Salesforce End-to-End Implementation Handbook

Golden Member
May 24, 2024
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With ever-growing digital transformation programs involving Salesforce, there is a greater need for a comprehensive overview of the phases and activities specific to Salesforce implementations. This book will act as a detailed guide for your Salesforce implementation journey, including common issues and pitfalls to mitigate and prevent errors.
The Salesforce End-to-End Implementation Handbook starts with the pre-development phase. Here you’ll understand how to define the vision and nature of your project, determine your change management strategy and delivery methodology, learn to build a business case for your project, get insights on engaging with Salesforce and implementation partners, and learn to establish a governance framework.
As you progress, you’ll gain insights on the necessary activities, milestones, and common issues faced in salesforce implementation, along with strategies to mitigate them. At the end of each section, you’ll find evaluation checklists to assess the state of your Salesforce implementation.

By the end of this book, you’ll be well-equipped to set up Salesforce projects and programs effectively and deliver maximum ROI.

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