Testing Using SQL Injection to Recognize the Vulnerable Point on Web Page

Infinity Member
May 21, 2024
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Web pages vulnerabilities have been exploited since early `90s against user oriented applications such as email, online shopping, and Web banking [1]. Penetration testing is a technique for finding vulnerability or loop holes that exist in web pages which can help for ruling out illegal access to the database.

A penetration testing for web pages vulnerabilities continues to be a significant problem, as more and more user-oriented applications are deployed to the web such as Facebook and Twitter.

A web pages is a process of collection a dynamic scripts, compiled code or both, that resides on a web or application server and potentially interacting with database and other sources of dynamic content.
Web pages are becoming important part of our daily activities. As an important role of web application, the web security is becoming critical. Because of the wide use of web applications, all web vulnerability is observed and exploited by hackers, and through which it can be easily access the database [2]. Many web pages security vulnerabilities result from generic input validation problems. Examples of such vulnerabilities are SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS) or weak password [3], [5]. Although

the majority of web vulnerabilities are easy to understand and avoid, many web and database developers are unfortunately not having security awareness, as a result there exist a large number of vulnerable database pages on a web

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Reactions: user19, moneyworld001, BAYJ and 3 others
May 26, 2024
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Web pages vulnerabilities have been exploited since early `90s against user oriented applications such as email, online shopping, and Web banking [1]. Penetration testing is a technique for finding vulnerability or loop holes that exist in web pages which can help for ruling out illegal access to the database.

A penetration testing for web pages vulnerabilities continues to be a significant problem, as more and more user-oriented applications are deployed to the web such as Facebook and Twitter.

A web pages is a process of collection a dynamic scripts, compiled code or both, that resides on a web or application server and potentially interacting with database and other sources of dynamic content.
Web pages are becoming important part of our daily activities. As an important role of web application, the web security is becoming critical. Because of the wide use of web applications, all web vulnerability is observed and exploited by hackers, and through which it can be easily access the database [2]. Many web pages security vulnerabilities result from generic input validation problems. Examples of such vulnerabilities are SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS) or weak password [3], [5]. Although

the majority of web vulnerabilities are easy to understand and avoid, many web and database developers are unfortunately not having security awareness, as a result there exist a large number of vulnerable database pages on a web

[Hidden content]
August 5, 2024
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Web pages vulnerabilities have been exploited since early `90s against user oriented applications such as email, online shopping, and Web banking [1]. Penetration testing is a technique for finding vulnerability or loop holes that exist in web pages which can help for ruling out illegal access to the database.

A penetration testing for web pages vulnerabilities continues to be a significant problem, as more and more user-oriented applications are deployed to the web such as Facebook and Twitter.

A web pages is a process of collection a dynamic scripts, compiled code or both, that resides on a web or application server and potentially interacting with database and other sources of dynamic content.
Web pages are becoming important part of our daily activities. As an important role of web application, the web security is becoming critical. Because of the wide use of web applications, all web vulnerability is observed and exploited by hackers, and through which it can be easily access the database [2]. Many web pages security vulnerabilities result from generic input validation problems. Examples of such vulnerabilities are SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS) or weak password [3], [5]. Although

the majority of web vulnerabilities are easy to understand and avoid, many web and database developers are unfortunately not having security awareness, as a result there exist a large number of vulnerable database pages on a web

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August 5, 2024
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Web sayfalarındaki güvenlik açıkları, e-posta, çevrimiçi alışveriş ve Web bankacılığı gibi kullanıcı odaklı uygulamalara karşı 90'ların başından beri istismar edilmektedir [1]. Penetrasyon testi, veritabanına yasadışı erişimi ortadan kaldırmaya yardımcı olabilecek web sayfalarında bulunan güvenlik açıklarını veya boşlukları bulmak için kullanılan bir tekniktir.

Facebook ve Twitter gibi kullanıcı odaklı uygulamaların giderek daha fazla web'e yayılmasıyla birlikte, web sayfalarındaki güvenlik açıklarına yönelik penetrasyon testleri önemli bir sorun olmaya devam ediyor.

Web sayfası, bir web veya uygulama sunucusunda bulunan ve potansiyel olarak veritabanı ve diğer dinamik içerik kaynaklarıyla etkileşimde bulunan dinamik betiklerin, derlenmiş kodların veya her ikisinin toplanması işlemidir.
Web sayfaları günlük aktivitelerimizin önemli bir parçası haline geliyor. Web uygulamalarının önemli bir rolü olarak web güvenliği kritik hale geliyor. Web uygulamalarının yaygın kullanımı nedeniyle, tüm web güvenlik açıkları bilgisayar korsanları tarafından gözlemleniyor ve istismar ediliyor ve bu sayede veritabanına kolayca erişilebiliyor [2]. Birçok web sayfası güvenlik açığı genel giriş doğrulama sorunlarından kaynaklanmaktadır. Bu tür güvenlik açıklarına örnek olarak SQL enjeksiyonu, siteler arası betik çalıştırma (XSS) veya zayıf parola verilebilir [3], [5].

Web güvenlik açıklarının çoğu kolayca anlaşılabilir ve önlenebilir, ancak birçok web ve veritabanı geliştiricisi ne yazık ki güvenlik farkındalığına sahip değil, bunun sonucunda web'de çok sayıda güvenlik açığı bulunan veritabanı sayfası bulunuyor

[Gizli İçerik]
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    injection point sql sql injection testing vulnerable web
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