WhatsJet SaaS v3.0 - A WhatsApp Marketing Platform with Bulk Sending, Campaigns & Chat Bots - nulled

Golden Member
May 24, 2024
Reaction score

Key Features:

  • Native-looking WhatsApp chat interface
  • Campaign Management
  • Contacts import/export functionality
  • Custom fields support for contacts
  • Automated and AI Chat bot replies
  • Real-time updates for campaigns
  • Multilingual support for global outreach
  • Integration with the Official WhatsApp Cloud API
  • Subscription Payments using Stripe #
  • Manual Subscription System #
  • Manual UPI Payment #
  • Manual Bank Transfer Payment #
  • Embedded Signup for WhatsApp Setup New – #
  • Multiple Phone Numbers Support New
  • Improved Manual WhatsApp Setup New
  • WhatsApp Template Management New
  • Automated Webhook Creation New
  • Connect/Disconnect Webhook New
  • Disconnect WhatsApp Account New
  • Full Source Code
  • 100% Customizable
  • Super admin and Vendor admin Panels
  • QR Code generation
  • Multiple Users as Agents
  • Media messages (Image, Video, Document etc) for bot reply New
  • Interactive/Button Messages for bot reply
  • APIs – to connect with other services
  • AI Bots Integration for Vendors using FlowiseAI

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  • Tags
    -nulled bots marketing platform whatsapp