Black Hat Bash: Creative Scripting for Hackers and Pentesters

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Infinity Member
November 19, 2023
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Master the art of offensive bash scripting. This highly practical hands-on guide covers chaining commands together, automating tasks, crafting living-off-the-land attacks, and more!
In the hands of the penetration tester, bash scripting becomes a powerful offensive security tool. In Black Hat Bash, you’ll learn how to use bash to automate tasks, develop custom tools, uncover vulnerabilities, and execute advanced, living-off-the-land attacks against Linux servers. You’ll build a toolbox of bash scripts that will save you hours of manual work. And your only prerequisite is basic familiarity with the Linux operating system.
You’ll learn the basics of bash syntax, then set up a Kali Linux lab to apply your skills across each stage of a penetration test—from initial access to data exfiltration. Along the way, you’ll learn how to perform OS command injection, access remote machines, gather information stealthily, and navigate restricted networks to find the crown jewels. Hands-on exercises throughout will have you applying your newfound skills.
Key topics covered include:
Bash scripting essentials: From control structures, functions, loops, and text manipulation with grep, awk, and sed.
How to set up your lab: Create a hacking environment with Kali and Docker and install additional tools.
Reconnaissance and vulnerability scanning: Learn how to perform host discovery, fuzzing, and port scanning using tools like Wfuzz, Nmap, and Nuclei.
Exploitation and privilege escalation: Establish web and reverse shells, and maintain continuous access.
Defense evasion and lateral movement: Audit hosts for landmines, avoid detection, and move through networks to uncover additional targets.

Whether you’re a pentester, a bug bounty hunter, or a student entering the cybersecurity field, Black Hat Bash will teach you how to automate, customize, and optimize your offensive security strategies quickly and efficiently, with no true sorcery required.

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Advanced Member
June 12, 2024
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Master the art of offensive bash scripting. This highly practical hands-on guide covers chaining commands together, automating tasks, crafting living-off-the-land attacks, and more!
In the hands of the penetration tester, bash scripting becomes a powerful offensive security tool. In Black Hat Bash, you’ll learn how to use bash to automate tasks, develop custom tools, uncover vulnerabilities, and execute advanced, living-off-the-land attacks against Linux servers. You’ll build a toolbox of bash scripts that will save you hours of manual work. And your only prerequisite is basic familiarity with the Linux operating system.
You’ll learn the basics of bash syntax, then set up a Kali Linux lab to apply your skills across each stage of a penetration test—from initial access to data exfiltration. Along the way, you’ll learn how to perform OS command injection, access remote machines, gather information stealthily, and navigate restricted networks to find the crown jewels. Hands-on exercises throughout will have you applying your newfound skills.
Key topics covered include:
Bash scripting essentials: From control structures, functions, loops, and text manipulation with grep, awk, and sed.
How to set up your lab: Create a hacking environment with Kali and Docker and install additional tools.
Reconnaissance and vulnerability scanning: Learn how to perform host discovery, fuzzing, and port scanning using tools like Wfuzz, Nmap, and Nuclei.
Exploitation and privilege escalation: Establish web and reverse shells, and maintain continuous access.
Defense evasion and lateral movement: Audit hosts for landmines, avoid detection, and move through networks to uncover additional targets.

Whether you’re a pentester, a bug bounty hunter, or a student entering the cybersecurity field, Black Hat Bash will teach you how to automate, customize, and optimize your offensive security strategies quickly and efficiently, with no true sorcery required.

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Advanced Member
July 29, 2024
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Master the art of offensive bash scripting. This highly practical hands-on guide covers chaining commands together, automating tasks, crafting living-off-the-land attacks, and more!
In the hands of the penetration tester, bash scripting becomes a powerful offensive security tool. In Black Hat Bash, you’ll learn how to use bash to automate tasks, develop custom tools, uncover vulnerabilities, and execute advanced, living-off-the-land attacks against Linux servers. You’ll build a toolbox of bash scripts that will save you hours of manual work. And your only prerequisite is basic familiarity with the Linux operating system.
You’ll learn the basics of bash syntax, then set up a Kali Linux lab to apply your skills across each stage of a penetration test—from initial access to data exfiltration. Along the way, you’ll learn how to perform OS command injection, access remote machines, gather information stealthily, and navigate restricted networks to find the crown jewels. Hands-on exercises throughout will have you applying your newfound skills.
Key topics covered include:
Bash scripting essentials: From control structures, functions, loops, and text manipulation with grep, awk, and sed.
How to set up your lab: Create a hacking environment with Kali and Docker and install additional tools.
Reconnaissance and vulnerability scanning: Learn how to perform host discovery, fuzzing, and port scanning using tools like Wfuzz, Nmap, and Nuclei.
Exploitation and privilege escalation: Establish web and reverse shells, and maintain continuous access.
Defense evasion and lateral movement: Audit hosts for landmines, avoid detection, and move through networks to uncover additional targets.

Whether you’re a pentester, a bug bounty hunter, or a student entering the cybersecurity field, Black Hat Bash will teach you how to automate, customize, and optimize your offensive security strategies quickly and efficiently, with no true sorcery required.

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New Member
July 30, 2024
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Master the art of offensive bash scripting. This highly practical hands-on guide covers chaining commands together, automating tasks, crafting living-off-the-land attacks, and more!
In the hands of the penetration tester, bash scripting becomes a powerful offensive security tool. In Black Hat Bash, you’ll learn how to use bash to automate tasks, develop custom tools, uncover vulnerabilities, and execute advanced, living-off-the-land attacks against Linux servers. You’ll build a toolbox of bash scripts that will save you hours of manual work. And your only prerequisite is basic familiarity with the Linux operating system.
You’ll learn the basics of bash syntax, then set up a Kali Linux lab to apply your skills across each stage of a penetration test—from initial access to data exfiltration. Along the way, you’ll learn how to perform OS command injection, access remote machines, gather information stealthily, and navigate restricted networks to find the crown jewels. Hands-on exercises throughout will have you applying your newfound skills.
Key topics covered include:
Bash scripting essentials: From control structures, functions, loops, and text manipulation with grep, awk, and sed.
How to set up your lab: Create a hacking environment with Kali and Docker and install additional tools.
Reconnaissance and vulnerability scanning: Learn how to perform host discovery, fuzzing, and port scanning using tools like Wfuzz, Nmap, and Nuclei.
Exploitation and privilege escalation: Establish web and reverse shells, and maintain continuous access.
Defense evasion and lateral movement: Audit hosts for landmines, avoid detection, and move through networks to uncover additional targets.

Whether you’re a pentester, a bug bounty hunter, or a student entering the cybersecurity field, Black Hat Bash will teach you how to automate, customize, and optimize your offensive security strategies quickly and efficiently, with no true sorcery required.

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July 30, 2024
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إتقان فن البرمجة النصية الهجومية bash. يغطي هذا الدليل العملي للغاية تسلسل الأوامر معًا، وأتمتة المهام، وصياغة الهجمات خارج الأرض، والمزيد!
في أيدي مختبر الاختراق، تصبح البرمجة النصية bash أداة أمنية هجومية قوية. في Black Hat Bash، ستتعلم كيفية استخدام bash لأتمتة المهام، وتطوير أدوات مخصصة، والكشف عن نقاط الضعف، وتنفيذ هجمات متقدمة خارج الأرض ضد خوادم Linux. ستقوم بإنشاء صندوق أدوات من نصوص bash التي ستوفر عليك ساعات من العمل اليدوي. والشرط الوحيد لديك هو الإلمام الأساسي بنظام التشغيل Linux.
ستتعلم أساسيات بناء جملة bash، ثم تقوم بإعداد مختبر Kali Linux لتطبيق مهاراتك في كل مرحلة من مراحل اختبار الاختراق — بدءًا من الوصول الأولي إلى استخراج البيانات. على طول الطريق، ستتعلم كيفية إجراء حقن أوامر نظام التشغيل، والوصول إلى الأجهزة البعيدة، وجمع المعلومات خلسة، والتنقل عبر الشبكات المحظورة للعثور على جواهر التاج. ستساعدك التمارين العملية طوال الوقت على تطبيق مهاراتك المكتشفة حديثًا.
تشمل المواضيع الرئيسية التي يتم تناولها ما يلي:
أساسيات البرمجة النصية لـ Bash: من هياكل التحكم، والوظائف، والحلقات، ومعالجة النص باستخدام grep، وawk، وsed.
كيفية إعداد مختبرك: أنشئ بيئة قرصنة باستخدام Kali وDocker وقم بتثبيت أدوات إضافية.
الاستطلاع وفحص الثغرات الأمنية: تعرف على كيفية إجراء اكتشاف المضيف والتشويش وفحص المنافذ باستخدام أدوات مثل Wfuzz وNmap وNuclei.
الاستغلال وتصعيد الامتيازات: إنشاء صدفات الويب والعكس، والحفاظ على الوصول المستمر.
التهرب الدفاعي والحركة الجانبية: قم بتدقيق المضيفين بحثًا عن الألغام الأرضية، وتجنب اكتشافها، والتحرك عبر الشبكات للكشف عن أهداف إضافية.

سواء كنت مخترقًا، أو صائدًا لمكافآت الأخطاء، أو طالبًا يدخل مجال الأمن السيبراني، سيعلمك Black Hat Bash كيفية أتمتة وتخصيص وتحسين استراتيجيات الأمان الهجومية الخاصة بك بسرعة وكفاءة، دون الحاجة إلى شعوذة حقيقية.

[المحتوى مخفي]
Advanced Member
July 18, 2024
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Master the art of offensive bash scripting. This highly practical hands-on guide covers chaining commands together, automating tasks, crafting living-off-the-land attacks, and more!
In the hands of the penetration tester, bash scripting becomes a powerful offensive security tool. In Black Hat Bash, you’ll learn how to use bash to automate tasks, develop custom tools, uncover vulnerabilities, and execute advanced, living-off-the-land attacks against Linux servers. You’ll build a toolbox of bash scripts that will save you hours of manual work. And your only prerequisite is basic familiarity with the Linux operating system.
You’ll learn the basics of bash syntax, then set up a Kali Linux lab to apply your skills across each stage of a penetration test—from initial access to data exfiltration. Along the way, you’ll learn how to perform OS command injection, access remote machines, gather information stealthily, and navigate restricted networks to find the crown jewels. Hands-on exercises throughout will have you applying your newfound skills.
Key topics covered include:
Bash scripting essentials: From control structures, functions, loops, and text manipulation with grep, awk, and sed.
How to set up your lab: Create a hacking environment with Kali and Docker and install additional tools.
Reconnaissance and vulnerability scanning: Learn how to perform host discovery, fuzzing, and port scanning using tools like Wfuzz, Nmap, and Nuclei.
Exploitation and privilege escalation: Establish web and reverse shells, and maintain continuous access.
Defense evasion and lateral movement: Audit hosts for landmines, avoid detection, and move through networks to uncover additional targets.

Whether you’re a pentester, a bug bounty hunter, or a student entering the cybersecurity field, Black Hat Bash will teach you how to automate, customize, and optimize your offensive security strategies quickly and efficiently, with no true sorcery required.

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thank you
August 26, 2024
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Master the art of offensive bash scripting. This highly practical hands-on guide covers chaining commands together, automating tasks, crafting living-off-the-land attacks, and more!
In the hands of the penetration tester, bash scripting becomes a powerful offensive security tool. In Black Hat Bash, you’ll learn how to use bash to automate tasks, develop custom tools, uncover vulnerabilities, and execute advanced, living-off-the-land attacks against Linux servers. You’ll build a toolbox of bash scripts that will save you hours of manual work. And your only prerequisite is basic familiarity with the Linux operating system.
You’ll learn the basics of bash syntax, then set up a Kali Linux lab to apply your skills across each stage of a penetration test—from initial access to data exfiltration. Along the way, you’ll learn how to perform OS command injection, access remote machines, gather information stealthily, and navigate restricted networks to find the crown jewels. Hands-on exercises throughout will have you applying your newfound skills.
Key topics covered include:
Bash scripting essentials: From control structures, functions, loops, and text manipulation with grep, awk, and sed.
How to set up your lab: Create a hacking environment with Kali and Docker and install additional tools.
Reconnaissance and vulnerability scanning: Learn how to perform host discovery, fuzzing, and port scanning using tools like Wfuzz, Nmap, and Nuclei.
Exploitation and privilege escalation: Establish web and reverse shells, and maintain continuous access.
Defense evasion and lateral movement: Audit hosts for landmines, avoid detection, and move through networks to uncover additional targets.

Whether you’re a pentester, a bug bounty hunter, or a student entering the cybersecurity field, Black Hat Bash will teach you how to automate, customize, and optimize your offensive security strategies quickly and efficiently, with no true sorcery required.

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August 31, 2024
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Master the art of offensive bash scripting. This highly practical hands-on guide covers chaining commands together, automating tasks, crafting living-off-the-land attacks, and more!
In the hands of the penetration tester, bash scripting becomes a powerful offensive security tool. In Black Hat Bash, you’ll learn how to use bash to automate tasks, develop custom tools, uncover vulnerabilities, and execute advanced, living-off-the-land attacks against Linux servers. You’ll build a toolbox of bash scripts that will save you hours of manual work. And your only prerequisite is basic familiarity with the Linux operating system.
You’ll learn the basics of bash syntax, then set up a Kali Linux lab to apply your skills across each stage of a penetration test—from initial access to data exfiltration. Along the way, you’ll learn how to perform OS command injection, access remote machines, gather information stealthily, and navigate restricted networks to find the crown jewels. Hands-on exercises throughout will have you applying your newfound skills.
Key topics covered include:
Bash scripting essentials: From control structures, functions, loops, and text manipulation with grep, awk, and sed.
How to set up your lab: Create a hacking environment with Kali and Docker and install additional tools.
Reconnaissance and vulnerability scanning: Learn how to perform host discovery, fuzzing, and port scanning using tools like Wfuzz, Nmap, and Nuclei.
Exploitation and privilege escalation: Establish web and reverse shells, and maintain continuous access.
Defense evasion and lateral movement: Audit hosts for landmines, avoid detection, and move through networks to uncover additional targets.

Whether you’re a pentester, a bug bounty hunter, or a student entering the cybersecurity field, Black Hat Bash will teach you how to automate, customize, and optimize your offensive security strategies quickly and efficiently, with no true sorcery required.

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November 5, 2024
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Master the art of offensive bash scripting. This highly practical hands-on guide covers chaining commands together, automating tasks, crafting living-off-the-land attacks, and more!
In the hands of the penetration tester, bash scripting becomes a powerful offensive security tool. In Black Hat Bash, you’ll learn how to use bash to automate tasks, develop custom tools, uncover vulnerabilities, and execute advanced, living-off-the-land attacks against Linux servers. You’ll build a toolbox of bash scripts that will save you hours of manual work. And your only prerequisite is basic familiarity with the Linux operating system.
You’ll learn the basics of bash syntax, then set up a Kali Linux lab to apply your skills across each stage of a penetration test—from initial access to data exfiltration. Along the way, you’ll learn how to perform OS command injection, access remote machines, gather information stealthily, and navigate restricted networks to find the crown jewels. Hands-on exercises throughout will have you applying your newfound skills.
Key topics covered include:
Bash scripting essentials: From control structures, functions, loops, and text manipulation with grep, awk, and sed.
How to set up your lab: Create a hacking environment with Kali and Docker and install additional tools.
Reconnaissance and vulnerability scanning: Learn how to perform host discovery, fuzzing, and port scanning using tools like Wfuzz, Nmap, and Nuclei.
Exploitation and privilege escalation: Establish web and reverse shells, and maintain continuous access.
Defense evasion and lateral movement: Audit hosts for landmines, avoid detection, and move through networks to uncover additional targets.

Whether you’re a pentester, a bug bounty hunter, or a student entering the cybersecurity field, Black Hat Bash will teach you how to automate, customize, and optimize your offensive security strategies quickly and efficiently, with no true sorcery required.

[Hidden content]
November 22, 2024
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Master the art of offensive bash scripting. This highly practical hands-on guide covers chaining commands together, automating tasks, crafting living-off-the-land attacks, and more!
In the hands of the penetration tester, bash scripting becomes a powerful offensive security tool. In Black Hat Bash, you’ll learn how to use bash to automate tasks, develop custom tools, uncover vulnerabilities, and execute advanced, living-off-the-land attacks against Linux servers. You’ll build a toolbox of bash scripts that will save you hours of manual work. And your only prerequisite is basic familiarity with the Linux operating system.
You’ll learn the basics of bash syntax, then set up a Kali Linux lab to apply your skills across each stage of a penetration test—from initial access to data exfiltration. Along the way, you’ll learn how to perform OS command injection, access remote machines, gather information stealthily, and navigate restricted networks to find the crown jewels. Hands-on exercises throughout will have you applying your newfound skills.
Key topics covered include:
Bash scripting essentials: From control structures, functions, loops, and text manipulation with grep, awk, and sed.
How to set up your lab: Create a hacking environment with Kali and Docker and install additional tools.
Reconnaissance and vulnerability scanning: Learn how to perform host discovery, fuzzing, and port scanning using tools like Wfuzz, Nmap, and Nuclei.
Exploitation and privilege escalation: Establish web and reverse shells, and maintain continuous access.
Defense evasion and lateral movement: Audit hosts for landmines, avoid detection, and move through networks to uncover additional targets.

Whether you’re a pentester, a bug bounty hunter, or a student entering the cybersecurity field, Black Hat Bash will teach you how to automate, customize, and optimize your offensive security strategies quickly and efficiently, with no true sorcery required.

[Hidden content]
January 10, 2025
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أتقن فن كتابة نصوص bash الهجومية. يغطي هذا الدليل العملي للغاية تجميع الأوامر معًا، وأتمتة المهام، وصياغة هجمات تعتمد على الهجمات الحية، والمزيد!
في أيدي مختبر الاختراق، تصبح برمجة bash أداة أمان هجومية قوية. في Black Hat Bash، ستتعلم كيفية استخدام bash لأتمتة المهام وتطوير أدوات مخصصة واكتشاف الثغرات وتنفيذ هجمات متقدمة ضد خوادم Linux. ستنشئ مجموعة أدوات من نصوص bash التي ستوفر عليك ساعات من العمل اليدوي. والشرط الأساسي الوحيد هو الإلمام الأساسي بنظام التشغيل Linux.
ستتعلم أساسيات بناء جملة bash، ثم تقوم بإعداد مختبر Kali Linux لتطبيق مهاراتك في كل مرحلة من مراحل اختبار الاختراق - من الوصول الأولي إلى استخراج البيانات. على طول الطريق، ستتعلم كيفية تنفيذ حقن أوامر نظام التشغيل، والوصول إلى الأجهزة البعيدة، وجمع المعلومات خلسة، والتنقل عبر الشبكات المقيدة للعثور على جواهر التاج. ستجعلك التمارين العملية طوال الوقت تطبق مهاراتك المكتسبة حديثًا.
تتضمن المواضيع الرئيسية التي تم تغطيتها ما يلي:
أساسيات برمجة Bash: من هياكل التحكم والوظائف والحلقات والتلاعب بالنصوص باستخدام grep وawk وsed.
كيفية إعداد مختبرك: قم بإنشاء بيئة اختراق باستخدام Kali وDocker وقم بتثبيت أدوات إضافية.
الاستطلاع ومسح الثغرات: تعرف على كيفية إجراء اكتشاف المضيف والاختبار ومسح المنافذ باستخدام أدوات مثل Wfuzz وNmap وNuclei.
الاستغلال وتصعيد الامتيازات: إنشاء قذائف الويب والعكس، والحفاظ على الوصول المستمر.
التهرب الدفاعي والحركة الجانبية: فحص المضيفين بحثًا عن الألغام الأرضية، وتجنب الاكتشاف، والتحرك عبر الشبكات لاكتشاف أهداف إضافية.

سواء كنت من مخترقي الثغرات أو صائدي مكافآت الأخطاء أو طالبًا يدخل مجال الأمن السيبراني، فإن Black Hat Bash سوف يعلمك كيفية أتمتة استراتيجيات الأمان الهجومية وتخصيصها وتحسينها بسرعة وكفاءة، دون الحاجة إلى أي سحر حقيقي.

[المحتوى المخفي]
Active Member
August 17, 2024
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Master the art of offensive bash scripting. This highly practical hands-on guide covers chaining commands together, automating tasks, crafting living-off-the-land attacks, and more!
In the hands of the penetration tester, bash scripting becomes a powerful offensive security tool. In Black Hat Bash, you’ll learn how to use bash to automate tasks, develop custom tools, uncover vulnerabilities, and execute advanced, living-off-the-land attacks against Linux servers. You’ll build a toolbox of bash scripts that will save you hours of manual work. And your only prerequisite is basic familiarity with the Linux operating system.
You’ll learn the basics of bash syntax, then set up a Kali Linux lab to apply your skills across each stage of a penetration test—from initial access to data exfiltration. Along the way, you’ll learn how to perform OS command injection, access remote machines, gather information stealthily, and navigate restricted networks to find the crown jewels. Hands-on exercises throughout will have you applying your newfound skills.
Key topics covered include:
Bash scripting essentials: From control structures, functions, loops, and text manipulation with grep, awk, and sed.
How to set up your lab: Create a hacking environment with Kali and Docker and install additional tools.
Reconnaissance and vulnerability scanning: Learn how to perform host discovery, fuzzing, and port scanning using tools like Wfuzz, Nmap, and Nuclei.
Exploitation and privilege escalation: Establish web and reverse shells, and maintain continuous access.
Defense evasion and lateral movement: Audit hosts for landmines, avoid detection, and move through networks to uncover additional targets.

Whether you’re a pentester, a bug bounty hunter, or a student entering the cybersecurity field, Black Hat Bash will teach you how to automate, customize, and optimize your offensive security strategies quickly and efficiently, with no true sorcery required.

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