Hacker Culture A to Z: A Fun Guide to the Fundamentals of Cybersecurity and Hacking 2024

Infinity Member
May 21, 2024
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Hacker culture can be esoteric, but this entertaining guide is here to help. Written by longtime cybersecurity researcher and author Kim Crowley, this fascinating guide will introduce you to key people and companies, fundamental ideas, and iconic films, games, and magazines in the annals of hacking. Understanding the terminology is critical to understanding the culture and history of hackers - from air hijacking to phreaking to zombie malware.
If you're just starting out on your hacking journey, you'll find a lot of useful information here to guide your learning and help you understand the references and cultural allusions you'll encounter. More experienced hackers will find historical depth, wry humor, and surprising facts about familiar cultural values.
Understand the relationship between hacker culture and cybersecurity
Explore the ideas behind the hacker ethos, such as “knowledge should be free”
Explore topics and publications central to hacker culture, including 2600 Magazine
Appreciate the history of cybersecurity
Learn about key figures in hacker history culture

Understand the difference between hackers and cybercriminals

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Reactions: cghghhbb and Nimr00d
July 16, 2024
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Hacker culture can be esoteric, but this entertaining guide is here to help. Written by longtime cybersecurity researcher and author Kim Crowley, this fascinating guide will introduce you to key people and companies, fundamental ideas, and iconic films, games, and magazines in the annals of hacking. Understanding the terminology is critical to understanding the culture and history of hackers - from air hijacking to phreaking to zombie malware.
If you're just starting out on your hacking journey, you'll find a lot of useful information here to guide your learning and help you understand the references and cultural allusions you'll encounter. More experienced hackers will find historical depth, wry humor, and surprising facts about familiar cultural values.
Understand the relationship between hacker culture and cybersecurity
Explore the ideas behind the hacker ethos, such as “knowledge should be free”
Explore topics and publications central to hacker culture, including 2600 Magazine
Appreciate the history of cybersecurity
Learn about key figures in hacker history culture

Understand the difference between hackers and cybercriminals

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    cybersecurity guide hacker hacking
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