High Performance with Laravel Octane

Golden Member
May 24, 2024
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Laravel Octane is a very powerful component in the Laravel ecosystem that can help you achieve remarkable app performance. With Laravel Octane, you will find tools (queues, cache, and tables) that facilitate a new asynchronous approach for improving application performance.

This book highlights how Laravel Octane works, what steps to take in designing an application from the start, what tools you have at your disposal, and how to set up production environments. It provides complete coverage of the strategies, tools, and best practices to make your apps scalable and performant. This is especially important as optimization is usually the overlooked part in the application development lifecycle. You will explore the asynchronous approach in Laravel and be able to release high-performing applications that have a positive impact on the end-user experience.

By the end of this book, you will find yourself designing, developing, and releasing high-performance applications.

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