Question about Openbullet

May 19, 2024
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Hi, Good evening.. I have a few questions about Openbullet:
1. Are Openbullet, account cracking, account takeover, and brute force attacks the same or separately? So is it done separately?
2. What should be created and what do we need for Openbullet account breaking, account takeover or brute force attack?
3.Are Config and Combolist the same thing? WHAT ARE THE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THEM?
4.Can I use netflix's and s. config and combolist to perform a brute force attack on facebook password, for example, using Openbullet?
5.How can facebook brute force be performed using Openbullet?
6.What are the differences between Openbullet and SilverBullet tools?

Can you write detailed info?

DNA Admin
DNA Moderator
August 12, 2023
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Here is some Detailed answers .

1. Are Openbullet, account cracking, account takeover, and brute force attacks the same or separately? So is it done separately?
- openbullet can run multible threads of attack at the same time ( multi thread ) up to 200 threads .

2. What should be created and what do we need for Openbullet account breaking, account takeover or brute force attack?
- you need
* computer with internet connection .
* a config file for ( openbullet / silverbullet ) for the site you try to brute its logins .
* combo list , is the list whcih contains the login inflammations you need to brute forcing with openbullet most likely ( username / password ) or ( email / password ) list .
* proxy list ( optional ) if the site you Brutefocring do not ban or flag the attackintg ip address then no proxy list is needed .

3.Are Config and Combolist the same thing? WHAT ARE THE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THEM?
-No not the same ,
* config is the softwares ( openbullet / silverbullet/ .... ) configuration file , which is a piece of code made by a developer separately for each website and for each softwares .
* the combolist is the list of ( usernames & passwords ) you want check for the login page on the target website .

4.Can I use netflix's and s. config and combolist to perform a brute force attack on facebook password, for example, using Openbullet?
-No way , you can't use the same config file to brutefocing another website than the site the config file was coded for . but you can use the same combo list for many differant sites .

5. How can facebook brute force be performed using Openbullet?
-you should read more about how to build a configrtion files for openbullet or you can search for free one or find a config file developer who will code it according to your needs.

config sellers : Configs - Sellers

6.What are the differences between Openbullet and SilverBullet tools?
both are not much differant softwares they both do the same job , but SilverBullet is a more advanced version with additional features such as a user-friendly interface and improved stability and performance .

hope that helps .
May 19, 2024
Reaction score
Here is some Detailed answers .

1. Are Openbullet, account cracking, account takeover, and brute force attacks the same or separately? So is it done separately?
- openbullet can run multible threads of attack at the same time ( multi thread ) up to 200 threads .

2. What should be created and what do we need for Openbullet account breaking, account takeover or brute force attack?
- you need
* computer with internet connection .
* a config file for ( openbullet / silverbullet ) for the site you try to brute its logins .
* combo list , is the list whcih contains the login inflammations you need to brute forcing with openbullet most likely ( username / password ) or ( email / password ) list .
* proxy list ( optional ) if the site you Brutefocring do not ban or flag the attackintg ip address then no proxy list is needed .

3.Are Config and Combolist the same thing? WHAT ARE THE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THEM?
-No not the same ,
* config is the softwares ( openbullet / silverbullet/ .... ) configuration file , which is a piece of code made by a developer separately for each website and for each softwares .
* the combolist is the list of ( usernames & passwords ) you want check for the login page on the target website .

4.Can I use netflix's and s. config and combolist to perform a brute force attack on facebook password, for example, using Openbullet?
-No way , you can't use the same config file to brutefocing another website than the site the config file was coded for . but you can use the same combo list for many differant sites .

5. How can facebook brute force be performed using Openbullet?
-you should read more about how to build a configrtion files for openbullet or you can search for free one or find a config file developer who will code it according to your needs.

config sellers : Configs - Sellers

6.What are the differences between Openbullet and SilverBullet tools?
both are not much differant softwares they both do the same job , but SilverBullet is a more advanced version with additional features such as a user-friendly interface and improved stability and performance .

hope that helps .

1. - openbullet can run multible threads of attack at the same time ( multi thread ) up to 200 threads..
For example, what and which?

2. For example, what do we need for Instagram? What do we need to apply for Instagram and where do we find what we need? And how many proxies do I need and where can I find them for free or can I create them myself? How?
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    hacking openbullet openbullet2 question
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