Pentesting Industrial Control Systems

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Infinity Member
Nov 19, 2023
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Pentesting Industrial Control Systems


The industrial cybersecurity domain has grown significantly in recent years. To completely secure critical infrastructure, red teams must be employed to continuously test and exploit the security integrity of a company's people, processes, and products. This pentesting book takes a slightly different approach than most by helping you to gain hands-on experience with equipment that you’ll come across in the field. This will enable you to understand how industrial equipment interacts and operates within an operational environment.
You'll start by getting to grips with the basics of industrial processes, and then see how to create and break the process, along with gathering open source intel to create a threat landscape for your potential customer. As you advance, you'll find out how to install and utilize offensive techniques used by professional hackers. Throughout the book, you'll explore industrial equipment, port and service discovery, pivoting, and much more, before finally launching attacks against systems in an industrial network.

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