.
كمبيوتر مزود ببطاقة لاسلكية واحدة على الأقل لتكون بمثابة نقطة وصول.

[المحتوى المخفي]

[المحتوى المخفي]
Jun 12, 2024
Reaction score

Wifi Hacking Series For Red Teamers & Pentesters

Wifi Hacking Series For Red Teamers & Pentesters

Pentesting of the wireless systems is easier task than doing that on the wired network. You cannot really apply good physical security measures against a wireless medium, if you are located close enough, you are able to “hear” (or at least your wireless adapter is able to hear) everything, that is flowing over the air. As you have seen so far, there are numerous tools ready and waiting for you to use.

Some Faqs

It Is Important To Buy All This Hardwares Which Your Using In This Course ?

The Hardware Are Complete Mandatory Because Our Aim Is To Teach You Every Possible Way To Hack Wifi Networks By Using Different Hardwares.
What Is Raspberry Pi ?

Roughly The Same Size As A Credit Card, Raspberry Pi Is An Example Of A Single-board Computer, Which Has All The Basic Hardware Components Of A Computer (processor, Memory, Etc.) And Various Extensions (usb, Hdmi, Video, Sound, Etc)
What Is Wifipineapple ?

A Wi-fi Pineapple Is A Wireless Auditing Platform From Hak5 That Allows Network Security Administrators To Conduct Penetration Tests. With Pen Tests, Ethical Hackers Seek Out Security Vulnerabilities That A Threat Actor Could Exploit In The Company’s System, Network Or Infrastructure.
What Is Node Mcu ?

Nodemcu Is An Open Source Development Board And Firmware Based In The Widely Used Esp8266 -12e Wifi Module. It Allows You To Program The Esp8266 Wifi Module With The Simple And Powerful Lua Programming Language Or Arduino Ide(no Need To Learn Lua Language For This Course).
Benefits of this Course

Use Various Tools Like: Aircrack-Ng, Wifite, Crunch, Cowpatty, Pyrite, Reaver…
Complete penetration testing knowledge on WIFI networks
Able to hack any WIFI networks
Able to perform all this attacks by using android
Helpful tools to hack WIFI networks such as WIFI pineapple, raspberry etc…
Knowledge of WIFI security, encryption, hardwares which are use to hack wireless networks
Who this course is for:
For Them Who Want To Learn Wifi Penetration Testing
For Them Who Want To Learn Wifi Penetration Testing Using Android
For Ethical Hackers
For Red Teamers
For Them Who Want To Learn Wifi Penetration Testing Using Wifi Pineapple
A basic understanding of computers.
Computer with at least one wireless card to act as an access point.

[Hidden content]

[Hidden content]
Oct 24, 2024
Reaction score

Wifi Hacking Series For Red Teamers & Pentesters

Wifi Hacking Series For Red Teamers & Pentesters

Pentesting of the wireless systems is easier task than doing that on the wired network. You cannot really apply good physical security measures against a wireless medium, if you are located close enough, you are able to “hear” (or at least your wireless adapter is able to hear) everything, that is flowing over the air. As you have seen so far, there are numerous tools ready and waiting for you to use.

Some Faqs

It Is Important To Buy All This Hardwares Which Your Using In This Course ?

The Hardware Are Complete Mandatory Because Our Aim Is To Teach You Every Possible Way To Hack Wifi Networks By Using Different Hardwares.
What Is Raspberry Pi ?

Roughly The Same Size As A Credit Card, Raspberry Pi Is An Example Of A Single-board Computer, Which Has All The Basic Hardware Components Of A Computer (processor, Memory, Etc.) And Various Extensions (usb, Hdmi, Video, Sound, Etc)
What Is Wifipineapple ?

A Wi-fi Pineapple Is A Wireless Auditing Platform From Hak5 That Allows Network Security Administrators To Conduct Penetration Tests. With Pen Tests, Ethical Hackers Seek Out Security Vulnerabilities That A Threat Actor Could Exploit In The Company’s System, Network Or Infrastructure.
What Is Node Mcu ?

Nodemcu Is An Open Source Development Board And Firmware Based In The Widely Used Esp8266 -12e Wifi Module. It Allows You To Program The Esp8266 Wifi Module With The Simple And Powerful Lua Programming Language Or Arduino Ide(no Need To Learn Lua Language For This Course).
Benefits of this Course

Use Various Tools Like: Aircrack-Ng, Wifite, Crunch, Cowpatty, Pyrite, Reaver…
Complete penetration testing knowledge on WIFI networks
Able to hack any WIFI networks
Able to perform all this attacks by using android
Helpful tools to hack WIFI networks such as WIFI pineapple, raspberry etc…
Knowledge of WIFI security, encryption, hardwares which are use to hack wireless networks
Who this course is for:
For Them Who Want To Learn Wifi Penetration Testing
For Them Who Want To Learn Wifi Penetration Testing Using Android
For Ethical Hackers
For Red Teamers
For Them Who Want To Learn Wifi Penetration Testing Using Wifi Pineapple
A basic understanding of computers.
Computer with at least one wireless card to act as an access point.

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    hacking red wifi
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