Eye of God Telegram bot 238M

Golden Member
Jun 14, 2024
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Eye of God Telegram bot 238M

DATABASE 238M Eye of God Telegram bot
Data period: ~1990-2022
Country: RU
Size: 66.9 GB (6.7GB zip)
Rows: 238.088.216
Info: The database is a collection created by . bot employees on the basis of numerous databases, the dating of which is not reliably known. Presumably, it is based on databases that are relevant from the 1990s to 2022. Among them are the databases of the Federal Bailiff Service (FSSP) of different years (except for 2023), the database known as "Residents of Russia 2019", the traffic police (traffic police) of the 1990s - 2019, databases of mobile operators.
Data: Address (filled in different formats, sometimes the address is incomplete), Full name, Date of birth, Persons who lived at the same address in the format of full name + date of birth
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