I looking for a hacking partner who is whilling to earn som passive money. Text is long so be prepared.
If you really are someone with the skills and an intelligent guy consider this opportunity, if you lack of hacking skills then fk off.
You must be from a country which allows the main prop firms like FTMO.
job steps:
1)You obtain the login credentials of THE PERSON (I dont care your method). I will give you the inputs.
2)Proofs need to be shown by sending me screenshot of a specific date of THE PERSON trading history which I already know.
3)After checking you have the right credentials,then you must create a FTMO account.
4)As part of the deal, then I will buy for you 2 challenges of 200k each, so you will yave $400k challenges under your name. You will need to give me just 1 time your password for me to being able to buy for you this 2 challenges, which costs around $1.2k each. There is no risk of account hijacking because it will be under your name, so you can change the password whenever you want. Neither risk of withdrawing profits, they just can be done to an account that matches the person's name.
5) I will connect both of your challenges to THE PERSON account, using a paltform that copy trades. THE PERSON trading results will pass first phase of the challenge in less than a month.
6) Always your accounts will be connected to THE PERSON main account and he will not perceive. I will be respomsible for this, because you will be in all your right of warning THE PERSON he has his password compromised if I dont keep my words, and if THE PERSON changes his credentials, then is gameover for me also. So thats why I will be always caring for your accounts.
7) After passing phase 1 and 2 of your challenges, you will own both account, and obtaining at least $20k monthly. I have been following THE PERSON tradind results and I know very well his statistics.
WHY I need you?
Because you are the one who will obtain credentials. You may ask yourself, and after that why I keep needing you? Because you can warn THE PERSON whenever you want (I will give you his ig and whatsapp number as inputs). So I need to care for your accounts also. As I mentiones, there is no risk of account hijacking.
Why you need me?
Because I know THE PERSON trading style perfectly, he is my trading mentor, so I know how to set the copytrading accounts to his trading style, this way profits are guaranteed minimizin risks.
YOur risks: They are not going to happen but I prefer to mentione them because surely you are going to think about them.
1)Time wasted if I just dissappear, but this is not going to happen if you deliver the right credentials, because we will make this plan work.
My risks:
-You go away after I payed for you bot of FTMO challenges and nobody will get benefited for this plan. And is GAMEOVER.