Web Coding and Development All-in-One, 2nd Edition

Golden Member
May 24, 2024
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Learn the in-demand skills that let you turn lines of code into websites and apps.
Web Coding & Development All-in-One For Dummies is a one-stop resource for would-be developers who need guidance on the languages and steps used to build websites and applications. Learn the coding ropes and expand your existing skillset with this easy-to-understand guide. In these complete mini-books, you’ll walk through the basics of web development, structuring a page, building and processing web forms, and beyond. Learn how to build a website or create your very own app with the advice of web coding and development experts. This edition expands jаvascript and CSS coverage while providing new content on server-side coding and the development stack.
In this book, I give you a complete education on web coding and development. You learn how to set up the tools you need, how to use HTML and CSS to design and build your site, how to use jаvascript to program your pages, and how to use PHP and MySQL to program your web server. I show you that these technologies aren’t hard to learn, and that even the greenest rookie programmers can learn how to put together web pages that will amaze their family and friends (and themselves).
If you’re looking for lots of programming history, computer science theory, and long-winded explanations of concepts, you won’t find them here. My philosophy throughout this book comes from Linus Torvalds, the creator of the Linux operating system: “Talk is cheap. Show me the code.” I explain what needs to be explained and then I move on without further ado (or, most of the time, without any ado at all) to examples and scripts that do more to illuminate a concept that any verbose explanations I could muster (and believe me, I can muster verbosity with the best of them).
Get essential knowledge of how web development works―even if you’ve never written a line of code in your life
Learn HTML, CSS, jаvascript, and other languages essential for building websites and apps
Discover how to make optimize your sites and apps for mobile devices
Expand on what you already know and improve your employability

This Dummies All-in-One is great for you if want to develop coding skills but don’t have a programming background. It’s also perfect for professionals looking to brush up on their web development skills and get up to date on the latest trends and standards.

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    coding development edition web
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