
New Member
Nov 22, 2023
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Dunno why I'm bothering to ask here because this forum seems pretty.. noobish.. but nothing ventured nothing gained! Anyway, I need some help laundering crypto. Let's say Bob has hacked 10 million bucks worth of crypto, and he knows the best of the best cyber crime detectives will stop at nothing to catch him. How can Bob entirely obfuscate this crypto and where it came from, leaving absolutely no connection to the initial hack and any subsequent assets Bob may purchase down the line. Anyone who gives me really good advice to give to Bob (ie: me), might win a cookie or 10 ;)

DNA Admin
DNA Moderator
Aug 12, 2023
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Hello thearchetypical welcome to DNA.
there is bitcoin mixers out there you can check google , its task is to mix your bitcoin transactions with other bitcoin addresses to make tracking is much pretty harder almost impossible in some cases . but that's not the best option in my opinion to launder bitcoin or crypto ... the best method for me is to exchange your bitcoin or crypto to XMR and then from xmr to any crypto you want .
XMR ( Monero ) is the best and the most popular privacy coin , has been there for many years that it has been proven it do not revel the sender address or can view the transaction history for any xmr address .
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