Node.js — Run JavaScript Everywhere (Run 'npm i' on CatLogs folder to get all the required Nodes Libraries)
Browser Logins and Cookies Stealer
Ransomware (Encrypt/Decrypt with Custom Key)
RAT (Shell/System Commands)
Clipper (BTC/ETH)
System Informations
Anti-Analysis (Sandboxie, Virtual Machines, HoneyPots)
VPNs, Gaming Launchers, VOIP, Clients Recovery
91kb Payload Stub
Easy to Setup and Launch
Can be used with any
CashCrypter that supports .NET (4.6) Payloads
Turn off any kind of AVs in the hosting system to prevent issues
[Hidden content]
Updates and Bugs will be fixed within a week time after that the project will be set free
Please report issues directly in a PM.