Aug 28, 2024
Reaction score



✅ | Schtasks - 启动 - 注册表 | [更改路径]
✅ | 多 DNS |
✅ | TBotNotify - AntiKill - WDEX - 键盘记录器 - Clipper - Sleep - 混淆器 |
✅ | 反分析 - USB 传播 - 图标 - 组装 |
✅ | 图标包 |


✅ | 稳定连接 - 加密连接 - 加密字符串 |

⭐️ 额外工具:

✅ | Fud 下载程序 [HTA] - 检查端口 - 图标更换器 - 多绑定器 [图标 - 组装 - 混淆器] |

⭐️ 特征:

✅ 信息
✅ 监视器 [鼠标 - 键盘 - 自动保存 - 窗口]
✅ 运行文件 [磁盘 - 链接 - 内存 - 脚本 - RunPE]
✅ 网络摄像头 [自动保存]
✅ 麦克风
✅ 系统声音
✅ 打开网址 [可见 - 不可见]
✅ TCP 连接
✅ 活动窗口
✅ 启动管理器
✅ 注册表编辑器
✅ 进程管理器
✅ 剪贴板管理器
✅ 已安装的程序
✅ DDos 攻击
✅ VB.Net 编译器
✅ 位置管理器 [GPS - IP]
✅ 文件管理器
✅ 客户端 [重启 - 关闭 - 卸载 - 更新 - 阻止 - 注意]
✅ 电源 [关机 - 重启 - 注销]


✅ 黑屏 [启用 - 禁用]
✅ TaskMgr [启用 - 禁用]
✅ Regedit [启用 - 禁用]
✅ UAC [启用 - 禁用]
✅ 防火墙 [启用 - 禁用]
✅ Windows 更新 [启用 - 禁用]
✅ 调用BSOD
✅ 重置比例
✅ .Net 3.5 安装
✅ 移除插件
✅ 删除恢复

⭐️ 密码恢复:

✅ | 密码 - Cookies - 信用卡 - 书签 - 下载 - 关键词 - 历史 - 自动填充 |
✅ | Chromium - Discord 代币 - TelegramSession - ProductKey - MetaMask - InternetExplorer - FileZilla - Wifi 密钥 |


✅ CD 室 [打开 - 关闭]
✅ 桌面图标 [显示 - 隐藏]
✅ SwapMouse [交换 - 正常]
✅ 任务栏 [显示 - 隐藏]
✅ 屏幕 [开 - 关]
✅ 音量 [调高 - 调低 - 静音]
✅ 开始 [显示 - 隐藏]
✅ 时钟 [显示 - 隐藏]
✅ 文字说话
✅ 探索者[开始-杀死]
✅ TrayNotify [显示 - 隐藏]

🔆 附加内容1:

✅ 报告窗口
✅ 语音聊天
✅ 表现
✅ 编辑主机
✅ 键盘记录器 [离线 - 在线]
✅ 客户聊天
✅ 文件搜索器
✅ 命令
✅ 消息框/气球提示
✅ UAC 绕过 [RunAs - Cmstp - Fodhelper]

🔆 附加内容2:

✅ 反向代理
✅ Ngrok 安装程序
✅ HVNC | 命令提示符 - PowerShell - 资源管理器 | | EdgeBrowser - BraveBrowser - FireFoxBrowser - ChromeBrowser | [CloneProfile]
✅ 隐藏的 RDP
✅ 隐藏的应用程序
✅ 隐藏的 RDP
✅ 机器人杀手
✅ WD杀手
✅ 西数禁用
✅ WD排除

🔆 任务:

✅ 获取键盘记录器
✅ 打开网址 [可见 - 不可见]
✅ 恢复
✅ 运行文件 [磁盘 - 链接 - 内存]
✅ Discord代币
✅ Telegram会话
✅ 元掩码
✅ WD排除
✅ 更新所有客户端

🔆 新功能:

✅ 拖放文件 [文件管理器 - 监视器 - HVNC]
✅ 在内存中运行 HVNC
✅ 复制/粘贴文本 [HVNC]
✅ 提取视频缩略图 [文件管理器]
✅ 漏洞已修复
✅ 支持所有系统
✅ 更改群组名称
✅ 多屏幕支持
✅ 绕过 UAC 修复 + Fodhelper 方法
✅ 您可以在某些应用程序上上下滚动 [监控 - HVNC]
✅ 文件管理器已更新
✅ 隐藏的应用程序
✅ 隐藏浏览器
✅ 远程桌面已更新
✅ 进程管理器已更新
✅ 启用、禁用鼠标移动
✅ 高压数控固定
✅ 恢复插件已更新
✅ Ngrok 安装程序
✅ 语音聊天
✅ 获取文件哈希值 [文件管理器]

  • Like
Reactions: JustThatGuy-_-
New Member
Sep 9, 2024
Reaction score


⭐️ Builder :

✅ | Schtasks - Startup - Registry | [Change Path]
✅ | Multi Dns |
✅ | TBotNotify - AntiKill - WDEX - Keylogger - Clipper - Sleep - Obfuscator |
✅ | AntiAnalysis - USB Spread - Icon - Assembly |
✅ | Icon Pack |

⭐️ Connection :

✅ | Stable Connection - Encrypted Connection - Encrypted Strings |

⭐️ Extra Tools :

✅ | Fud Downloader [HTA] - Check Port - Icon Changer - Multi Binder [Icon - Assembly - Obfuscator] |

⭐️ Features :

✅ Information
✅ Monitor [Mouse - Keyboard - AutoSave - Window]
✅ Run File [Disk - Link - Memory - Script - RunPE]
✅ WebCam [AutoSave]
✅ Microphone
✅ System Sound
✅ Open Url [Visible - Invisible]
✅ TCP Connections
✅ ActiveWindows
✅ StartupManager
✅ Registry Editor
✅ Process Manager
✅ Clipboard Manager
✅ Shell
✅ Installed Programs
✅ DDos Attack
✅ VB.Net Compiler
✅ Location Manager [GPS - IP]
✅ File Manager
✅ Client [Restart - Close - Uninstall - Update - Block - Note]
✅ Power [Shutdown - Restart - Logoff]

⭐️ Options :

✅ BlankScreen [Enable - Disable]
✅ TaskMgr [Enable - Disable]
✅ Regedit [Enable - Disable]
✅ UAC [Enable - Disable]
✅ Firewall [Enable - Disable]
✅ Windows Update [Enable - Disable]
✅ Invoke-BSOD
✅ ResetScale
✅ .Net 3.5 Install
✅ RemovePlugins
✅ DeleteRestore

⭐️ Password Recovery :

✅ | Passwords - Cookies - CreditCards - Bookmarks - Downloads - Keywords - History - Autofill |
✅ | Chromium - Discord Tokens - TelegramSession - ProductKey - MetaMask - InternetExplorer - FileZilla - Wifi Keys |

⭐️ Pastime :

✅ CD ROOM [Open - Close]
✅ DesktopIcons [Show - Hide]
✅ SwapMouse [Swap - Normal]
✅ TaskBar [Show - Hide]
✅ Screen [ON - OFF]
✅ Volume [Up - Down - MUTE]
✅ Start [Show - Hide]
✅ Clock [Show - Hide]
✅ Text Speak
✅ Explorer [Start - Kill]
✅ TrayNotify [Show - Hide]

🔆 Extra 1 :

✅ ReportWindow
✅ Voice Chat
✅ Performance
✅ Edit Hosts
✅ KeyLogger [Offline - Online]
✅ Client Chat
✅ FilesSearcher
✅ Commands
✅ MessageBox / BallonTooltip
✅ UAC Bypass [RunAs - Cmstp - Fodhelper]

🔆 Extra 2 :

✅ Reverse Proxy
✅ Ngrok Installer
✅ HVNC | CommandPrompt - PowerShell - explorer | | EdgeBrowser - BraveBrowser - FireFoxBrowser - ChromeBrowser | [CloneProfile]
✅ Hidden RDP
✅ Hidden Apps
✅ Hidden RDP
✅ Bot killer
✅ WDKiller
✅ WDDisable
✅ WDExclusion

🔆 Tasks :

✅ GetKeylogger
✅ Open Url [Visible - Invisible]
✅ Recovery
✅ Run File [Disk - Link - Memory]
✅ DiscordToken
✅ TelegramSession
✅ MetaMask
✅ WDExclusion
✅ Update All Clients

🔆 New Features :

✅ Drag And Drop Files [File Manager - Monitor - HVNC]
✅ Run HVNC In Memory
✅ Copy / Paste Text [HVNC]
✅ Extract Video Thumbnail [File manager]
✅ Vulnerability Fixed
✅ Support All Systems
✅ Change Group Name
✅ Multi screen support
✅ Bypass UAC Fixed + Fodhelper method
✅ You can scroll up/down on some apps [Monitor - HVNC]
✅ File Manager Updated
✅ Hidden Apps
✅ Hidden Browser
✅ Remote Dekstop Updated
✅ Process Manager Updated
✅ Enable,Disable MouseMove
✅ HVNC Fixed
✅ Recovery Plugins Updated
✅ Ngrok-Installer
✅ Voice Chat
✅ Get File Hash [File manager]

[Hidden content]
wow 😍
  • Like
Reactions: JustThatGuy-_-
Aug 12, 2024
Reaction score


⭐️ Builder :

✅ | Schtasks - Startup - Registry | [Change Path]
✅ | Multi Dns |
✅ | TBotNotify - AntiKill - WDEX - Keylogger - Clipper - Sleep - Obfuscator |
✅ | AntiAnalysis - USB Spread - Icon - Assembly |
✅ | Icon Pack |

⭐️ Connection :

✅ | Stable Connection - Encrypted Connection - Encrypted Strings |

⭐️ Extra Tools :

✅ | Fud Downloader [HTA] - Check Port - Icon Changer - Multi Binder [Icon - Assembly - Obfuscator] |

⭐️ Features :

✅ Information
✅ Monitor [Mouse - Keyboard - AutoSave - Window]
✅ Run File [Disk - Link - Memory - Script - RunPE]
✅ WebCam [AutoSave]
✅ Microphone
✅ System Sound
✅ Open Url [Visible - Invisible]
✅ TCP Connections
✅ ActiveWindows
✅ StartupManager
✅ Registry Editor
✅ Process Manager
✅ Clipboard Manager
✅ Shell
✅ Installed Programs
✅ DDos Attack
✅ VB.Net Compiler
✅ Location Manager [GPS - IP]
✅ File Manager
✅ Client [Restart - Close - Uninstall - Update - Block - Note]
✅ Power [Shutdown - Restart - Logoff]

⭐️ Options :

✅ BlankScreen [Enable - Disable]
✅ TaskMgr [Enable - Disable]
✅ Regedit [Enable - Disable]
✅ UAC [Enable - Disable]
✅ Firewall [Enable - Disable]
✅ Windows Update [Enable - Disable]
✅ Invoke-BSOD
✅ ResetScale
✅ .Net 3.5 Install
✅ RemovePlugins
✅ DeleteRestore

⭐️ Password Recovery :

✅ | Passwords - Cookies - CreditCards - Bookmarks - Downloads - Keywords - History - Autofill |
✅ | Chromium - Discord Tokens - TelegramSession - ProductKey - MetaMask - InternetExplorer - FileZilla - Wifi Keys |

⭐️ Pastime :

✅ CD ROOM [Open - Close]
✅ DesktopIcons [Show - Hide]
✅ SwapMouse [Swap - Normal]
✅ TaskBar [Show - Hide]
✅ Screen [ON - OFF]
✅ Volume [Up - Down - MUTE]
✅ Start [Show - Hide]
✅ Clock [Show - Hide]
✅ Text Speak
✅ Explorer [Start - Kill]
✅ TrayNotify [Show - Hide]

🔆 Extra 1 :

✅ ReportWindow
✅ Voice Chat
✅ Performance
✅ Edit Hosts
✅ KeyLogger [Offline - Online]
✅ Client Chat
✅ FilesSearcher
✅ Commands
✅ MessageBox / BallonTooltip
✅ UAC Bypass [RunAs - Cmstp - Fodhelper]

🔆 Extra 2 :

✅ Reverse Proxy
✅ Ngrok Installer
✅ HVNC | CommandPrompt - PowerShell - explorer | | EdgeBrowser - BraveBrowser - FireFoxBrowser - ChromeBrowser | [CloneProfile]
✅ Hidden RDP
✅ Hidden Apps
✅ Hidden RDP
✅ Bot killer
✅ WDKiller
✅ WDDisable
✅ WDExclusion

🔆 Tasks :

✅ GetKeylogger
✅ Open Url [Visible - Invisible]
✅ Recovery
✅ Run File [Disk - Link - Memory]
✅ DiscordToken
✅ TelegramSession
✅ MetaMask
✅ WDExclusion
✅ Update All Clients

🔆 New Features :

✅ Drag And Drop Files [File Manager - Monitor - HVNC]
✅ Run HVNC In Memory
✅ Copy / Paste Text [HVNC]
✅ Extract Video Thumbnail [File manager]
✅ Vulnerability Fixed
✅ Support All Systems
✅ Change Group Name
✅ Multi screen support
✅ Bypass UAC Fixed + Fodhelper method
✅ You can scroll up/down on some apps [Monitor - HVNC]
✅ File Manager Updated
✅ Hidden Apps
✅ Hidden Browser
✅ Remote Dekstop Updated
✅ Process Manager Updated
✅ Enable,Disable MouseMove
✅ HVNC Fixed
✅ Recovery Plugins Updated
✅ Ngrok-Installer
✅ Voice Chat
✅ Get File Hash [File manager]

[Hidden content]
Sep 29, 2024
Reaction score


⭐️ Builder :

✅ | Schtasks - Startup - Registry | [Change Path]
✅ | Multi Dns |
✅ | TBotNotify - AntiKill - WDEX - Keylogger - Clipper - Sleep - Obfuscator |
✅ | AntiAnalysis - USB Spread - Icon - Assembly |
✅ | Icon Pack |

⭐️ Connection :

✅ | Stable Connection - Encrypted Connection - Encrypted Strings |

⭐️ Extra Tools :

✅ | Fud Downloader [HTA] - Check Port - Icon Changer - Multi Binder [Icon - Assembly - Obfuscator] |

⭐️ Features :

✅ Information
✅ Monitor [Mouse - Keyboard - AutoSave - Window]
✅ Run File [Disk - Link - Memory - Script - RunPE]
✅ WebCam [AutoSave]
✅ Microphone
✅ System Sound
✅ Open Url [Visible - Invisible]
✅ TCP Connections
✅ ActiveWindows
✅ StartupManager
✅ Registry Editor
✅ Process Manager
✅ Clipboard Manager
✅ Shell
✅ Installed Programs
✅ DDos Attack
✅ VB.Net Compiler
✅ Location Manager [GPS - IP]
✅ File Manager
✅ Client [Restart - Close - Uninstall - Update - Block - Note]
✅ Power [Shutdown - Restart - Logoff]

⭐️ Options :

✅ BlankScreen [Enable - Disable]
✅ TaskMgr [Enable - Disable]
✅ Regedit [Enable - Disable]
✅ UAC [Enable - Disable]
✅ Firewall [Enable - Disable]
✅ Windows Update [Enable - Disable]
✅ Invoke-BSOD
✅ ResetScale
✅ .Net 3.5 Install
✅ RemovePlugins
✅ DeleteRestore

⭐️ Password Recovery :

✅ | Passwords - Cookies - CreditCards - Bookmarks - Downloads - Keywords - History - Autofill |
✅ | Chromium - Discord Tokens - TelegramSession - ProductKey - MetaMask - InternetExplorer - FileZilla - Wifi Keys |

⭐️ Pastime :

✅ CD ROOM [Open - Close]
✅ DesktopIcons [Show - Hide]
✅ SwapMouse [Swap - Normal]
✅ TaskBar [Show - Hide]
✅ Screen [ON - OFF]
✅ Volume [Up - Down - MUTE]
✅ Start [Show - Hide]
✅ Clock [Show - Hide]
✅ Text Speak
✅ Explorer [Start - Kill]
✅ TrayNotify [Show - Hide]

🔆 Extra 1 :

✅ ReportWindow
✅ Voice Chat
✅ Performance
✅ Edit Hosts
✅ KeyLogger [Offline - Online]
✅ Client Chat
✅ FilesSearcher
✅ Commands
✅ MessageBox / BallonTooltip
✅ UAC Bypass [RunAs - Cmstp - Fodhelper]

🔆 Extra 2 :

✅ Reverse Proxy
✅ Ngrok Installer
✅ HVNC | CommandPrompt - PowerShell - explorer | | EdgeBrowser - BraveBrowser - FireFoxBrowser - ChromeBrowser | [CloneProfile]
✅ Hidden RDP
✅ Hidden Apps
✅ Hidden RDP
✅ Bot killer
✅ WDKiller
✅ WDDisable
✅ WDExclusion

🔆 Tasks :

✅ GetKeylogger
✅ Open Url [Visible - Invisible]
✅ Recovery
✅ Run File [Disk - Link - Memory]
✅ DiscordToken
✅ TelegramSession
✅ MetaMask
✅ WDExclusion
✅ Update All Clients

🔆 New Features :

✅ Drag And Drop Files [File Manager - Monitor - HVNC]
✅ Run HVNC In Memory
✅ Copy / Paste Text [HVNC]
✅ Extract Video Thumbnail [File manager]
✅ Vulnerability Fixed
✅ Support All Systems
✅ Change Group Name
✅ Multi screen support
✅ Bypass UAC Fixed + Fodhelper method
✅ You can scroll up/down on some apps [Monitor - HVNC]
✅ File Manager Updated
✅ Hidden Apps
✅ Hidden Browser
✅ Remote Dekstop Updated
✅ Process Manager Updated
✅ Enable,Disable MouseMove
✅ HVNC Fixed
✅ Recovery Plugins Updated
✅ Ngrok-Installer
✅ Voice Chat
✅ Get File Hash [File manager]

[Hidden content]
Hopefully this one will work.
Oct 5, 2024
Reaction score


⭐️ Builder :

✅ | Schtasks - Startup - Registry | [Change Path]
✅ | Multi Dns |
✅ | TBotNotify - AntiKill - WDEX - Keylogger - Clipper - Sleep - Obfuscator |
✅ | AntiAnalysis - USB Spread - Icon - Assembly |
✅ | Icon Pack |

⭐️ Connection :

✅ | Stable Connection - Encrypted Connection - Encrypted Strings |

⭐️ Extra Tools :

✅ | Fud Downloader [HTA] - Check Port - Icon Changer - Multi Binder [Icon - Assembly - Obfuscator] |

⭐️ Features :

✅ Information
✅ Monitor [Mouse - Keyboard - AutoSave - Window]
✅ Run File [Disk - Link - Memory - Script - RunPE]
✅ WebCam [AutoSave]
✅ Microphone
✅ System Sound
✅ Open Url [Visible - Invisible]
✅ TCP Connections
✅ ActiveWindows
✅ StartupManager
✅ Registry Editor
✅ Process Manager
✅ Clipboard Manager
✅ Shell
✅ Installed Programs
✅ DDos Attack
✅ VB.Net Compiler
✅ Location Manager [GPS - IP]
✅ File Manager
✅ Client [Restart - Close - Uninstall - Update - Block - Note]
✅ Power [Shutdown - Restart - Logoff]

⭐️ Options :

✅ BlankScreen [Enable - Disable]
✅ TaskMgr [Enable - Disable]
✅ Regedit [Enable - Disable]
✅ UAC [Enable - Disable]
✅ Firewall [Enable - Disable]
✅ Windows Update [Enable - Disable]
✅ Invoke-BSOD
✅ ResetScale
✅ .Net 3.5 Install
✅ RemovePlugins
✅ DeleteRestore

⭐️ Password Recovery :

✅ | Passwords - Cookies - CreditCards - Bookmarks - Downloads - Keywords - History - Autofill |
✅ | Chromium - Discord Tokens - TelegramSession - ProductKey - MetaMask - InternetExplorer - FileZilla - Wifi Keys |

⭐️ Pastime :

✅ CD ROOM [Open - Close]
✅ DesktopIcons [Show - Hide]
✅ SwapMouse [Swap - Normal]
✅ TaskBar [Show - Hide]
✅ Screen [ON - OFF]
✅ Volume [Up - Down - MUTE]
✅ Start [Show - Hide]
✅ Clock [Show - Hide]
✅ Text Speak
✅ Explorer [Start - Kill]
✅ TrayNotify [Show - Hide]

🔆 Extra 1 :

✅ ReportWindow
✅ Voice Chat
✅ Performance
✅ Edit Hosts
✅ KeyLogger [Offline - Online]
✅ Client Chat
✅ FilesSearcher
✅ Commands
✅ MessageBox / BallonTooltip
✅ UAC Bypass [RunAs - Cmstp - Fodhelper]

🔆 Extra 2 :

✅ Reverse Proxy
✅ Ngrok Installer
✅ HVNC | CommandPrompt - PowerShell - explorer | | EdgeBrowser - BraveBrowser - FireFoxBrowser - ChromeBrowser | [CloneProfile]
✅ Hidden RDP
✅ Hidden Apps
✅ Hidden RDP
✅ Bot killer
✅ WDKiller
✅ WDDisable
✅ WDExclusion

🔆 Tasks :

✅ GetKeylogger
✅ Open Url [Visible - Invisible]
✅ Recovery
✅ Run File [Disk - Link - Memory]
✅ DiscordToken
✅ TelegramSession
✅ MetaMask
✅ WDExclusion
✅ Update All Clients

🔆 New Features :

✅ Drag And Drop Files [File Manager - Monitor - HVNC]
✅ Run HVNC In Memory
✅ Copy / Paste Text [HVNC]
✅ Extract Video Thumbnail [File manager]
✅ Vulnerability Fixed
✅ Support All Systems
✅ Change Group Name
✅ Multi screen support
✅ Bypass UAC Fixed + Fodhelper method
✅ You can scroll up/down on some apps [Monitor - HVNC]
✅ File Manager Updated
✅ Hidden Apps
✅ Hidden Browser
✅ Remote Dekstop Updated
✅ Process Manager Updated
✅ Enable,Disable MouseMove
✅ HVNC Fixed
✅ Recovery Plugins Updated
✅ Ngrok-Installer
✅ Voice Chat
✅ Get File Hash [File manager]

[Hidden content]
  • Tags
    fud xworm
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