JavaScript Design Patterns

Golden Member
May 24, 2024
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Step into the world of design patterns through modern JavaScript paradigms to supercharge your applications on the web and beyond
Key Features
Explore various JavaScript design patterns, delving deep into their intricacies, benefits, and best practices
Understand the decision-making process guiding the selection of specific design patterns
Build a solid foundation to learn advanced topics in JavaScript and web performance
Unlock the potential of JavaScript design patterns, the foundation for development teams seeking structured and reusable solutions to common software development challenges in this guide to improving code maintainability, scalability, and performance. Discover how these patterns equip businesses with cleaner and more maintainable code, promote team collaboration, reduce errors, and save time and costs.
This book provides a comprehensive view of design patterns in modern (ES6+) JavaScript with real-world examples of their deployment in professional settings. You'll start by learning how to use creational, structural, and behavioral design patterns in idiomatic JavaScript, and then shift focus to the architecture and UI patterns. Here, you'll learn how to apply patterns for libraries such as React and extend them further to general web frontend and micro frontend approaches. The last section of the book introduces and illustrates sets of performance and security patterns, including messaging and events, asset and JavaScript loading strategies, and asynchronous programming performance patterns.
Throughout the book, examples featuring React and Next.js, in addition to JavaScript and Web API examples, will help you choose and implement proven design patterns across diverse web ecosystems, transforming the way you approach development.
What you will learn
Find out how patterns are classified into creational, structural, and behavioral
Implement the right set of patterns for different business scenarios
Explore diverse frontend architectures and different rendering approaches
Identify and address common asynchronous programming performance pitfalls
Leverage event-driven programming in the browser to deliver fast and secure applications
Boost application performance using asset loading strategies and offloading JavaScript execution

Dive into the world of design patterns using modern JavaScript paradigms to improve the performance of your applications on the web and beyond
Key features
Explore different JavaScript design patterns, delving into their intricacies, benefits, and best practices for use
Understand the decision-making process that determines the choice of specific design patterns
Build a solid foundation for advanced topics in JavaScript and web performance
Unleash the potential of JavaScript design patterns, which are the foundation for development teams looking for structured and reusable solutions to common software development problems, in this guide to improving maintainability, scalability, and performance code. Learn how these templates provide companies with cleaner, more maintainable code, promote team collaboration, reduce errors, and save time and costs.
This book provides a comprehensive understanding of design patterns in modern (ES6+) JavaScript, with real-life examples of their application in professional settings. You'll start by learning how to use creative, structural, and behavioral design patterns in idiomatic JavaScript, and then shift your focus to user interface architecture and patterns. Here you'll learn how to apply patterns to libraries like React and extend them to common web and micro-frontend approaches. The final section of the book introduces and illustrates a set of performance and security patterns, including messaging and event messaging, resource loading and JavaScript strategies, and asynchronous programming performance patterns.
Throughout the book, examples are provided using React and Next.js, in addition to JavaScript and Web API examples, to help you select and implement proven design patterns across a variety of web ecosystems, transforming the way you develop.
What you'll learn
Learn how patterns are divided into creative, structural and behavioral.
Implement the right set of patterns for different business scenarios
Explore different interface architectures and different rendering approaches
Identify and resolve common asynchronous programming performance issues
Use in-browser event-driven programming to build fast and secure applications

Improve application performance using resource loading and offloading strategies JavaScript execution.

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