$[FOR HIRE] Someone to clear off 12k of debt & negative Credit Marks - $1,500 USD or an American LLC

Jun 6, 2024
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As it says - I'm in need of help.

I'll make it brief - I'm a small business owner and I need operating capital, but my my CC debt is crushing me, so I can't get a loan.

My old broker fucked me over and I thought he was fixing my credit, he wasn't.

I need:
About 12k worth of CC debt paid off
(I've tried this before - but it all fails - so I need the payment to stay and clear - which I know WILL happen within a week)

A few negative items scrubbed off my report
(I'm sick of going 40 rounds with credit repair companies and Equifax/Transunion/Experian)

You Get:
$1,500 USD - Paid via escrow (preferably) or $500 down and then $1,000 upon completion and verification of finished work.


I'm in a part of America where LLC formation is lenient, if you want, I can set one up for you which includes:
- Formation Paperwork

With both of those, you can open a business bank account, where large sums or cashing moving in and out isn't irregular - in fact, its preferred.
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