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- January 23, 2025
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- #1
i sell 0DAY toolkit. the 0 day contain difrend 0DAY and exploids contact me on telegram @klodi666 if you won the 0DAY
total 393684
4 -0DAY-WebDepo--SQL-injection-INURL-BRASIL 4 PHP_imap_open_exploit
4 -0day- 4 PPL-0day
4 -0day-Mari-Source 4 PPT
4 0Day-Exploits 4 PanaceaSoft-0day-Exploit
4 0day 4 PeiQi-0day
4 0day-Security 4 'Psychic Paper'
4 0day-Xfinity-Wordlist-Generator 4 PwnVPN
4 0day-elFinder-2020 4 REALITY_SMASHER
4 0day-exploit 4 SJTU-Autoseed
4 0day-main.zip 4 Scanning
420 0day-master.zip 4 SecBugs
4 0day-mikrotik 4 Security-Research
4 0day-scripts 4 Security.Researcher
4 0day-security-software-vulnerability-analysis-technology 4 Serein
44 0day-security-software-vulnerability-analysis-technology-master.zip 4 Serein_Linux
4 0day-templates 4 SharePoint-not-so-0day
912 0day-today-exploits 4 SolrExp
4 0day-wordpress-easy-smtp 4 Spring0DayCoreExploit
4 0day.marketing 4 SpringCore-0day
4 0dayNinja 4 SpringShell_0-day
4 0day_dos_apple 4 TOR-0day
4 0daydown 4 ThinkPwn
4 0daydown_get_baidu_pan 4 Tools
4 0dayex-checker 4 Ubuntu-0day
4 0dayexploit-reedit 4 Ubuntu16.04-0day-Local-Root
4 0daylabs.github.io 4 WORDPRESS-Revslider-Exploit-0DAY
4 0dayplay 4 WTF_Scan
4 0days 4 WeChat-0day
4 0days-in-the-wild 4 Website
128 0days-main.zip 4 Wechat-0day-main.zip
391264 0dayy-master.zip 4 WinKit
4 360tianqingRCE 4 WindowsMDM-LPE-0Day
4 AMSI-BYPASS 4 Wordpress-XMLRPC-Brute-Force-Exploit
4 APT38-0day-Stealer 4 ZimbraExploit
4 Antivirus_R3_bypass_demo 4 acunetix_0day
4 Apache-Struts-0Day-Exploit 4 chrome-0day
4 Aptiocalypsis 248 chrome-0day-master.zip
4 Backdoor 4 cve-2020-0796
4 BotExploits 4 defcon25_uac_workshop
4 CVE-2018-17182 4 exchange-0days-202103
4 CVE-2018-18852 4 exploit
4 CVE-2021-40444 4 fix4log4j
4 CVE-2022-22965 4 fuzzbunch
4 CVE-2022-44666 4 golang-RCE-0day-POC
4 CVE-2023-20198-Checker 4 graduation_design
4 CVE-2023-23397_EXPLOIT_0DAY 12 hack-tools
4 CVE-2023-38646 4 hacking-team-windows-kernel-lpe
4 CVE-2023-38831-winrar-exploit 4 https-github.com-Lucifer1993-0day
4 CVE-2023-46747-RCE 4 huawei
4 CVE-2023-47246-EXP 4 iOS-Apfs-Persistence-Exploit
4 CVE-2024-27198-RCE 4 ios-analyticsd-pre14.7-exploit
4 CVE-2024-32640-SQLI-MuraCMS 4 ios-gamed-0day
4 CVE-2024-4040-SSTI-LFI-PoC 4 ios-nehelper-wifi-info-0day
4 CVE-2025-26125 4 ivms-8700-0day-poc
4 CVE-FIND 4 joomscan
4 CVE_Database 4 linux-0day
4 Chinese-hackers-use-WPS-to-attack 4 'more 0day'
4 Chrome-Android-and-Windows-0day-RCE-SBX 4 nmap-vulners
4 CiscoExploit 4 no-sandbox
4 ClamAV_0Day_exploit 4 otax
4 DefCon25 4 pardus-liderahenk-0day-RCE
4 Disclosures 4 pegasus-0day-acunetix
4 Discord-exploit 4 play_with_siguza_first_0day
4 DotNetNukeEXPLOIT 4 racism
4 Exploit-Development 4 s3tz7
4 Exploit_DupScoutClient 4 secretnet_expl
4 Exploits 4 shadow2
4 FM-0day 4 spring-spel-0day-poc
4 Github-Monitor 4 springcore-0day-en
4 Gmail-Enum 4 tdv11.6_rce
4 Grafana-0day 4 vBulletin-5.x-0day-pre-auth-RCE-exploit
4 HAFNIUM-Microsoft-Exchange-0day 4 virtualbox_e1000_0day
4 Hell0 4 vscan
4 HitCon-2015-spartan-0day-exploit 4 vulnerable-nodejs-express-mysql
4 HitCon-2016-Windows-10-x64-edge-0day-and-exploit 4 webgl-0day
4 IOHIDeous 4 windows-extension-exploit
4 Instagram-0day-After-Patch- 4 winrar-SFX-0day-exploiter
16 K8tools 12 winrar-SFX-0day-exploiter-master.zip
4 KEV 4 wp-file-manager-0day
4 LIVEBOX-0DAY 4 wp-file-manager-0day-mass
4 Mass-deface 4 wp-mini-exploiter
4 MyBB-0day-RCE 4 zfsoft-Hijacking-0day-PoC
4 P0VsRedHerring 4 zimbra-0day
total 393684
4 -0DAY-WebDepo--SQL-injection-INURL-BRASIL 4 PHP_imap_open_exploit
4 -0day- 4 PPL-0day
4 -0day-Mari-Source 4 PPT
4 0Day-Exploits 4 PanaceaSoft-0day-Exploit
4 0day 4 PeiQi-0day
4 0day-Security 4 'Psychic Paper'
4 0day-Xfinity-Wordlist-Generator 4 PwnVPN
4 0day-elFinder-2020 4 REALITY_SMASHER
4 0day-exploit 4 SJTU-Autoseed
4 0day-main.zip 4 Scanning
420 0day-master.zip 4 SecBugs
4 0day-mikrotik 4 Security-Research
4 0day-scripts 4 Security.Researcher
4 0day-security-software-vulnerability-analysis-technology 4 Serein
44 0day-security-software-vulnerability-analysis-technology-master.zip 4 Serein_Linux
4 0day-templates 4 SharePoint-not-so-0day
912 0day-today-exploits 4 SolrExp
4 0day-wordpress-easy-smtp 4 Spring0DayCoreExploit
4 0day.marketing 4 SpringCore-0day
4 0dayNinja 4 SpringShell_0-day
4 0day_dos_apple 4 TOR-0day
4 0daydown 4 ThinkPwn
4 0daydown_get_baidu_pan 4 Tools
4 0dayex-checker 4 Ubuntu-0day
4 0dayexploit-reedit 4 Ubuntu16.04-0day-Local-Root
4 0daylabs.github.io 4 WORDPRESS-Revslider-Exploit-0DAY
4 0dayplay 4 WTF_Scan
4 0days 4 WeChat-0day
4 0days-in-the-wild 4 Website
128 0days-main.zip 4 Wechat-0day-main.zip
391264 0dayy-master.zip 4 WinKit
4 360tianqingRCE 4 WindowsMDM-LPE-0Day
4 AMSI-BYPASS 4 Wordpress-XMLRPC-Brute-Force-Exploit
4 APT38-0day-Stealer 4 ZimbraExploit
4 Antivirus_R3_bypass_demo 4 acunetix_0day
4 Apache-Struts-0Day-Exploit 4 chrome-0day
4 Aptiocalypsis 248 chrome-0day-master.zip
4 Backdoor 4 cve-2020-0796
4 BotExploits 4 defcon25_uac_workshop
4 CVE-2018-17182 4 exchange-0days-202103
4 CVE-2018-18852 4 exploit
4 CVE-2021-40444 4 fix4log4j
4 CVE-2022-22965 4 fuzzbunch
4 CVE-2022-44666 4 golang-RCE-0day-POC
4 CVE-2023-20198-Checker 4 graduation_design
4 CVE-2023-23397_EXPLOIT_0DAY 12 hack-tools
4 CVE-2023-38646 4 hacking-team-windows-kernel-lpe
4 CVE-2023-38831-winrar-exploit 4 https-github.com-Lucifer1993-0day
4 CVE-2023-46747-RCE 4 huawei
4 CVE-2023-47246-EXP 4 iOS-Apfs-Persistence-Exploit
4 CVE-2024-27198-RCE 4 ios-analyticsd-pre14.7-exploit
4 CVE-2024-32640-SQLI-MuraCMS 4 ios-gamed-0day
4 CVE-2024-4040-SSTI-LFI-PoC 4 ios-nehelper-wifi-info-0day
4 CVE-2025-26125 4 ivms-8700-0day-poc
4 CVE-FIND 4 joomscan
4 CVE_Database 4 linux-0day
4 Chinese-hackers-use-WPS-to-attack 4 'more 0day'
4 Chrome-Android-and-Windows-0day-RCE-SBX 4 nmap-vulners
4 CiscoExploit 4 no-sandbox
4 ClamAV_0Day_exploit 4 otax
4 DefCon25 4 pardus-liderahenk-0day-RCE
4 Disclosures 4 pegasus-0day-acunetix
4 Discord-exploit 4 play_with_siguza_first_0day
4 DotNetNukeEXPLOIT 4 racism
4 Exploit-Development 4 s3tz7
4 Exploit_DupScoutClient 4 secretnet_expl
4 Exploits 4 shadow2
4 FM-0day 4 spring-spel-0day-poc
4 Github-Monitor 4 springcore-0day-en
4 Gmail-Enum 4 tdv11.6_rce
4 Grafana-0day 4 vBulletin-5.x-0day-pre-auth-RCE-exploit
4 HAFNIUM-Microsoft-Exchange-0day 4 virtualbox_e1000_0day
4 Hell0 4 vscan
4 HitCon-2015-spartan-0day-exploit 4 vulnerable-nodejs-express-mysql
4 HitCon-2016-Windows-10-x64-edge-0day-and-exploit 4 webgl-0day
4 IOHIDeous 4 windows-extension-exploit
4 Instagram-0day-After-Patch- 4 winrar-SFX-0day-exploiter
16 K8tools 12 winrar-SFX-0day-exploiter-master.zip
4 KEV 4 wp-file-manager-0day
4 LIVEBOX-0DAY 4 wp-file-manager-0day-mass
4 Mass-deface 4 wp-mini-exploiter
4 MyBB-0day-RCE 4 zfsoft-Hijacking-0day-PoC
4 P0VsRedHerring 4 zimbra-0day