Xamarin Android: Learn to Build Native Android Apps With C#

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Nov 19, 2023
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  • This course is highly recommended if you never written a line of code before​
  • No programming experience required, little or advanced C# experience is a plus​
  • A Windows PC or Macbook with internet connection​
  • Passion for learning to build real world android apps.​


Build Native Android Apps with C# and Xamarin (Updated 2020)
Welcome to the most complete course on the internet that teaches you how to build fully native android apps using C# and Xamarin. This course is designed to teach you everything you need to know to become a world class Android Developer. Search no further because this course covers several topics from beginner to advanced concepts

Why Is This Course Right for Me?
Everyone agrees that the best form of learning is to learn by doing, hence we designed the curriculum for this course to be very practical with some bits of theory to help you have a good understanding of why we do the things we do.
After going through the course you would have successfully built a lot of practical Real-World Apps that will expose you to everything you need to know to be a pro. By doing so you have built a solid portfolio to land a high-paying Android Developer Job or even start your own app development company which ever resonates more with you.

Can I Surely Scale Through The Course?
The course was designed with the assumption that you know nothing about programming most of the seemingly advanced concepts were over-explained using different scenarios in real life, hence you will easily understand. Even a 6 year old could go through the course and understand every bit of it.

Don’t waste your time
Don't waste another minute of your precious life on poor quality videos on YouTube. Your learning and your time is worth more than that. We offer the best instructors with carefully crafted content, beautiful animations and learning by doing. As you sit there contemplating the sea of different courses, you'll realise that there's no reason to deliberate. The best course is right in front of your eyes.
REMEMBER… There is a full money back guarantee, just as long as you request it within 30 days of purchasing the course.
So what are you waiting for? Click the buy it now button. You’ve got nothing to lose (and access to the best Xamarin Android app development course to gain).

Who this course is for:

  • Persons with good knowledge of C# and want to gain experience in developing Android Apps with their existing skills
  • Those with basic knowledge of developing Android Apps using Xamarin and C#
  • People who want to take their Xamarin Android knowledge to advanced level
  • This course one stop shot for entrepreneurs who want to start building android app

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