FalconHound A Blue Team Multi-Tool

Administration Team
DNA Moderator
Nov 19, 2023
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FalconHound is a blue team multi-tool. It allows you to utilize and enhance the power of BloodHound in a more automated fashion. It is designed to be used in conjunction with a SIEM or other log aggregation tool.

One of the challenging aspects of BloodHound is that it is a snapshot in time. FalconHound includes functionality that can be used to keep a graph of your environment up-to-date. This allows you to see your environment as it is NOW. This is especially useful for environments that are constantly changing.

One of the hardest releationships to gather for BloodHound is the local group memberships and the session information. As blue teamers we have this information readily available in our logs. FalconHound can be used to gather this information and add it to the graph, allowing it to be used by BloodHound.

This is just an example of how FalconHound can be used. It can be used to gather any information that you have in your logs or security tools and add it to the BloodHound graph.

Additionally, the graph can be used to trigger alerts or generate enrichment lists. For example, if a user is added to a certain group, FalconHound can be used to query the graph database for the shortest path to a sensitive or high-privilege group. If there is a path, this can be logged to the SIEM or used to trigger an alert.

Other examples where FalconHound can be used:

* Adding, removing or timing out sessions in the graph, based on logon and logoff events.
* Marking users and computers as compromised in the graph when they have an incident in Sentinel or MDE.
* Adding CVE information and whether there is a public exploit available to the graph.
* All kinds of Azure activities.
* Recalculating the shortest path to sensitive groups when a user is added to a group or has a new role.
* Adding new users, groups and computers to the graph.
* Generating enrichment lists for Sentinel and Splunk of, for example, Kerberoastable users or users with ownerships of certain entities.

FalconHound is designed to be run as a scheduled task or cron job. This will allow you to run it on a regular basis and keep your graph, alerts and enrichments up-to-date. Depending on the amount of actions you have enabled, the amount of data you are processing and the amount of data you are writing to the graph, this can take a while.

All log based queries are built to run every 15 minutes. Should processing take too long you might need to tweak this a little. If this is the case it might be recommended to disable certain actions.

Also there might be some overlap with for instance the session actions. If you have a lot of sessions you might want to disable the session actions for Sentinel and rely on the one from MDE. This is assuming you have MDE and Sentinel connected and most machines are onboarded into MDE.

### Sharphound / Azurehound

While FalconHound is designed to be used with BloodHound, it is not a replacement for Sharphound and Azurehound. It is designed to compliment the collection and remove the moment-in-time problem of the peroiodic collection. Both Sharphound and Azurehound are still required to collect the data, since not all similar data is available in logs.

It is recommended to run Sharphound and Azurehound on a regular basis, for example once a day/week or month, and FalconHound every 15 minutes.

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