Best Website Hacking/Penetration Testing Course

Mar 24, 2024
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What you’ll learn​

  • 100+ Videos (10+ hours) to teach you website hacking from scratch.​
  • 50+ hands-on real-life website hacking examples - from simple to advanced.​
  • Discover, exploit and mitigate a number of dangerous web vulnerabilities.​
  • Hack cloud servers using these vulnerabilities.​
  • No prior knowledge in Linux, hacking or programming is required.​
  • Advanced post exploitation - pivoting, dump the database, privilege escalation, etc​
  • Bypass security & advanced exploitation of these vulnerabilities.​
  • Bypass security & filters.​
  • Create a hacking lab.​
  • Intercept requests using a proxy.​
  • Adopt SQL queries to discover and exploit SQL injections in secure pages.​
  • Gain full control over cloud servers using SQL injections.​
  • Discover & exploit blind SQL injections.​
  • Install Kali Linux - a penetration testing operating system.​
  • Learn linux commands and how to interact with the terminal.​
  • Learn linux basics.​
  • Understand how websites & web applications work.​
  • Understand how browsers communicate with websites.​
  • Gather sensitive information about websites.​
  • Discover servers, technologies & services used on target website.​
  • Discover emails & sensitive data associated with a specific website.​
  • Find all subdomains associated with a website.​
  • Discover unpublished directories & files associated with a target website.​
  • Find all websites hosted on the same server as the target website.​
  • Discover, exploit and fix file upload vulnerabilities.​
  • Exploit advanced file upload vulnerabilities & gain full control over the target website.​
  • Discover, exploit and fix code execution vulnerabilities.​
  • Exploit advanced code execution vulnerabilities & gain full control over the target website.​
  • Discover, exploit & fix local file inclusion vulnerabilities.​
  • Exploit local file inclusion vulnerabilities to to get a shell.​
  • Exploit advanced local file inclusion vulnerabilities & gain full control over the target website.​
  • Exploit advanced remote file inclusion vulnerabilities & gain full control over the target website.​
  • Discover, fix, and exploit SQL injection vulnerabilities.​
  • Bypass login forms and login as admin using SQL injections.​
  • Writing SQL queries to find databases, tables and sensitive data such as usernames ad passwords using SQL injections​
  • Bypass filtering, and login as admin without password using SQL injections.​
  • Bypass filtering and security measurements.​
  • Read / Write files to the server using SQL injections.​
  • Patch SQL injections quickly.​
  • The right way to write SQL queries to prevent SQL injections.​
  • Discover basic & advanced reflected XSS vulnerabilities.​
  • Discover basic & advanced stored XSS vulnerabilities.​
  • How to use BeEF framwork.​
  • Hook users to BeEF using reflected & XSS vulnerabilities.​
  • Steal credentials from hooked targets.​
  • Run javascript code on hooked targets.​
  • Create Windows backdoors.​
  • Hack computers using XSS vulnerabilities.​
  • Fix XSS vulnerabilities & protect yourself from them as a user.​
  • Brute force & wordlist attacks.​
  • Create a wordlist or a dictionary.​
  • Launch a wordlist attack and guess admin’s password.​
  • Discover all of the above vulnerabilities automatically using a web proxy.​
  • Run system commands on the target webserver.​
  • Access the file system (navigate between directories, read/write files).​
  • Download, upload files to / from hacked servers.​
  • Bypass security measurements.​
  • Access all websites on the same webserver.​
  • Connect to the database and execute SQL queries or download the whole database to the local machine.​
  • Discover, exploit and mitigate CSRF vulnerabilities.​


    • Basic IT Skills.​
    • No Linux, programming or hacking knowledge required.​
    • Computer with a minimum of 4GB ram/memory.​
    • Operating System: Windows / Apple Mac OS / Linux.​


    • Although website hacking is covered in one of my other courses, that course only covers the basics where this course dives much deeper in this topic covering more techniques, more vulnerabilities, advanced exploitation, advanced post exploitation, bypassing security and more!
    • This course focuses on website hacking, I have a different course that teaches bug hunting from scratch.
      Welcome to my comprehensive course on Website hacking / penetration testing. This course assumes you have NO prior knowledge in hacking, it starts with you from scratch and takes you step-by-step to an advanced level, being able to hack websites like black-hat hackers and secure them like security experts!
      This course is highly practical but doesn’t neglect the theory, we’ll start with basics to teach you how websites work and install the needed software (on Windows, Linux and Apple Mac OS). Then we’ll start hacking straight away. You’ll learn everything by example, by discovering vulnerabilities and exploiting them to hack websites. No boring dry lectures
      Before jumping into hacking, you’ll first learn how to gather comprehensive information about the target website. Then the course is divided into a number of sections, each aims to teach you a common vulnerability from the OWASP top 10 most common security threats. Each section takes you through a number of hands-on examples to teach you the cause of the security bug or vulnerability and how to discover it and exploit it in a number of scenarios, from simple to advanced, ultimately allowing you to hack the target website. You’ll also learn advanced techniques to bypass filters and security, escalate your privileges, access the database and much more post-exploitation techniques. As we do this I will also introduce you to different hacking and security concepts, tools and techniques. Everything will be taught through examples and hands-on practicals, there will be no useless or boring lectures!
      Here’s a more detailed breakdown of the course content:
      1. Information Gathering - In this section you’ll learn how to gather comprehensive information about a target website, you’ll learn how to discover its DNS information, the services used, subdomains, un-published directories, sensitive files, user emails, websites on the same server and even the hosting provider. This information is crucial as it expands the attack surface, increasing our changes of successfully hacking the target website.
      2. Discovery, Exploitation & Mitigation - In this section you will learn how to discover, exploit and mitigate a common vulnerabilities from the OWASP top 10 most common security threats. This section is divided into a number of subsections. Each subsection takes you through a number of hands-on examples to teach you the cause of the vulnerability, how to discover it and how to exploit it in a number of scenarios, from simple to advanced, ultimately allowing you to hack the target website. You’ll also learn advanced techniques to bypass filters and security. Finally we will analyse the code causing these vulnerabilities and d,
      Aqui está uma lista das principais vulnerabilidades que serão abordadas nesta seção.​
    • Divulgação de informação.​
    • Carregamento de arquivo.​
    • Execução de código*.*​
    • Inclusão de arquivo local*.*​
    • Inclusão remota de arquivos.​
    • Injeção SQL.​
    • Script entre sites (XSS) .
    • Gerenciamento de sessão inseguro*.*​
    • Ataques de força bruta e de dicionário*.*​
    • CSRF (falsificação de solicitação do lado do cliente).
      3. Pós-exploração - Nesta seção você aprenderá o que pode fazer com o acesso obtido ao explorar as vulnerabilidades acima. Você aprenderá como converter o acesso shell reverso em acesso Weevely e vice-versa, como executar comandos do sistema no servidor de destino, navegar entre diretórios, acessar outros sites no mesmo servidor, fazer upload/download de arquivos, acessar o banco de dados e até baixar todo o banco de dados para sua máquina local. Você também aprenderá como contornar a segurança, escalar privilégios e fazer tudo isso com permissões limitadas no servidor!
      Você usará as seguintes ferramentas para conseguir o que foi dito acima:​
    • Kali Linux.​
    • Weely.​
    • THC-Hidra .​
    • Netcat.​
    • Ferramentas de desenvolvimento.​
    • Suíte Burp.​
    • OWASP Zap.​
    • Metasploit.​
    • Carne bovina.​
    • Dirb.​
    • Maltego.​
    • Knockpy.
      Com este curso você obtém suporte 24 horas por dia, 7 dias por semana, portanto, se tiver alguma dúvida, pode publicá-la na seção de perguntas e respostas e responderemos em até 15 horas.
      Confira o currículo e o teaser do curso para mais informações!
    • Este curso foi criado apenas para fins educacionais e todos os ataques são lançados em meu próprio laboratório ou contra sistemas que tenho permissão para testar.
    • Este curso é totalmente um produto da Zaid Sabih & zSecurity, nenhuma outra organização está associada a ele ou a um exame de certificação. Porém, você receberá uma Certificação de Conclusão de Curso da Udemy, além disso, NENHUMA OUTRA ORGANIZAÇÃO ESTÁ ENVOLVIDA.

      Para quem é este curso:​

    • Qualquer pessoa interessada em aprender hacking/teste de penetração de sites e aplicativos da web.​
    • Qualquer pessoa interessada em aprender como proteger sites e aplicativos da web contra hackers.​
    • Desenvolvedores da Web para que possam criar aplicativos da Web seguros e proteger os existentes.​
    • Administradores da Web para que possam proteger seus sites.​
[Conteúdo oculto]
Mar 31, 2024
Reaction score

What you’ll learn​

  • 100+ Videos (10+ hours) to teach you website hacking from scratch.​
  • 50+ hands-on real-life website hacking examples - from simple to advanced.​
  • Discover, exploit and mitigate a number of dangerous web vulnerabilities.​
  • Hack cloud servers using these vulnerabilities.​
  • No prior knowledge in Linux, hacking or programming is required.​
  • Advanced post exploitation - pivoting, dump the database, privilege escalation, etc​
  • Bypass security & advanced exploitation of these vulnerabilities.​
  • Bypass security & filters.​
  • Create a hacking lab.​
  • Intercept requests using a proxy.​
  • Adopt SQL queries to discover and exploit SQL injections in secure pages.​
  • Gain full control over cloud servers using SQL injections.​
  • Discover & exploit blind SQL injections.​
  • Install Kali Linux - a penetration testing operating system.​
  • Learn linux commands and how to interact with the terminal.​
  • Learn linux basics.​
  • Understand how websites & web applications work.​
  • Understand how browsers communicate with websites.​
  • Gather sensitive information about websites.​
  • Discover servers, technologies & services used on target website.​
  • Discover emails & sensitive data associated with a specific website.​
  • Find all subdomains associated with a website.​
  • Discover unpublished directories & files associated with a target website.​
  • Find all websites hosted on the same server as the target website.​
  • Discover, exploit and fix file upload vulnerabilities.​
  • Exploit advanced file upload vulnerabilities & gain full control over the target website.​
  • Discover, exploit and fix code execution vulnerabilities.​
  • Exploit advanced code execution vulnerabilities & gain full control over the target website.​
  • Discover, exploit & fix local file inclusion vulnerabilities.​
  • Exploit local file inclusion vulnerabilities to to get a shell.​
  • Exploit advanced local file inclusion vulnerabilities & gain full control over the target website.​
  • Exploit advanced remote file inclusion vulnerabilities & gain full control over the target website.​
  • Discover, fix, and exploit SQL injection vulnerabilities.​
  • Bypass login forms and login as admin using SQL injections.​
  • Writing SQL queries to find databases, tables and sensitive data such as usernames ad passwords using SQL injections​
  • Bypass filtering, and login as admin without password using SQL injections.​
  • Bypass filtering and security measurements.​
  • Read / Write files to the server using SQL injections.​
  • Patch SQL injections quickly.​
  • The right way to write SQL queries to prevent SQL injections.​
  • Discover basic & advanced reflected XSS vulnerabilities.​
  • Discover basic & advanced stored XSS vulnerabilities.​
  • How to use BeEF framwork.​
  • Hook users to BeEF using reflected & XSS vulnerabilities.​
  • Steal credentials from hooked targets.​
  • Run javascript code on hooked targets.​
  • Create Windows backdoors.​
  • Hack computers using XSS vulnerabilities.​
  • Fix XSS vulnerabilities & protect yourself from them as a user.​
  • Brute force & wordlist attacks.​
  • Create a wordlist or a dictionary.​
  • Launch a wordlist attack and guess admin’s password.​
  • Discover all of the above vulnerabilities automatically using a web proxy.​
  • Run system commands on the target webserver.​
  • Access the file system (navigate between directories, read/write files).​
  • Download, upload files to / from hacked servers.​
  • Bypass security measurements.​
  • Access all websites on the same webserver.​
  • Connect to the database and execute SQL queries or download the whole database to the local machine.​
  • Discover, exploit and mitigate CSRF vulnerabilities.​


    • Basic IT Skills.​
    • No Linux, programming or hacking knowledge required.​
    • Computer with a minimum of 4GB ram/memory.​
    • Operating System: Windows / Apple Mac OS / Linux.​


    • Although website hacking is covered in one of my other courses, that course only covers the basics where this course dives much deeper in this topic covering more techniques, more vulnerabilities, advanced exploitation, advanced post exploitation, bypassing security and more!
    • This course focuses on website hacking, I have a different course that teaches bug hunting from scratch.
      Welcome to my comprehensive course on Website hacking / penetration testing. This course assumes you have NO prior knowledge in hacking, it starts with you from scratch and takes you step-by-step to an advanced level, being able to hack websites like black-hat hackers and secure them like security experts!
      This course is highly practical but doesn’t neglect the theory, we’ll start with basics to teach you how websites work and install the needed software (on Windows, Linux and Apple Mac OS). Then we’ll start hacking straight away. You’ll learn everything by example, by discovering vulnerabilities and exploiting them to hack websites. No boring dry lectures
      Before jumping into hacking, you’ll first learn how to gather comprehensive information about the target website. Then the course is divided into a number of sections, each aims to teach you a common vulnerability from the OWASP top 10 most common security threats. Each section takes you through a number of hands-on examples to teach you the cause of the security bug or vulnerability and how to discover it and exploit it in a number of scenarios, from simple to advanced, ultimately allowing you to hack the target website. You’ll also learn advanced techniques to bypass filters and security, escalate your privileges, access the database and much more post-exploitation techniques. As we do this I will also introduce you to different hacking and security concepts, tools and techniques. Everything will be taught through examples and hands-on practicals, there will be no useless or boring lectures!
      Here’s a more detailed breakdown of the course content:
      1. Information Gathering - In this section you’ll learn how to gather comprehensive information about a target website, you’ll learn how to discover its DNS information, the services used, subdomains, un-published directories, sensitive files, user emails, websites on the same server and even the hosting provider. This information is crucial as it expands the attack surface, increasing our changes of successfully hacking the target website.
      2. Discovery, Exploitation & Mitigation - In this section you will learn how to discover, exploit and mitigate a common vulnerabilities from the OWASP top 10 most common security threats. This section is divided into a number of subsections. Each subsection takes you through a number of hands-on examples to teach you the cause of the vulnerability, how to discover it and how to exploit it in a number of scenarios, from simple to advanced, ultimately allowing you to hack the target website. You’ll also learn advanced techniques to bypass filters and security. Finally we will analyse the code causing these vulnerabilities and d,
      Here’s a list of the main vulnerabilities that will be covered in this section.​
    • Information Disclosure.​
    • File upload.​
    • Code Execution*.*​
    • Local File Inclusion*.*​
    • Remote File Inclusion.​
    • SQL Injection.​
    • Cross Site Scripting (XSS).
    • Insecure Session Management*.*​
    • Brute Force & Dictionary Attacks*.*​
    • CSRF (Client-Side Request Forgery).
      3. Post Exploitation - In this section you will learn what can you do with the access you gained by exploiting the above vulnerabilities. You will learn how to convert reverse shell access to a Weevely access and vice versa, how to execute system commands on the target server, navigate between directories, access other websites on the same server, upload/download files, access the database and even download the whole database to your local machine. You will also learn how to bypass security, privilege escalation and do all of the above with limited permissions on the server !
      You’ll use the following tools to achieve the above:​
    • Kali Linux.​
    • Weevely.​
    • THC-Hydra .​
    • Netcat .​
    • Dev tools.​
    • Burp Suite.​
    • OWASP Zap.​
    • Metasploit.​
    • BeEF.​
    • Dirb.​
    • Maltego.​
    • Knockpy.
      With this course you get 24/7 support, so if you have any questions you can post them in the Q&A section and we’ll respond to you within 15 hours.
      Checkout the curriculum and the course teaser for more info!
    • This course is created for educational purposes only and all the attacks are launched in my own lab or against systems that I have permission to test.
    • This course is totally a product of Zaid Sabih & zSecurity, no other organization is associated with it or a certification exam. Although, you will receive a Course Completion Certification from Udemy, apart from that NO OTHER ORGANIZATION IS INVOLVED.

      Who this course is for:​

    • Anybody interested in learning website & web application hacking / penetration testing.​
    • Anybody interested in learning how to secure websites & web applications from hacker.​
    • Web developers so they can create secure web application & secure their existing ones.​
    • Web admins so they can secure their websites.​
[Hidden content]
Advanced Member
Dec 4, 2023
Reaction score

What you’ll learn​

  • 100+ Videos (10+ hours) to teach you website hacking from scratch.​
  • 50+ hands-on real-life website hacking examples - from simple to advanced.​
  • Discover, exploit and mitigate a number of dangerous web vulnerabilities.​
  • Hack cloud servers using these vulnerabilities.​
  • No prior knowledge in Linux, hacking or programming is required.​
  • Advanced post exploitation - pivoting, dump the database, privilege escalation, etc​
  • Bypass security & advanced exploitation of these vulnerabilities.​
  • Bypass security & filters.​
  • Create a hacking lab.​
  • Intercept requests using a proxy.​
  • Adopt SQL queries to discover and exploit SQL injections in secure pages.​
  • Gain full control over cloud servers using SQL injections.​
  • Discover & exploit blind SQL injections.​
  • Install Kali Linux - a penetration testing operating system.​
  • Learn linux commands and how to interact with the terminal.​
  • Learn linux basics.​
  • Understand how websites & web applications work.​
  • Understand how browsers communicate with websites.​
  • Gather sensitive information about websites.​
  • Discover servers, technologies & services used on target website.​
  • Discover emails & sensitive data associated with a specific website.​
  • Find all subdomains associated with a website.​
  • Discover unpublished directories & files associated with a target website.​
  • Find all websites hosted on the same server as the target website.​
  • Discover, exploit and fix file upload vulnerabilities.​
  • Exploit advanced file upload vulnerabilities & gain full control over the target website.​
  • Discover, exploit and fix code execution vulnerabilities.​
  • Exploit advanced code execution vulnerabilities & gain full control over the target website.​
  • Discover, exploit & fix local file inclusion vulnerabilities.​
  • Exploit local file inclusion vulnerabilities to to get a shell.​
  • Exploit advanced local file inclusion vulnerabilities & gain full control over the target website.​
  • Exploit advanced remote file inclusion vulnerabilities & gain full control over the target website.​
  • Discover, fix, and exploit SQL injection vulnerabilities.​
  • Bypass login forms and login as admin using SQL injections.​
  • Writing SQL queries to find databases, tables and sensitive data such as usernames ad passwords using SQL injections​
  • Bypass filtering, and login as admin without password using SQL injections.​
  • Bypass filtering and security measurements.​
  • Read / Write files to the server using SQL injections.​
  • Patch SQL injections quickly.​
  • The right way to write SQL queries to prevent SQL injections.​
  • Discover basic & advanced reflected XSS vulnerabilities.​
  • Discover basic & advanced stored XSS vulnerabilities.​
  • How to use BeEF framwork.​
  • Hook users to BeEF using reflected & XSS vulnerabilities.​
  • Steal credentials from hooked targets.​
  • Run javascript code on hooked targets.​
  • Create Windows backdoors.​
  • Hack computers using XSS vulnerabilities.​
  • Fix XSS vulnerabilities & protect yourself from them as a user.​
  • Brute force & wordlist attacks.​
  • Create a wordlist or a dictionary.​
  • Launch a wordlist attack and guess admin’s password.​
  • Discover all of the above vulnerabilities automatically using a web proxy.​
  • Run system commands on the target webserver.​
  • Access the file system (navigate between directories, read/write files).​
  • Download, upload files to / from hacked servers.​
  • Bypass security measurements.​
  • Access all websites on the same webserver.​
  • Connect to the database and execute SQL queries or download the whole database to the local machine.​
  • Discover, exploit and mitigate CSRF vulnerabilities.​


    • Basic IT Skills.​
    • No Linux, programming or hacking knowledge required.​
    • Computer with a minimum of 4GB ram/memory.​
    • Operating System: Windows / Apple Mac OS / Linux.​


    • Although website hacking is covered in one of my other courses, that course only covers the basics where this course dives much deeper in this topic covering more techniques, more vulnerabilities, advanced exploitation, advanced post exploitation, bypassing security and more!
    • This course focuses on website hacking, I have a different course that teaches bug hunting from scratch.
      Welcome to my comprehensive course on Website hacking / penetration testing. This course assumes you have NO prior knowledge in hacking, it starts with you from scratch and takes you step-by-step to an advanced level, being able to hack websites like black-hat hackers and secure them like security experts!
      This course is highly practical but doesn’t neglect the theory, we’ll start with basics to teach you how websites work and install the needed software (on Windows, Linux and Apple Mac OS). Then we’ll start hacking straight away. You’ll learn everything by example, by discovering vulnerabilities and exploiting them to hack websites. No boring dry lectures
      Before jumping into hacking, you’ll first learn how to gather comprehensive information about the target website. Then the course is divided into a number of sections, each aims to teach you a common vulnerability from the OWASP top 10 most common security threats. Each section takes you through a number of hands-on examples to teach you the cause of the security bug or vulnerability and how to discover it and exploit it in a number of scenarios, from simple to advanced, ultimately allowing you to hack the target website. You’ll also learn advanced techniques to bypass filters and security, escalate your privileges, access the database and much more post-exploitation techniques. As we do this I will also introduce you to different hacking and security concepts, tools and techniques. Everything will be taught through examples and hands-on practicals, there will be no useless or boring lectures!
      Here’s a more detailed breakdown of the course content:
      1. Information Gathering - In this section you’ll learn how to gather comprehensive information about a target website, you’ll learn how to discover its DNS information, the services used, subdomains, un-published directories, sensitive files, user emails, websites on the same server and even the hosting provider. This information is crucial as it expands the attack surface, increasing our changes of successfully hacking the target website.
      2. Discovery, Exploitation & Mitigation - In this section you will learn how to discover, exploit and mitigate a common vulnerabilities from the OWASP top 10 most common security threats. This section is divided into a number of subsections. Each subsection takes you through a number of hands-on examples to teach you the cause of the vulnerability, how to discover it and how to exploit it in a number of scenarios, from simple to advanced, ultimately allowing you to hack the target website. You’ll also learn advanced techniques to bypass filters and security. Finally we will analyse the code causing these vulnerabilities and d,
      Here’s a list of the main vulnerabilities that will be covered in this section.​
    • Information Disclosure.​
    • File upload.​
    • Code Execution*.*​
    • Local File Inclusion*.*​
    • Remote File Inclusion.​
    • SQL Injection.​
    • Cross Site Scripting (XSS).
    • Insecure Session Management*.*​
    • Brute Force & Dictionary Attacks*.*​
    • CSRF (Client-Side Request Forgery).
      3. Post Exploitation - In this section you will learn what can you do with the access you gained by exploiting the above vulnerabilities. You will learn how to convert reverse shell access to a Weevely access and vice versa, how to execute system commands on the target server, navigate between directories, access other websites on the same server, upload/download files, access the database and even download the whole database to your local machine. You will also learn how to bypass security, privilege escalation and do all of the above with limited permissions on the server !
      You’ll use the following tools to achieve the above:​
    • Kali Linux.​
    • Weevely.​
    • THC-Hydra .​
    • Netcat .​
    • Dev tools.​
    • Burp Suite.​
    • OWASP Zap.​
    • Metasploit.​
    • BeEF.​
    • Dirb.​
    • Maltego.​
    • Knockpy.
      With this course you get 24/7 support, so if you have any questions you can post them in the Q&A section and we’ll respond to you within 15 hours.
      Checkout the curriculum and the course teaser for more info!
    • This course is created for educational purposes only and all the attacks are launched in my own lab or against systems that I have permission to test.
    • This course is totally a product of Zaid Sabih & zSecurity, no other organization is associated with it or a certification exam. Although, you will receive a Course Completion Certification from Udemy, apart from that NO OTHER ORGANIZATION IS INVOLVED.

      Who this course is for:​

    • Anybody interested in learning website & web application hacking / penetration testing.​
    • Anybody interested in learning how to secure websites & web applications from hacker.​
    • Web developers so they can create secure web application & secure their existing ones.​
    • Web admins so they can secure their websites.​
[Hidden content]
Nice upload
Apr 2, 2024
Reaction score

What you’ll learn​

  • 100+ Videos (10+ hours) to teach you website hacking from scratch.​
  • 50+ hands-on real-life website hacking examples - from simple to advanced.​
  • Discover, exploit and mitigate a number of dangerous web vulnerabilities.​
  • Hack cloud servers using these vulnerabilities.​
  • No prior knowledge in Linux, hacking or programming is required.​
  • Advanced post exploitation - pivoting, dump the database, privilege escalation, etc​
  • Bypass security & advanced exploitation of these vulnerabilities.​
  • Bypass security & filters.​
  • Create a hacking lab.​
  • Intercept requests using a proxy.​
  • Adopt SQL queries to discover and exploit SQL injections in secure pages.​
  • Gain full control over cloud servers using SQL injections.​
  • Discover & exploit blind SQL injections.​
  • Install Kali Linux - a penetration testing operating system.​
  • Learn linux commands and how to interact with the terminal.​
  • Learn linux basics.​
  • Understand how websites & web applications work.​
  • Understand how browsers communicate with websites.​
  • Gather sensitive information about websites.​
  • Discover servers, technologies & services used on target website.​
  • Discover emails & sensitive data associated with a specific website.​
  • Find all subdomains associated with a website.​
  • Discover unpublished directories & files associated with a target website.​
  • Find all websites hosted on the same server as the target website.​
  • Discover, exploit and fix file upload vulnerabilities.​
  • Exploit advanced file upload vulnerabilities & gain full control over the target website.​
  • Discover, exploit and fix code execution vulnerabilities.​
  • Exploit advanced code execution vulnerabilities & gain full control over the target website.​
  • Discover, exploit & fix local file inclusion vulnerabilities.​
  • Exploit local file inclusion vulnerabilities to to get a shell.​
  • Exploit advanced local file inclusion vulnerabilities & gain full control over the target website.​
  • Exploit advanced remote file inclusion vulnerabilities & gain full control over the target website.​
  • Discover, fix, and exploit SQL injection vulnerabilities.​
  • Bypass login forms and login as admin using SQL injections.​
  • Writing SQL queries to find databases, tables and sensitive data such as usernames ad passwords using SQL injections​
  • Bypass filtering, and login as admin without password using SQL injections.​
  • Bypass filtering and security measurements.​
  • Read / Write files to the server using SQL injections.​
  • Patch SQL injections quickly.​
  • The right way to write SQL queries to prevent SQL injections.​
  • Discover basic & advanced reflected XSS vulnerabilities.​
  • Discover basic & advanced stored XSS vulnerabilities.​
  • How to use BeEF framwork.​
  • Hook users to BeEF using reflected & XSS vulnerabilities.​
  • Steal credentials from hooked targets.​
  • Run javascript code on hooked targets.​
  • Create Windows backdoors.​
  • Hack computers using XSS vulnerabilities.​
  • Fix XSS vulnerabilities & protect yourself from them as a user.​
  • Brute force & wordlist attacks.​
  • Create a wordlist or a dictionary.​
  • Launch a wordlist attack and guess admin’s password.​
  • Discover all of the above vulnerabilities automatically using a web proxy.​
  • Run system commands on the target webserver.​
  • Access the file system (navigate between directories, read/write files).​
  • Download, upload files to / from hacked servers.​
  • Bypass security measurements.​
  • Access all websites on the same webserver.​
  • Connect to the database and execute SQL queries or download the whole database to the local machine.​
  • Discover, exploit and mitigate CSRF vulnerabilities.​


    • Basic IT Skills.​
    • No Linux, programming or hacking knowledge required.​
    • Computer with a minimum of 4GB ram/memory.​
    • Operating System: Windows / Apple Mac OS / Linux.​


    • Although website hacking is covered in one of my other courses, that course only covers the basics where this course dives much deeper in this topic covering more techniques, more vulnerabilities, advanced exploitation, advanced post exploitation, bypassing security and more!
    • This course focuses on website hacking, I have a different course that teaches bug hunting from scratch.
      Welcome to my comprehensive course on Website hacking / penetration testing. This course assumes you have NO prior knowledge in hacking, it starts with you from scratch and takes you step-by-step to an advanced level, being able to hack websites like black-hat hackers and secure them like security experts!
      This course is highly practical but doesn’t neglect the theory, we’ll start with basics to teach you how websites work and install the needed software (on Windows, Linux and Apple Mac OS). Then we’ll start hacking straight away. You’ll learn everything by example, by discovering vulnerabilities and exploiting them to hack websites. No boring dry lectures
      Before jumping into hacking, you’ll first learn how to gather comprehensive information about the target website. Then the course is divided into a number of sections, each aims to teach you a common vulnerability from the OWASP top 10 most common security threats. Each section takes you through a number of hands-on examples to teach you the cause of the security bug or vulnerability and how to discover it and exploit it in a number of scenarios, from simple to advanced, ultimately allowing you to hack the target website. You’ll also learn advanced techniques to bypass filters and security, escalate your privileges, access the database and much more post-exploitation techniques. As we do this I will also introduce you to different hacking and security concepts, tools and techniques. Everything will be taught through examples and hands-on practicals, there will be no useless or boring lectures!
      Here’s a more detailed breakdown of the course content:
      1. Information Gathering - In this section you’ll learn how to gather comprehensive information about a target website, you’ll learn how to discover its DNS information, the services used, subdomains, un-published directories, sensitive files, user emails, websites on the same server and even the hosting provider. This information is crucial as it expands the attack surface, increasing our changes of successfully hacking the target website.
      2. Discovery, Exploitation & Mitigation - In this section you will learn how to discover, exploit and mitigate a common vulnerabilities from the OWASP top 10 most common security threats. This section is divided into a number of subsections. Each subsection takes you through a number of hands-on examples to teach you the cause of the vulnerability, how to discover it and how to exploit it in a number of scenarios, from simple to advanced, ultimately allowing you to hack the target website. You’ll also learn advanced techniques to bypass filters and security. Finally we will analyse the code causing these vulnerabilities and d,
      Here’s a list of the main vulnerabilities that will be covered in this section.​
    • Information Disclosure.​
    • File upload.​
    • Code Execution*.*​
    • Local File Inclusion*.*​
    • Remote File Inclusion.​
    • SQL Injection.​
    • Cross Site Scripting (XSS).
    • Insecure Session Management*.*​
    • Brute Force & Dictionary Attacks*.*​
    • CSRF (Client-Side Request Forgery).
      3. Post Exploitation - In this section you will learn what can you do with the access you gained by exploiting the above vulnerabilities. You will learn how to convert reverse shell access to a Weevely access and vice versa, how to execute system commands on the target server, navigate between directories, access other websites on the same server, upload/download files, access the database and even download the whole database to your local machine. You will also learn how to bypass security, privilege escalation and do all of the above with limited permissions on the server !
      You’ll use the following tools to achieve the above:​
    • Kali Linux.​
    • Weevely.​
    • THC-Hydra .​
    • Netcat .​
    • Dev tools.​
    • Burp Suite.​
    • OWASP Zap.​
    • Metasploit.​
    • BeEF.​
    • Dirb.​
    • Maltego.​
    • Knockpy.
      With this course you get 24/7 support, so if you have any questions you can post them in the Q&A section and we’ll respond to you within 15 hours.
      Checkout the curriculum and the course teaser for more info!
    • This course is created for educational purposes only and all the attacks are launched in my own lab or against systems that I have permission to test.
    • This course is totally a product of Zaid Sabih & zSecurity, no other organization is associated with it or a certification exam. Although, you will receive a Course Completion Certification from Udemy, apart from that NO OTHER ORGANIZATION IS INVOLVED.

      Who this course is for:​

    • Anybody interested in learning website & web application hacking / penetration testing.​
    • Anybody interested in learning how to secure websites & web applications from hacker.​
    • Web developers so they can create secure web application & secure their existing ones.​
    • Web admins so they can secure their websites.​
[Hidden content]
Apr 5, 2024
Reaction score

What you’ll learn​

  • 100+ Videos (10+ hours) to teach you website hacking from scratch.​
  • 50+ hands-on real-life website hacking examples - from simple to advanced.​
  • Discover, exploit and mitigate a number of dangerous web vulnerabilities.​
  • Hack cloud servers using these vulnerabilities.​
  • No prior knowledge in Linux, hacking or programming is required.​
  • Advanced post exploitation - pivoting, dump the database, privilege escalation, etc​
  • Bypass security & advanced exploitation of these vulnerabilities.​
  • Bypass security & filters.​
  • Create a hacking lab.​
  • Intercept requests using a proxy.​
  • Adopt SQL queries to discover and exploit SQL injections in secure pages.​
  • Gain full control over cloud servers using SQL injections.​
  • Discover & exploit blind SQL injections.​
  • Install Kali Linux - a penetration testing operating system.​
  • Learn linux commands and how to interact with the terminal.​
  • Learn linux basics.​
  • Understand how websites & web applications work.​
  • Understand how browsers communicate with websites.​
  • Gather sensitive information about websites.​
  • Discover servers, technologies & services used on target website.​
  • Discover emails & sensitive data associated with a specific website.​
  • Find all subdomains associated with a website.​
  • Discover unpublished directories & files associated with a target website.​
  • Find all websites hosted on the same server as the target website.​
  • Discover, exploit and fix file upload vulnerabilities.​
  • Exploit advanced file upload vulnerabilities & gain full control over the target website.​
  • Discover, exploit and fix code execution vulnerabilities.​
  • Exploit advanced code execution vulnerabilities & gain full control over the target website.​
  • Discover, exploit & fix local file inclusion vulnerabilities.​
  • Exploit local file inclusion vulnerabilities to to get a shell.​
  • Exploit advanced local file inclusion vulnerabilities & gain full control over the target website.​
  • Exploit advanced remote file inclusion vulnerabilities & gain full control over the target website.​
  • Discover, fix, and exploit SQL injection vulnerabilities.​
  • Bypass login forms and login as admin using SQL injections.​
  • Writing SQL queries to find databases, tables and sensitive data such as usernames ad passwords using SQL injections​
  • Bypass filtering, and login as admin without password using SQL injections.​
  • Bypass filtering and security measurements.​
  • Read / Write files to the server using SQL injections.​
  • Patch SQL injections quickly.​
  • The right way to write SQL queries to prevent SQL injections.​
  • Discover basic & advanced reflected XSS vulnerabilities.​
  • Discover basic & advanced stored XSS vulnerabilities.​
  • How to use BeEF framwork.​
  • Hook users to BeEF using reflected & XSS vulnerabilities.​
  • Steal credentials from hooked targets.​
  • Run javascript code on hooked targets.​
  • Create Windows backdoors.​
  • Hack computers using XSS vulnerabilities.​
  • Fix XSS vulnerabilities & protect yourself from them as a user.​
  • Brute force & wordlist attacks.​
  • Create a wordlist or a dictionary.​
  • Launch a wordlist attack and guess admin’s password.​
  • Discover all of the above vulnerabilities automatically using a web proxy.​
  • Run system commands on the target webserver.​
  • Access the file system (navigate between directories, read/write files).​
  • Download, upload files to / from hacked servers.​
  • Bypass security measurements.​
  • Access all websites on the same webserver.​
  • Connect to the database and execute SQL queries or download the whole database to the local machine.​
  • Discover, exploit and mitigate CSRF vulnerabilities.​


    • Basic IT Skills.​
    • No Linux, programming or hacking knowledge required.​
    • Computer with a minimum of 4GB ram/memory.​
    • Operating System: Windows / Apple Mac OS / Linux.​


    • Although website hacking is covered in one of my other courses, that course only covers the basics where this course dives much deeper in this topic covering more techniques, more vulnerabilities, advanced exploitation, advanced post exploitation, bypassing security and more!
    • This course focuses on website hacking, I have a different course that teaches bug hunting from scratch.
      Welcome to my comprehensive course on Website hacking / penetration testing. This course assumes you have NO prior knowledge in hacking, it starts with you from scratch and takes you step-by-step to an advanced level, being able to hack websites like black-hat hackers and secure them like security experts!
      This course is highly practical but doesn’t neglect the theory, we’ll start with basics to teach you how websites work and install the needed software (on Windows, Linux and Apple Mac OS). Then we’ll start hacking straight away. You’ll learn everything by example, by discovering vulnerabilities and exploiting them to hack websites. No boring dry lectures
      Before jumping into hacking, you’ll first learn how to gather comprehensive information about the target website. Then the course is divided into a number of sections, each aims to teach you a common vulnerability from the OWASP top 10 most common security threats. Each section takes you through a number of hands-on examples to teach you the cause of the security bug or vulnerability and how to discover it and exploit it in a number of scenarios, from simple to advanced, ultimately allowing you to hack the target website. You’ll also learn advanced techniques to bypass filters and security, escalate your privileges, access the database and much more post-exploitation techniques. As we do this I will also introduce you to different hacking and security concepts, tools and techniques. Everything will be taught through examples and hands-on practicals, there will be no useless or boring lectures!
      Here’s a more detailed breakdown of the course content:
      1. Information Gathering - In this section you’ll learn how to gather comprehensive information about a target website, you’ll learn how to discover its DNS information, the services used, subdomains, un-published directories, sensitive files, user emails, websites on the same server and even the hosting provider. This information is crucial as it expands the attack surface, increasing our changes of successfully hacking the target website.
      2. Discovery, Exploitation & Mitigation - In this section you will learn how to discover, exploit and mitigate a common vulnerabilities from the OWASP top 10 most common security threats. This section is divided into a number of subsections. Each subsection takes you through a number of hands-on examples to teach you the cause of the vulnerability, how to discover it and how to exploit it in a number of scenarios, from simple to advanced, ultimately allowing you to hack the target website. You’ll also learn advanced techniques to bypass filters and security. Finally we will analyse the code causing these vulnerabilities and d,
      Here’s a list of the main vulnerabilities that will be covered in this section.​
    • Information Disclosure.​
    • File upload.​
    • Code Execution*.*​
    • Local File Inclusion*.*​
    • Remote File Inclusion.​
    • SQL Injection.​
    • Cross Site Scripting (XSS).
    • Insecure Session Management*.*​
    • Brute Force & Dictionary Attacks*.*​
    • CSRF (Client-Side Request Forgery).
      3. Post Exploitation - In this section you will learn what can you do with the access you gained by exploiting the above vulnerabilities. You will learn how to convert reverse shell access to a Weevely access and vice versa, how to execute system commands on the target server, navigate between directories, access other websites on the same server, upload/download files, access the database and even download the whole database to your local machine. You will also learn how to bypass security, privilege escalation and do all of the above with limited permissions on the server !
      You’ll use the following tools to achieve the above:​
    • Kali Linux.​
    • Weevely.​
    • THC-Hydra .​
    • Netcat .​
    • Dev tools.​
    • Burp Suite.​
    • OWASP Zap.​
    • Metasploit.​
    • BeEF.​
    • Dirb.​
    • Maltego.​
    • Knockpy.
      With this course you get 24/7 support, so if you have any questions you can post them in the Q&A section and we’ll respond to you within 15 hours.
      Checkout the curriculum and the course teaser for more info!
    • This course is created for educational purposes only and all the attacks are launched in my own lab or against systems that I have permission to test.
    • This course is totally a product of Zaid Sabih & zSecurity, no other organization is associated with it or a certification exam. Although, you will receive a Course Completion Certification from Udemy, apart from that NO OTHER ORGANIZATION IS INVOLVED.

      Who this course is for:​

    • Anybody interested in learning website & web application hacking / penetration testing.​
    • Anybody interested in learning how to secure websites & web applications from hacker.​
    • Web developers so they can create secure web application & secure their existing ones.​
    • Web admins so they can secure their websites.​
[Hidden content]
Apr 6, 2024
Reaction score

What you’ll learn​

  • 100+ Videos (10+ hours) to teach you website hacking from scratch.​
  • 50+ hands-on real-life website hacking examples - from simple to advanced.​
  • Discover, exploit and mitigate a number of dangerous web vulnerabilities.​
  • Hack cloud servers using these vulnerabilities.​
  • No prior knowledge in Linux, hacking or programming is required.​
  • Advanced post exploitation - pivoting, dump the database, privilege escalation, etc​
  • Bypass security & advanced exploitation of these vulnerabilities.​
  • Bypass security & filters.​
  • Create a hacking lab.​
  • Intercept requests using a proxy.​
  • Adopt SQL queries to discover and exploit SQL injections in secure pages.​
  • Gain full control over cloud servers using SQL injections.​
  • Discover & exploit blind SQL injections.​
  • Install Kali Linux - a penetration testing operating system.​
  • Learn linux commands and how to interact with the terminal.​
  • Learn linux basics.​
  • Understand how websites & web applications work.​
  • Understand how browsers communicate with websites.​
  • Gather sensitive information about websites.​
  • Discover servers, technologies & services used on target website.​
  • Discover emails & sensitive data associated with a specific website.​
  • Find all subdomains associated with a website.​
  • Discover unpublished directories & files associated with a target website.​
  • Find all websites hosted on the same server as the target website.​
  • Discover, exploit and fix file upload vulnerabilities.​
  • Exploit advanced file upload vulnerabilities & gain full control over the target website.​
  • Discover, exploit and fix code execution vulnerabilities.​
  • Exploit advanced code execution vulnerabilities & gain full control over the target website.​
  • Discover, exploit & fix local file inclusion vulnerabilities.​
  • Exploit local file inclusion vulnerabilities to to get a shell.​
  • Exploit advanced local file inclusion vulnerabilities & gain full control over the target website.​
  • Exploit advanced remote file inclusion vulnerabilities & gain full control over the target website.​
  • Discover, fix, and exploit SQL injection vulnerabilities.​
  • Bypass login forms and login as admin using SQL injections.​
  • Writing SQL queries to find databases, tables and sensitive data such as usernames ad passwords using SQL injections​
  • Bypass filtering, and login as admin without password using SQL injections.​
  • Bypass filtering and security measurements.​
  • Read / Write files to the server using SQL injections.​
  • Patch SQL injections quickly.​
  • The right way to write SQL queries to prevent SQL injections.​
  • Discover basic & advanced reflected XSS vulnerabilities.​
  • Discover basic & advanced stored XSS vulnerabilities.​
  • How to use BeEF framwork.​
  • Hook users to BeEF using reflected & XSS vulnerabilities.​
  • Steal credentials from hooked targets.​
  • Run javascript code on hooked targets.​
  • Create Windows backdoors.​
  • Hack computers using XSS vulnerabilities.​
  • Fix XSS vulnerabilities & protect yourself from them as a user.​
  • Brute force & wordlist attacks.​
  • Create a wordlist or a dictionary.​
  • Launch a wordlist attack and guess admin’s password.​
  • Discover all of the above vulnerabilities automatically using a web proxy.​
  • Run system commands on the target webserver.​
  • Access the file system (navigate between directories, read/write files).​
  • Download, upload files to / from hacked servers.​
  • Bypass security measurements.​
  • Access all websites on the same webserver.​
  • Connect to the database and execute SQL queries or download the whole database to the local machine.​
  • Discover, exploit and mitigate CSRF vulnerabilities.​


    • Basic IT Skills.​
    • No Linux, programming or hacking knowledge required.​
    • Computer with a minimum of 4GB ram/memory.​
    • Operating System: Windows / Apple Mac OS / Linux.​


    • Although website hacking is covered in one of my other courses, that course only covers the basics where this course dives much deeper in this topic covering more techniques, more vulnerabilities, advanced exploitation, advanced post exploitation, bypassing security and more!
    • This course focuses on website hacking, I have a different course that teaches bug hunting from scratch.
      Welcome to my comprehensive course on Website hacking / penetration testing. This course assumes you have NO prior knowledge in hacking, it starts with you from scratch and takes you step-by-step to an advanced level, being able to hack websites like black-hat hackers and secure them like security experts!
      This course is highly practical but doesn’t neglect the theory, we’ll start with basics to teach you how websites work and install the needed software (on Windows, Linux and Apple Mac OS). Then we’ll start hacking straight away. You’ll learn everything by example, by discovering vulnerabilities and exploiting them to hack websites. No boring dry lectures
      Before jumping into hacking, you’ll first learn how to gather comprehensive information about the target website. Then the course is divided into a number of sections, each aims to teach you a common vulnerability from the OWASP top 10 most common security threats. Each section takes you through a number of hands-on examples to teach you the cause of the security bug or vulnerability and how to discover it and exploit it in a number of scenarios, from simple to advanced, ultimately allowing you to hack the target website. You’ll also learn advanced techniques to bypass filters and security, escalate your privileges, access the database and much more post-exploitation techniques. As we do this I will also introduce you to different hacking and security concepts, tools and techniques. Everything will be taught through examples and hands-on practicals, there will be no useless or boring lectures!
      Here’s a more detailed breakdown of the course content:
      1. Information Gathering - In this section you’ll learn how to gather comprehensive information about a target website, you’ll learn how to discover its DNS information, the services used, subdomains, un-published directories, sensitive files, user emails, websites on the same server and even the hosting provider. This information is crucial as it expands the attack surface, increasing our changes of successfully hacking the target website.
      2. Discovery, Exploitation & Mitigation - In this section you will learn how to discover, exploit and mitigate a common vulnerabilities from the OWASP top 10 most common security threats. This section is divided into a number of subsections. Each subsection takes you through a number of hands-on examples to teach you the cause of the vulnerability, how to discover it and how to exploit it in a number of scenarios, from simple to advanced, ultimately allowing you to hack the target website. You’ll also learn advanced techniques to bypass filters and security. Finally we will analyse the code causing these vulnerabilities and d,
      Here’s a list of the main vulnerabilities that will be covered in this section.​
    • Information Disclosure.​
    • File upload.​
    • Code Execution*.*​
    • Local File Inclusion*.*​
    • Remote File Inclusion.​
    • SQL Injection.​
    • Cross Site Scripting (XSS).
    • Insecure Session Management*.*​
    • Brute Force & Dictionary Attacks*.*​
    • CSRF (Client-Side Request Forgery).
      3. Post Exploitation - In this section you will learn what can you do with the access you gained by exploiting the above vulnerabilities. You will learn how to convert reverse shell access to a Weevely access and vice versa, how to execute system commands on the target server, navigate between directories, access other websites on the same server, upload/download files, access the database and even download the whole database to your local machine. You will also learn how to bypass security, privilege escalation and do all of the above with limited permissions on the server !
      You’ll use the following tools to achieve the above:​
    • Kali Linux.​
    • Weevely.​
    • THC-Hydra .​
    • Netcat .​
    • Dev tools.​
    • Burp Suite.​
    • OWASP Zap.​
    • Metasploit.​
    • BeEF.​
    • Dirb.​
    • Maltego.​
    • Knockpy.
      With this course you get 24/7 support, so if you have any questions you can post them in the Q&A section and we’ll respond to you within 15 hours.
      Checkout the curriculum and the course teaser for more info!
    • This course is created for educational purposes only and all the attacks are launched in my own lab or against systems that I have permission to test.
    • This course is totally a product of Zaid Sabih & zSecurity, no other organization is associated with it or a certification exam. Although, you will receive a Course Completion Certification from Udemy, apart from that NO OTHER ORGANIZATION IS INVOLVED.

      Who this course is for:​

    • Anybody interested in learning website & web application hacking / penetration testing.​
    • Anybody interested in learning how to secure websites & web applications from hacker.​
    • Web developers so they can create secure web application & secure their existing ones.​
    • Web admins so they can secure their websites.​
[Hidden content]
thanks bro really
  • Like
Reactions: rrp8208
Feb 25, 2024
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What you’ll learn​

  • 100+ Videos (10+ hours) to teach you website hacking from scratch.​
  • 50+ hands-on real-life website hacking examples - from simple to advanced.​
  • Discover, exploit and mitigate a number of dangerous web vulnerabilities.​
  • Hack cloud servers using these vulnerabilities.​
  • No prior knowledge in Linux, hacking or programming is required.​
  • Advanced post exploitation - pivoting, dump the database, privilege escalation, etc​
  • Bypass security & advanced exploitation of these vulnerabilities.​
  • Bypass security & filters.​
  • Create a hacking lab.​
  • Intercept requests using a proxy.​
  • Adopt SQL queries to discover and exploit SQL injections in secure pages.​
  • Gain full control over cloud servers using SQL injections.​
  • Discover & exploit blind SQL injections.​
  • Install Kali Linux - a penetration testing operating system.​
  • Learn linux commands and how to interact with the terminal.​
  • Learn linux basics.​
  • Understand how websites & web applications work.​
  • Understand how browsers communicate with websites.​
  • Gather sensitive information about websites.​
  • Discover servers, technologies & services used on target website.​
  • Discover emails & sensitive data associated with a specific website.​
  • Find all subdomains associated with a website.​
  • Discover unpublished directories & files associated with a target website.​
  • Find all websites hosted on the same server as the target website.​
  • Discover, exploit and fix file upload vulnerabilities.​
  • Exploit advanced file upload vulnerabilities & gain full control over the target website.​
  • Discover, exploit and fix code execution vulnerabilities.​
  • Exploit advanced code execution vulnerabilities & gain full control over the target website.​
  • Discover, exploit & fix local file inclusion vulnerabilities.​
  • Exploit local file inclusion vulnerabilities to to get a shell.​
  • Exploit advanced local file inclusion vulnerabilities & gain full control over the target website.​
  • Exploit advanced remote file inclusion vulnerabilities & gain full control over the target website.​
  • Discover, fix, and exploit SQL injection vulnerabilities.​
  • Bypass login forms and login as admin using SQL injections.​
  • Writing SQL queries to find databases, tables and sensitive data such as usernames ad passwords using SQL injections​
  • Bypass filtering, and login as admin without password using SQL injections.​
  • Bypass filtering and security measurements.​
  • Read / Write files to the server using SQL injections.​
  • Patch SQL injections quickly.​
  • The right way to write SQL queries to prevent SQL injections.​
  • Discover basic & advanced reflected XSS vulnerabilities.​
  • Discover basic & advanced stored XSS vulnerabilities.​
  • How to use BeEF framwork.​
  • Hook users to BeEF using reflected & XSS vulnerabilities.​
  • Steal credentials from hooked targets.​
  • Run javascript code on hooked targets.​
  • Create Windows backdoors.​
  • Hack computers using XSS vulnerabilities.​
  • Fix XSS vulnerabilities & protect yourself from them as a user.​
  • Brute force & wordlist attacks.​
  • Create a wordlist or a dictionary.​
  • Launch a wordlist attack and guess admin’s password.​
  • Discover all of the above vulnerabilities automatically using a web proxy.​
  • Run system commands on the target webserver.​
  • Access the file system (navigate between directories, read/write files).​
  • Download, upload files to / from hacked servers.​
  • Bypass security measurements.​
  • Access all websites on the same webserver.​
  • Connect to the database and execute SQL queries or download the whole database to the local machine.​
  • Discover, exploit and mitigate CSRF vulnerabilities.​


    • Basic IT Skills.​
    • No Linux, programming or hacking knowledge required.​
    • Computer with a minimum of 4GB ram/memory.​
    • Operating System: Windows / Apple Mac OS / Linux.​


    • Although website hacking is covered in one of my other courses, that course only covers the basics where this course dives much deeper in this topic covering more techniques, more vulnerabilities, advanced exploitation, advanced post exploitation, bypassing security and more!
    • This course focuses on website hacking, I have a different course that teaches bug hunting from scratch.
      Welcome to my comprehensive course on Website hacking / penetration testing. This course assumes you have NO prior knowledge in hacking, it starts with you from scratch and takes you step-by-step to an advanced level, being able to hack websites like black-hat hackers and secure them like security experts!
      This course is highly practical but doesn’t neglect the theory, we’ll start with basics to teach you how websites work and install the needed software (on Windows, Linux and Apple Mac OS). Then we’ll start hacking straight away. You’ll learn everything by example, by discovering vulnerabilities and exploiting them to hack websites. No boring dry lectures
      Before jumping into hacking, you’ll first learn how to gather comprehensive information about the target website. Then the course is divided into a number of sections, each aims to teach you a common vulnerability from the OWASP top 10 most common security threats. Each section takes you through a number of hands-on examples to teach you the cause of the security bug or vulnerability and how to discover it and exploit it in a number of scenarios, from simple to advanced, ultimately allowing you to hack the target website. You’ll also learn advanced techniques to bypass filters and security, escalate your privileges, access the database and much more post-exploitation techniques. As we do this I will also introduce you to different hacking and security concepts, tools and techniques. Everything will be taught through examples and hands-on practicals, there will be no useless or boring lectures!
      Here’s a more detailed breakdown of the course content:
      1. Information Gathering - In this section you’ll learn how to gather comprehensive information about a target website, you’ll learn how to discover its DNS information, the services used, subdomains, un-published directories, sensitive files, user emails, websites on the same server and even the hosting provider. This information is crucial as it expands the attack surface, increasing our changes of successfully hacking the target website.
      2. Discovery, Exploitation & Mitigation - In this section you will learn how to discover, exploit and mitigate a common vulnerabilities from the OWASP top 10 most common security threats. This section is divided into a number of subsections. Each subsection takes you through a number of hands-on examples to teach you the cause of the vulnerability, how to discover it and how to exploit it in a number of scenarios, from simple to advanced, ultimately allowing you to hack the target website. You’ll also learn advanced techniques to bypass filters and security. Finally we will analyse the code causing these vulnerabilities and d,
      Here’s a list of the main vulnerabilities that will be covered in this section.​
    • Information Disclosure.​
    • File upload.​
    • Code Execution*.*​
    • Local File Inclusion*.*​
    • Remote File Inclusion.​
    • SQL Injection.​
    • Cross Site Scripting (XSS).
    • Insecure Session Management*.*​
    • Brute Force & Dictionary Attacks*.*​
    • CSRF (Client-Side Request Forgery).
      3. Post Exploitation - In this section you will learn what can you do with the access you gained by exploiting the above vulnerabilities. You will learn how to convert reverse shell access to a Weevely access and vice versa, how to execute system commands on the target server, navigate between directories, access other websites on the same server, upload/download files, access the database and even download the whole database to your local machine. You will also learn how to bypass security, privilege escalation and do all of the above with limited permissions on the server !
      You’ll use the following tools to achieve the above:​
    • Kali Linux.​
    • Weevely.​
    • THC-Hydra .​
    • Netcat .​
    • Dev tools.​
    • Burp Suite.​
    • OWASP Zap.​
    • Metasploit.​
    • BeEF.​
    • Dirb.​
    • Maltego.​
    • Knockpy.
      With this course you get 24/7 support, so if you have any questions you can post them in the Q&A section and we’ll respond to you within 15 hours.
      Checkout the curriculum and the course teaser for more info!
    • This course is created for educational purposes only and all the attacks are launched in my own lab or against systems that I have permission to test.
    • This course is totally a product of Zaid Sabih & zSecurity, no other organization is associated with it or a certification exam. Although, you will receive a Course Completion Certification from Udemy, apart from that NO OTHER ORGANIZATION IS INVOLVED.

      Who this course is for:​

    • Anybody interested in learning website & web application hacking / penetration testing.​
    • Anybody interested in learning how to secure websites & web applications from hacker.​
    • Web developers so they can create secure web application & secure their existing ones.​
    • Web admins so they can secure their websites.​
[Hidden content]
  • Like
  • Wow
Reactions: luckycot, passapalo1234 and rrp8208
New Member
Apr 6, 2024
Reaction score

What you’ll learn​

  • 100+ Videos (10+ hours) to teach you website hacking from scratch.​
  • 50+ hands-on real-life website hacking examples - from simple to advanced.​
  • Discover, exploit and mitigate a number of dangerous web vulnerabilities.​
  • Hack cloud servers using these vulnerabilities.​
  • No prior knowledge in Linux, hacking or programming is required.​
  • Advanced post exploitation - pivoting, dump the database, privilege escalation, etc​
  • Bypass security & advanced exploitation of these vulnerabilities.​
  • Bypass security & filters.​
  • Create a hacking lab.​
  • Intercept requests using a proxy.​
  • Adopt SQL queries to discover and exploit SQL injections in secure pages.​
  • Gain full control over cloud servers using SQL injections.​
  • Discover & exploit blind SQL injections.​
  • Install Kali Linux - a penetration testing operating system.​
  • Learn linux commands and how to interact with the terminal.​
  • Learn linux basics.​
  • Understand how websites & web applications work.​
  • Understand how browsers communicate with websites.​
  • Gather sensitive information about websites.​
  • Discover servers, technologies & services used on target website.​
  • Discover emails & sensitive data associated with a specific website.​
  • Find all subdomains associated with a website.​
  • Discover unpublished directories & files associated with a target website.​
  • Find all websites hosted on the same server as the target website.​
  • Discover, exploit and fix file upload vulnerabilities.​
  • Exploit advanced file upload vulnerabilities & gain full control over the target website.​
  • Discover, exploit and fix code execution vulnerabilities.​
  • Exploit advanced code execution vulnerabilities & gain full control over the target website.​
  • Discover, exploit & fix local file inclusion vulnerabilities.​
  • Exploit local file inclusion vulnerabilities to to get a shell.​
  • Exploit advanced local file inclusion vulnerabilities & gain full control over the target website.​
  • Exploit advanced remote file inclusion vulnerabilities & gain full control over the target website.​
  • Discover, fix, and exploit SQL injection vulnerabilities.​
  • Bypass login forms and login as admin using SQL injections.​
  • Writing SQL queries to find databases, tables and sensitive data such as usernames ad passwords using SQL injections​
  • Bypass filtering, and login as admin without password using SQL injections.​
  • Bypass filtering and security measurements.​
  • Read / Write files to the server using SQL injections.​
  • Patch SQL injections quickly.​
  • The right way to write SQL queries to prevent SQL injections.​
  • Discover basic & advanced reflected XSS vulnerabilities.​
  • Discover basic & advanced stored XSS vulnerabilities.​
  • How to use BeEF framwork.​
  • Hook users to BeEF using reflected & XSS vulnerabilities.​
  • Steal credentials from hooked targets.​
  • Run javascript code on hooked targets.​
  • Create Windows backdoors.​
  • Hack computers using XSS vulnerabilities.​
  • Fix XSS vulnerabilities & protect yourself from them as a user.​
  • Brute force & wordlist attacks.​
  • Create a wordlist or a dictionary.​
  • Launch a wordlist attack and guess admin’s password.​
  • Discover all of the above vulnerabilities automatically using a web proxy.​
  • Run system commands on the target webserver.​
  • Access the file system (navigate between directories, read/write files).​
  • Download, upload files to / from hacked servers.​
  • Bypass security measurements.​
  • Access all websites on the same webserver.​
  • Connect to the database and execute SQL queries or download the whole database to the local machine.​
  • Discover, exploit and mitigate CSRF vulnerabilities.​


    • Basic IT Skills.​
    • No Linux, programming or hacking knowledge required.​
    • Computer with a minimum of 4GB ram/memory.​
    • Operating System: Windows / Apple Mac OS / Linux.​


    • Although website hacking is covered in one of my other courses, that course only covers the basics where this course dives much deeper in this topic covering more techniques, more vulnerabilities, advanced exploitation, advanced post exploitation, bypassing security and more!
    • This course focuses on website hacking, I have a different course that teaches bug hunting from scratch.
      Welcome to my comprehensive course on Website hacking / penetration testing. This course assumes you have NO prior knowledge in hacking, it starts with you from scratch and takes you step-by-step to an advanced level, being able to hack websites like black-hat hackers and secure them like security experts!
      This course is highly practical but doesn’t neglect the theory, we’ll start with basics to teach you how websites work and install the needed software (on Windows, Linux and Apple Mac OS). Then we’ll start hacking straight away. You’ll learn everything by example, by discovering vulnerabilities and exploiting them to hack websites. No boring dry lectures
      Before jumping into hacking, you’ll first learn how to gather comprehensive information about the target website. Then the course is divided into a number of sections, each aims to teach you a common vulnerability from the OWASP top 10 most common security threats. Each section takes you through a number of hands-on examples to teach you the cause of the security bug or vulnerability and how to discover it and exploit it in a number of scenarios, from simple to advanced, ultimately allowing you to hack the target website. You’ll also learn advanced techniques to bypass filters and security, escalate your privileges, access the database and much more post-exploitation techniques. As we do this I will also introduce you to different hacking and security concepts, tools and techniques. Everything will be taught through examples and hands-on practicals, there will be no useless or boring lectures!
      Here’s a more detailed breakdown of the course content:
      1. Information Gathering - In this section you’ll learn how to gather comprehensive information about a target website, you’ll learn how to discover its DNS information, the services used, subdomains, un-published directories, sensitive files, user emails, websites on the same server and even the hosting provider. This information is crucial as it expands the attack surface, increasing our changes of successfully hacking the target website.
      2. Discovery, Exploitation & Mitigation - In this section you will learn how to discover, exploit and mitigate a common vulnerabilities from the OWASP top 10 most common security threats. This section is divided into a number of subsections. Each subsection takes you through a number of hands-on examples to teach you the cause of the vulnerability, how to discover it and how to exploit it in a number of scenarios, from simple to advanced, ultimately allowing you to hack the target website. You’ll also learn advanced techniques to bypass filters and security. Finally we will analyse the code causing these vulnerabilities and d,
      Here’s a list of the main vulnerabilities that will be covered in this section.​
    • Information Disclosure.​
    • File upload.​
    • Code Execution*.*​
    • Local File Inclusion*.*​
    • Remote File Inclusion.​
    • SQL Injection.​
    • Cross Site Scripting (XSS).
    • Insecure Session Management*.*​
    • Brute Force & Dictionary Attacks*.*​
    • CSRF (Client-Side Request Forgery).
      3. Post Exploitation - In this section you will learn what can you do with the access you gained by exploiting the above vulnerabilities. You will learn how to convert reverse shell access to a Weevely access and vice versa, how to execute system commands on the target server, navigate between directories, access other websites on the same server, upload/download files, access the database and even download the whole database to your local machine. You will also learn how to bypass security, privilege escalation and do all of the above with limited permissions on the server !
      You’ll use the following tools to achieve the above:​
    • Kali Linux.​
    • Weevely.​
    • THC-Hydra .​
    • Netcat .​
    • Dev tools.​
    • Burp Suite.​
    • OWASP Zap.​
    • Metasploit.​
    • BeEF.​
    • Dirb.​
    • Maltego.​
    • Knockpy.
      With this course you get 24/7 support, so if you have any questions you can post them in the Q&A section and we’ll respond to you within 15 hours.
      Checkout the curriculum and the course teaser for more info!
    • This course is created for educational purposes only and all the attacks are launched in my own lab or against systems that I have permission to test.
    • This course is totally a product of Zaid Sabih & zSecurity, no other organization is associated with it or a certification exam. Although, you will receive a Course Completion Certification from Udemy, apart from that NO OTHER ORGANIZATION IS INVOLVED.

      Who this course is for:​

    • Anybody interested in learning website & web application hacking / penetration testing.​
    • Anybody interested in learning how to secure websites & web applications from hacker.​
    • Web developers so they can create secure web application & secure their existing ones.​
    • Web admins so they can secure their websites.​
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New Member
Apr 8, 2024
Reaction score

What you’ll learn​

  • 100+ Videos (10+ hours) to teach you website hacking from scratch.​
  • 50+ hands-on real-life website hacking examples - from simple to advanced.​
  • Discover, exploit and mitigate a number of dangerous web vulnerabilities.​
  • Hack cloud servers using these vulnerabilities.​
  • No prior knowledge in Linux, hacking or programming is required.​
  • Advanced post exploitation - pivoting, dump the database, privilege escalation, etc​
  • Bypass security & advanced exploitation of these vulnerabilities.​
  • Bypass security & filters.​
  • Create a hacking lab.​
  • Intercept requests using a proxy.​
  • Adopt SQL queries to discover and exploit SQL injections in secure pages.​
  • Gain full control over cloud servers using SQL injections.​
  • Discover & exploit blind SQL injections.​
  • Install Kali Linux - a penetration testing operating system.​
  • Learn linux commands and how to interact with the terminal.​
  • Learn linux basics.​
  • Understand how websites & web applications work.​
  • Understand how browsers communicate with websites.​
  • Gather sensitive information about websites.​
  • Discover servers, technologies & services used on target website.​
  • Discover emails & sensitive data associated with a specific website.​
  • Find all subdomains associated with a website.​
  • Discover unpublished directories & files associated with a target website.​
  • Find all websites hosted on the same server as the target website.​
  • Discover, exploit and fix file upload vulnerabilities.​
  • Exploit advanced file upload vulnerabilities & gain full control over the target website.​
  • Discover, exploit and fix code execution vulnerabilities.​
  • Exploit advanced code execution vulnerabilities & gain full control over the target website.​
  • Discover, exploit & fix local file inclusion vulnerabilities.​
  • Exploit local file inclusion vulnerabilities to to get a shell.​
  • Exploit advanced local file inclusion vulnerabilities & gain full control over the target website.​
  • Exploit advanced remote file inclusion vulnerabilities & gain full control over the target website.​
  • Discover, fix, and exploit SQL injection vulnerabilities.​
  • Bypass login forms and login as admin using SQL injections.​
  • Writing SQL queries to find databases, tables and sensitive data such as usernames ad passwords using SQL injections​
  • Bypass filtering, and login as admin without password using SQL injections.​
  • Bypass filtering and security measurements.​
  • Read / Write files to the server using SQL injections.​
  • Patch SQL injections quickly.​
  • The right way to write SQL queries to prevent SQL injections.​
  • Discover basic & advanced reflected XSS vulnerabilities.​
  • Discover basic & advanced stored XSS vulnerabilities.​
  • How to use BeEF framwork.​
  • Hook users to BeEF using reflected & XSS vulnerabilities.​
  • Steal credentials from hooked targets.​
  • Run javascript code on hooked targets.​
  • Create Windows backdoors.​
  • Hack computers using XSS vulnerabilities.​
  • Fix XSS vulnerabilities & protect yourself from them as a user.​
  • Brute force & wordlist attacks.​
  • Create a wordlist or a dictionary.​
  • Launch a wordlist attack and guess admin’s password.​
  • Discover all of the above vulnerabilities automatically using a web proxy.​
  • Run system commands on the target webserver.​
  • Access the file system (navigate between directories, read/write files).​
  • Download, upload files to / from hacked servers.​
  • Bypass security measurements.​
  • Access all websites on the same webserver.​
  • Connect to the database and execute SQL queries or download the whole database to the local machine.​
  • Discover, exploit and mitigate CSRF vulnerabilities.​


    • Basic IT Skills.​
    • No Linux, programming or hacking knowledge required.​
    • Computer with a minimum of 4GB ram/memory.​
    • Operating System: Windows / Apple Mac OS / Linux.​


    • Although website hacking is covered in one of my other courses, that course only covers the basics where this course dives much deeper in this topic covering more techniques, more vulnerabilities, advanced exploitation, advanced post exploitation, bypassing security and more!
    • This course focuses on website hacking, I have a different course that teaches bug hunting from scratch.
      Welcome to my comprehensive course on Website hacking / penetration testing. This course assumes you have NO prior knowledge in hacking, it starts with you from scratch and takes you step-by-step to an advanced level, being able to hack websites like black-hat hackers and secure them like security experts!
      This course is highly practical but doesn’t neglect the theory, we’ll start with basics to teach you how websites work and install the needed software (on Windows, Linux and Apple Mac OS). Then we’ll start hacking straight away. You’ll learn everything by example, by discovering vulnerabilities and exploiting them to hack websites. No boring dry lectures
      Before jumping into hacking, you’ll first learn how to gather comprehensive information about the target website. Then the course is divided into a number of sections, each aims to teach you a common vulnerability from the OWASP top 10 most common security threats. Each section takes you through a number of hands-on examples to teach you the cause of the security bug or vulnerability and how to discover it and exploit it in a number of scenarios, from simple to advanced, ultimately allowing you to hack the target website. You’ll also learn advanced techniques to bypass filters and security, escalate your privileges, access the database and much more post-exploitation techniques. As we do this I will also introduce you to different hacking and security concepts, tools and techniques. Everything will be taught through examples and hands-on practicals, there will be no useless or boring lectures!
      Here’s a more detailed breakdown of the course content:
      1. Information Gathering - In this section you’ll learn how to gather comprehensive information about a target website, you’ll learn how to discover its DNS information, the services used, subdomains, un-published directories, sensitive files, user emails, websites on the same server and even the hosting provider. This information is crucial as it expands the attack surface, increasing our changes of successfully hacking the target website.
      2. Discovery, Exploitation & Mitigation - In this section you will learn how to discover, exploit and mitigate a common vulnerabilities from the OWASP top 10 most common security threats. This section is divided into a number of subsections. Each subsection takes you through a number of hands-on examples to teach you the cause of the vulnerability, how to discover it and how to exploit it in a number of scenarios, from simple to advanced, ultimately allowing you to hack the target website. You’ll also learn advanced techniques to bypass filters and security. Finally we will analyse the code causing these vulnerabilities and d,
      Here’s a list of the main vulnerabilities that will be covered in this section.​
    • Information Disclosure.​
    • File upload.​
    • Code Execution*.*​
    • Local File Inclusion*.*​
    • Remote File Inclusion.​
    • SQL Injection.​
    • Cross Site Scripting (XSS).
    • Insecure Session Management*.*​
    • Brute Force & Dictionary Attacks*.*​
    • CSRF (Client-Side Request Forgery).
      3. Post Exploitation - In this section you will learn what can you do with the access you gained by exploiting the above vulnerabilities. You will learn how to convert reverse shell access to a Weevely access and vice versa, how to execute system commands on the target server, navigate between directories, access other websites on the same server, upload/download files, access the database and even download the whole database to your local machine. You will also learn how to bypass security, privilege escalation and do all of the above with limited permissions on the server !
      You’ll use the following tools to achieve the above:​
    • Kali Linux.​
    • Weevely.​
    • THC-Hydra .​
    • Netcat .​
    • Dev tools.​
    • Burp Suite.​
    • OWASP Zap.​
    • Metasploit.​
    • BeEF.​
    • Dirb.​
    • Maltego.​
    • Knockpy.
      With this course you get 24/7 support, so if you have any questions you can post them in the Q&A section and we’ll respond to you within 15 hours.
      Checkout the curriculum and the course teaser for more info!
    • This course is created for educational purposes only and all the attacks are launched in my own lab or against systems that I have permission to test.
    • This course is totally a product of Zaid Sabih & zSecurity, no other organization is associated with it or a certification exam. Although, you will receive a Course Completion Certification from Udemy, apart from that NO OTHER ORGANIZATION IS INVOLVED.

      Who this course is for:​

    • Anybody interested in learning website & web application hacking / penetration testing.​
    • Anybody interested in learning how to secure websites & web applications from hacker.​
    • Web developers so they can create secure web application & secure their existing ones.​
    • Web admins so they can secure their websites.​
[Hidden content]
Apr 10, 2024
Reaction score

What you’ll learn​

  • 100+ Videos (10+ hours) to teach you website hacking from scratch.​
  • 50+ hands-on real-life website hacking examples - from simple to advanced.​
  • Discover, exploit and mitigate a number of dangerous web vulnerabilities.​
  • Hack cloud servers using these vulnerabilities.​
  • No prior knowledge in Linux, hacking or programming is required.​
  • Advanced post exploitation - pivoting, dump the database, privilege escalation, etc​
  • Bypass security & advanced exploitation of these vulnerabilities.​
  • Bypass security & filters.​
  • Create a hacking lab.​
  • Intercept requests using a proxy.​
  • Adopt SQL queries to discover and exploit SQL injections in secure pages.​
  • Gain full control over cloud servers using SQL injections.​
  • Discover & exploit blind SQL injections.​
  • Install Kali Linux - a penetration testing operating system.​
  • Learn linux commands and how to interact with the terminal.​
  • Learn linux basics.​
  • Understand how websites & web applications work.​
  • Understand how browsers communicate with websites.​
  • Gather sensitive information about websites.​
  • Discover servers, technologies & services used on target website.​
  • Discover emails & sensitive data associated with a specific website.​
  • Find all subdomains associated with a website.​
  • Discover unpublished directories & files associated with a target website.​
  • Find all websites hosted on the same server as the target website.​
  • Discover, exploit and fix file upload vulnerabilities.​
  • Exploit advanced file upload vulnerabilities & gain full control over the target website.​
  • Discover, exploit and fix code execution vulnerabilities.​
  • Exploit advanced code execution vulnerabilities & gain full control over the target website.​
  • Discover, exploit & fix local file inclusion vulnerabilities.​
  • Exploit local file inclusion vulnerabilities to to get a shell.​
  • Exploit advanced local file inclusion vulnerabilities & gain full control over the target website.​
  • Exploit advanced remote file inclusion vulnerabilities & gain full control over the target website.​
  • Discover, fix, and exploit SQL injection vulnerabilities.​
  • Bypass login forms and login as admin using SQL injections.​
  • Writing SQL queries to find databases, tables and sensitive data such as usernames ad passwords using SQL injections​
  • Bypass filtering, and login as admin without password using SQL injections.​
  • Bypass filtering and security measurements.​
  • Read / Write files to the server using SQL injections.​
  • Patch SQL injections quickly.​
  • The right way to write SQL queries to prevent SQL injections.​
  • Discover basic & advanced reflected XSS vulnerabilities.​
  • Discover basic & advanced stored XSS vulnerabilities.​
  • How to use BeEF framwork.​
  • Hook users to BeEF using reflected & XSS vulnerabilities.​
  • Steal credentials from hooked targets.​
  • Run javascript code on hooked targets.​
  • Create Windows backdoors.​
  • Hack computers using XSS vulnerabilities.​
  • Fix XSS vulnerabilities & protect yourself from them as a user.​
  • Brute force & wordlist attacks.​
  • Create a wordlist or a dictionary.​
  • Launch a wordlist attack and guess admin’s password.​
  • Discover all of the above vulnerabilities automatically using a web proxy.​
  • Run system commands on the target webserver.​
  • Access the file system (navigate between directories, read/write files).​
  • Download, upload files to / from hacked servers.​
  • Bypass security measurements.​
  • Access all websites on the same webserver.​
  • Connect to the database and execute SQL queries or download the whole database to the local machine.​
  • Discover, exploit and mitigate CSRF vulnerabilities.​


    • Basic IT Skills.​
    • No Linux, programming or hacking knowledge required.​
    • Computer with a minimum of 4GB ram/memory.​
    • Operating System: Windows / Apple Mac OS / Linux.​


    • Although website hacking is covered in one of my other courses, that course only covers the basics where this course dives much deeper in this topic covering more techniques, more vulnerabilities, advanced exploitation, advanced post exploitation, bypassing security and more!
    • This course focuses on website hacking, I have a different course that teaches bug hunting from scratch.
      Welcome to my comprehensive course on Website hacking / penetration testing. This course assumes you have NO prior knowledge in hacking, it starts with you from scratch and takes you step-by-step to an advanced level, being able to hack websites like black-hat hackers and secure them like security experts!
      This course is highly practical but doesn’t neglect the theory, we’ll start with basics to teach you how websites work and install the needed software (on Windows, Linux and Apple Mac OS). Then we’ll start hacking straight away. You’ll learn everything by example, by discovering vulnerabilities and exploiting them to hack websites. No boring dry lectures
      Before jumping into hacking, you’ll first learn how to gather comprehensive information about the target website. Then the course is divided into a number of sections, each aims to teach you a common vulnerability from the OWASP top 10 most common security threats. Each section takes you through a number of hands-on examples to teach you the cause of the security bug or vulnerability and how to discover it and exploit it in a number of scenarios, from simple to advanced, ultimately allowing you to hack the target website. You’ll also learn advanced techniques to bypass filters and security, escalate your privileges, access the database and much more post-exploitation techniques. As we do this I will also introduce you to different hacking and security concepts, tools and techniques. Everything will be taught through examples and hands-on practicals, there will be no useless or boring lectures!
      Here’s a more detailed breakdown of the course content:
      1. Information Gathering - In this section you’ll learn how to gather comprehensive information about a target website, you’ll learn how to discover its DNS information, the services used, subdomains, un-published directories, sensitive files, user emails, websites on the same server and even the hosting provider. This information is crucial as it expands the attack surface, increasing our changes of successfully hacking the target website.
      2. Discovery, Exploitation & Mitigation - In this section you will learn how to discover, exploit and mitigate a common vulnerabilities from the OWASP top 10 most common security threats. This section is divided into a number of subsections. Each subsection takes you through a number of hands-on examples to teach you the cause of the vulnerability, how to discover it and how to exploit it in a number of scenarios, from simple to advanced, ultimately allowing you to hack the target website. You’ll also learn advanced techniques to bypass filters and security. Finally we will analyse the code causing these vulnerabilities and d,
      Here’s a list of the main vulnerabilities that will be covered in this section.​
    • Information Disclosure.​
    • File upload.​
    • Code Execution*.*​
    • Local File Inclusion*.*​
    • Remote File Inclusion.​
    • SQL Injection.​
    • Cross Site Scripting (XSS).
    • Insecure Session Management*.*​
    • Brute Force & Dictionary Attacks*.*​
    • CSRF (Client-Side Request Forgery).
      3. Post Exploitation - In this section you will learn what can you do with the access you gained by exploiting the above vulnerabilities. You will learn how to convert reverse shell access to a Weevely access and vice versa, how to execute system commands on the target server, navigate between directories, access other websites on the same server, upload/download files, access the database and even download the whole database to your local machine. You will also learn how to bypass security, privilege escalation and do all of the above with limited permissions on the server !
      You’ll use the following tools to achieve the above:​
    • Kali Linux.​
    • Weevely.​
    • THC-Hydra .​
    • Netcat .​
    • Dev tools.​
    • Burp Suite.​
    • OWASP Zap.​
    • Metasploit.​
    • BeEF.​
    • Dirb.​
    • Maltego.​
    • Knockpy.
      With this course you get 24/7 support, so if you have any questions you can post them in the Q&A section and we’ll respond to you within 15 hours.
      Checkout the curriculum and the course teaser for more info!
    • This course is created for educational purposes only and all the attacks are launched in my own lab or against systems that I have permission to test.
    • This course is totally a product of Zaid Sabih & zSecurity, no other organization is associated with it or a certification exam. Although, you will receive a Course Completion Certification from Udemy, apart from that NO OTHER ORGANIZATION IS INVOLVED.

      Who this course is for:​

    • Anybody interested in learning website & web application hacking / penetration testing.​
    • Anybody interested in learning how to secure websites & web applications from hacker.​
    • Web developers so they can create secure web application & secure their existing ones.​
    • Web admins so they can secure their websites.​
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    advanced discover exploit penetration testing vulnerabilities website
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