
  1. Laucharge

    High-Risk Merchant Acquiring – Credit Cards, Apple Pay, Google Pay, PayPal, EUR/USD Gateways

    Laucharge is a reliable payment aggregator for high-risk projects, including segments without licenses and complex directions. Acquiring for high-risk: Connection of payment gateways with 3DS Secure support. We accept VISA, MasterCard, UnionPay, Apple Pay, Google Pay, WeChat, Alipay, and...
  2. johnwick1010

    2FA Tutorial for PayPal and Coinbase Merchant

    We used PayPal as reference throughout the guide but it works for Coinbase too: 1. Dounload DUCKDUCKGO Browser. 2. Disable Wi-Fi, use LTE/4G. 3. Heid ower tae Scamalytics (check yer IP Score) - Check yer IP fir its fraud score - If yer fraud score is abuin 20. Turn on airplane mode fir 5...
  3. N

    How to make monthly passive income with a merchant account

    What you need for this technique: 1. A website 2. A merchant account that accepts subscription payments 3. A credit card In the merchant account, set the product type to subscription. Make it renew either every month or every 2 weeks. Set the billing info to a common has station in their area...
  4. Sauron with Capture [Get Paid Proxies For Free!!]

    Combo: Email : Pass Proxy:Yes Capture: Cloud Proxies Amount | Merchant Proxies Amount | Balance
  5. dbMaster database

    Website - Format - .SQL Date - 2023 All Rows - 2kk INSERT INTO `merchant_bills` (`id`, `merchantId`, `mainCardId`, `caiWuId`, `amount`, `fee`, `bankFee`, `billType`, `isDone`, `isRefund`, `isApproved`, `isDf`, `isKU`, `dfFee`, `bankName`, `bankType`, `bankCode`...