
  1. Tracy03

    FINITY-TRA.RU - New Generation Market for Sellers (BA,CC.DOC,FULLZ)

    Questions / partners contact directly from store ticket system. 70% for sellers Link: Market | Sign In Tor Link: http://tkdhfxazalp6c3cdpx2mdk76ip2egtgprnk5erluukvsym44qi3v2zyd.onion
  2. port-royal

    looking for verified credit card sellers

    Hello, I am looking for verified credit card sellers.
  3. Sauron

    Verified Sellers MarketPlace Information

    Id just to make a thread explain a few things so here we go. So in the rules when it says @Admin it Means the Super Admin Not me I am just on the DNA Team! i Have nothing to do with anything related to the Verified Sellers Section i do appreciate the ones who think of me as a admin and came...
  4. J

    Does anyone have Flipkart Sellers data ??

    I need Flipkart sellers data like phone number and email id
  5. H

    I have the cards, but how do I see the balances in them?

    I have the cards, but how do I see the balances in them?
  6. Admin

    UNVERIFIED Sellers forum Rules

    UNVERIFIED Sellers Section Rules: 1 ) Cloned cards / Gift Cards / WU transfers, Cash app transfers, ..... .such Scams posts not allowed .( post such scam and you will get banned immediately with no warring ). 2 ) unverified sellers must accept DNA Escrow for customers who asks for it ...