Wordpress_Bruter-v2.1 Tool

March 15, 2024
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WP Buster is a top-tier wordpress bruteforce tool, equipped with fast, reliable, and stable utilities. Designed with a sleek and lightweight UI, it's built for speed and efficiency. Developed using C#, it leverages intelligent threading to achieve impressive performance.

Why is it the best?
WP Buster may resemble other XMLRPC brute force tools, but it stands out with its ability to efficiently target the wp-login.php page. It simplifies the process of gathering results, supports dictionary-based password cracking, and even generates passwords using information about the target site.

Key Features:
Target Import: Easily import target URLs from a file.
Thread Limit: Supports up to 1,000 threads for rapid brute-forcing.
Timeout Settings: Maximum timeout of 1 minute for each attempt.
Result Export: Conveniently export results for further analysis.
With these advanced features, WP Buster is designed to optimize your brute force attacks while keeping things fast and user-friendly.

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