Buy Fake and Custom Documents From Any Country | Cheap Prices | Few Days Delivery

Vendor of: Database Leaks
Verified Seller
Jun 20, 2024
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Details about the products

I sell custom documents from almost every country with a high quality. The delivery can be between 1 days to 5, depends on the work I have pending. (you pay when you have your document ready and on your device)


For obvious anonymity reasons, I only accept payments on LTC or BTC.

Products avaible for buy

I sell the next documents: IDs, Driver Licenses and Passports (others just for premium). List of countries with prices:

Germany: 10$
Ukraine: 5$
Spain: 10$
China: 5$
USA: 5$
UK: 10$
Other country: 5$

To buy, contact me on:
[email protected]


Here I leave you some samples of the documents quality and realistic details: Proton Drive
Last edited:
Administration Team
DNA Moderator
Nov 19, 2023
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[Hidden content]

Details about the products

I sell custom documents from almost every country with a high quality. The delivery can be between 1 days to 5, depends on the work I have pending. (you pay when you have your document ready and on your device)


For obvious anonymity reasons, I only accept payments on LTC or BTC.

Products avaible for buy

I sell the next documents: IDs, Driver Licenses and Passports (others just for premium). List of countries with prices:

Germany: 10$
Ukraine: 5$
Spain: 10$
China: 5$
USA: 5$
UK: 10$
Other country: 5$

To buy, contact me on:
[email protected]


Here I leave you some samples of the documents quality and realistic details: Proton Drive
we have a marketplaces for a REASON those are the ONLY SPOTS on DNA you are allowed to Post Content For Sale! i will move them this time but if it happens again your post will be deleted.

What makes you think Removing the threads in the correct area but than repost them where they don't belong is okay ? do you see anyone else Posting content there for sale?

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