CoinMarketCap Database

Hero Member
Aug 22, 2023
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During October 2021, 3.1 million email addresses with accounts on the cryptocurrency market capitalisation website CoinMarketCap were discovered being traded on hacking forums. Whilst the email addresses were found to correlate with CoinMarketCap accounts, it's unclear precisely how they were obtained. CoinMarketCap has provided the following statement on the data: "CoinMarketCap has become aware that batches of data have shown up online purporting to be a list of user accounts. While the data lists we have seen are only email addresses (no passwords), we have found a correlation with our subscriber base. We have not found any evidence of a data leak from our own servers — we are actively investigating this issue and will update our subscribers as soon as we have any new information."
Breach date: 12 October 2021
Date added to HIBP: 22 October 2021
Compromised accounts: 3,117,548
Compromised data: Email addresses

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Feb 1, 2024
Reaction score
During October 2021, 3.1 million email addresses with accounts on the cryptocurrency market capitalisation website CoinMarketCap were discovered being traded on hacking forums. Whilst the email addresses were found to correlate with CoinMarketCap accounts, it's unclear precisely how they were obtained. CoinMarketCap has provided the following statement on the data: "CoinMarketCap has become aware that batches of data have shown up online purporting to be a list of user accounts. While the data lists we have seen are only email addresses (no passwords), we have found a correlation with our subscriber base. We have not found any evidence of a data leak from our own servers — we are actively investigating this issue and will update our subscribers as soon as we have any new information."
Breach date: 12 October 2021
Date added to HIBP: 22 October 2021
Compromised accounts: 3,117,548
Compromised data: Email addresses

[Hidden content]
Feb 16, 2024
Reaction score
During October 2021, 3.1 million email addresses with accounts on the cryptocurrency market capitalisation website CoinMarketCap were discovered being traded on hacking forums. Whilst the email addresses were found to correlate with CoinMarketCap accounts, it's unclear precisely how they were obtained. CoinMarketCap has provided the following statement on the data: "CoinMarketCap has become aware that batches of data have shown up online purporting to be a list of user accounts. While the data lists we have seen are only email addresses (no passwords), we have found a correlation with our subscriber base. We have not found any evidence of a data leak from our own servers — we are actively investigating this issue and will update our subscribers as soon as we have any new information."
Breach date: 12 October 2021
Date added to HIBP: 22 October 2021
Compromised accounts: 3,117,548
Compromised data: Email addresses

[Hidden content]
New Member
Feb 26, 2024
Reaction score
During October 2021, 3.1 million email addresses with accounts on the cryptocurrency market capitalisation website CoinMarketCap were discovered being traded on hacking forums. Whilst the email addresses were found to correlate with CoinMarketCap accounts, it's unclear precisely how they were obtained. CoinMarketCap has provided the following statement on the data: "CoinMarketCap has become aware that batches of data have shown up online purporting to be a list of user accounts. While the data lists we have seen are only email addresses (no passwords), we have found a correlation with our subscriber base. We have not found any evidence of a data leak from our own servers — we are actively investigating this issue and will update our subscribers as soon as we have any new information."
Breach date: 12 October 2021
Date added to HIBP: 22 October 2021
Compromised accounts: 3,117,548
Compromised data: Email addresses

[Hidden content]
Hello, thank you for your post.
Active Member
Apr 1, 2024
Reaction score
During October 2021, 3.1 million email addresses with accounts on the cryptocurrency market capitalisation website CoinMarketCap were discovered being traded on hacking forums. Whilst the email addresses were found to correlate with CoinMarketCap accounts, it's unclear precisely how they were obtained. CoinMarketCap has provided the following statement on the data: "CoinMarketCap has become aware that batches of data have shown up online purporting to be a list of user accounts. While the data lists we have seen are only email addresses (no passwords), we have found a correlation with our subscriber base. We have not found any evidence of a data leak from our own servers — we are actively investigating this issue and will update our subscribers as soon as we have any new information."
Breach date: 12 October 2021
Date added to HIBP: 22 October 2021
Compromised accounts: 3,117,548
Compromised data: Email addresses

[Hidden content]
Apr 2, 2024
Reaction score
During October 2021, 3.1 million email addresses with accounts on the cryptocurrency market capitalisation website CoinMarketCap were discovered being traded on hacking forums. Whilst the email addresses were found to correlate with CoinMarketCap accounts, it's unclear precisely how they were obtained. CoinMarketCap has provided the following statement on the data: "CoinMarketCap has become aware that batches of data have shown up online purporting to be a list of user accounts. While the data lists we have seen are only email addresses (no passwords), we have found a correlation with our subscriber base. We have not found any evidence of a data leak from our own servers — we are actively investigating this issue and will update our subscribers as soon as we have any new information."
Breach date: 12 October 2021
Date added to HIBP: 22 October 2021
Compromised accounts: 3,117,548
Compromised data: Email addresses

[Hidden content]
Apr 6, 2024
Reaction score
During October 2021, 3.1 million email addresses with accounts on the cryptocurrency market capitalisation website CoinMarketCap were discovered being traded on hacking forums. Whilst the email addresses were found to correlate with CoinMarketCap accounts, it's unclear precisely how they were obtained. CoinMarketCap has provided the following statement on the data: "CoinMarketCap has become aware that batches of data have shown up online purporting to be a list of user accounts. While the data lists we have seen are only email addresses (no passwords), we have found a correlation with our subscriber base. We have not found any evidence of a data leak from our own servers — we are actively investigating this issue and will update our subscribers as soon as we have any new information."
Breach date: 12 October 2021
Date added to HIBP: 22 October 2021
Compromised accounts: 3,117,548
Compromised data: Email addresses

[Hidden content]
it's does not work
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