Looking for More! (Cybersec/*Unethical hacking)

October 11, 2023
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Looking to join a group were actually *hacks* and share their knowledge , why? saying for money , or "hacking my gf insta account" would sound extremely reasonable than saying this, but overall to get to know computer stuff better , actually think about things in a different way that's not supposed to,craby boring shit aside and lets get into the why , it's mainly for just that feel of controlling pleasure or dominance to say and best part about it using it on those who deserve it. little about me , solid at programming , been doing it for years , varying from a field to other , web , bots , scripts etc... . anyways im not planning on making any money out of hacking in any ILLEGAL way (stealing) cause i don't feel like it , im no thieve (that's how i think it) , overall for sake of knowledge and knowing things that not everyone get to know.

Done CyberSec for few months , i understand a lot of the theory (Networking/OS's/Progarmming) Mainly software part , working with hardware in the most abstract way, can pretty much get any hacking tool in mind done , and those i don't , 'ill just grasp the theory very easy and quick and it will be done.

Aside that , since SE is an CRUCIAL hacking skill any and every cybersec expert or even normal's should be having , it's where I shine the most at , manipulating , controlling* , making a person do things i want them doing , or harvest some information from them (which is really easy , it's just where u making them do physical thing , knowing you met them in short period of time (where can get kinda tough*) , because i have never gone on a long social engineering w someone before, max lasted for 4 hours , knowing every single info about their life , making them do things for me recording and sending it, having their pics and nudes )
Active Member
July 6, 2024
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Can you please mentor me on social engineering, like be a tutor
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    hacking making theory
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