Pro ASP.NET Core 7

Golden Member
May 24, 2024
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Now in its tenth edition, this industry-leading guide to ASP.NET Core teaches everything you need to know to create easy, extensible, and cloud-native web applications.
Inside Pro ASP.NET Core 7 you will learn how to:
- Configure the ASP.NET Core request pipeline to handle requests
- Create RESTful web services with MVC controllers
- Create HTML responses with Razor and Razor Pages
- Create richly interactive web applications with Blazor
- Access data using Entity Framework Core
- Authenticate requests using ASP.NET Core Identity

Pro ASP.NET Core is an acclaimed bestseller, and a bible for .NET web developers. Tens of thousands of readers have benefited from its comprehensive coverage of ASP.NET’s key tools and techniques. Now in its tenth edition, this revised guide has been fully updated to .NET 7, with extensive chapters on Razor Pages, Blazor, and the MVC framework. It maintains the style and structure of popular previous editions, with content updated for ASP.NET Core’s latest evolution.

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