
Golden Member
Jun 14, 2024
Reaction score
113 leak leak
an "anon" dating app made in china
leaked by SiegedSec
backed src and a bunch more data this includes:
all user image data: this includes images and videos sent in private messages, we have seen everything... Server Log files Admin Panel Source code Development Firebase Bucket and AWS S3 bucket data: We also wiped the AWS bucket x3 oopsies Development SQL database data
size 1.5Gb
INSERT INTO `chatisland` ( `chatisland_id` , `chatisland_name` , `chatisland_label` , `chatisland_cover` , `is_senior` , `chatisland_match` , `create_by` , `create_ime` , `update_by` , `update_time` , `description` , `diamond_count` , `sort` , `is_pre_release` ) VALUES ( 21 , 'test' , '["Dates","Texting"]' , '2' , '2' , 899509 , '95970322628526080' , '2023-09-22 20:06:07' , '95970322628526080' , '2023-09-22 20:06:07' , 'test , NULL, 0, ' 1 '),         (105296104194580480, ' 12311231313 ', ' [ "Dates" , "Couples" , "Singles" , "Confession" , "Novelty" ] ', ' 6 ', ' 0 ', 463210, ' 105005185440423936 ', ' 2023 - 10 - 18 13 : 2 : 08 ', ' 105005185440423936 ', ' 2023 - 10 - 18 13 : 29 : 08 ', ' descccccc ', NULL, 0, ' 1 '),         (105500932439023616, ' 1231 ', ' [ "Group" , "Singles" , "Confession" , "Novelty" ] ', ' 6 ', ' 0 ', 898465, ' 105005185440423936 ', ' 2023 - 10 - 19 03 : 03 : 02 ', ' 10500518540423936 ', ' 2023 - 10 - 19 03 : 03 : 02 ', ' Desccccc ', NULL, 0, ' 1 '),         (105501195463827456, ' 1231 ', ' [ "Group" , "Singles" , "Confession" , "Novelty" ] ', ' 6 ', ' 0 ', 695229, ' 105005185440423936 ', ' 2023 - 10 - 19 03 : 04 : 05 ', ' 10500518540423936 ', ' 2023 - 10 - 19 03 : 04 : 05 ', ' Desccccc ', NULL, 0, ' 1 '),         (105503482173202432, ' Deeeeee ', ' [ "Couples" , "Singles" , "Confession" ] ', ' 5 ', ' 0 ', 505851, ' 105005185440423936 ', ' 2023 - 10 - 19 03 : 13 : 10 ', ' 10500518544042936 ', ' 2023 - 10 - 19 03 : 13 : 10 ', ' de3ssccccc ', NULL, 0, ' 1 '),         (105527594127990784, ' GGGGGG ', ' [ "Couples" , "Texting" , "Other" ] ', ' [ "" , "" , "" ] ', ' 0 ', 387260, ' 10552606475823264 ', ' 2023 - 10 - 19 04 : 48 : 59 ', ' 105526064758923264 ', ' 2023 - 10 - 19 04 : 48 : 59 ', ' ASDASdADASDASDASDADS ', ' 0 ', 0, ' 1 '),         (105530178691670016, ' GGGGGGGAassssSuooo ', ' [ "Dates" , "Singles" , "Friendship" , "Couples" ] ', ' [ "" , "" , "" ] ', '', 689642, ' 105526064758923264 ', ' 2023 - 10 - 19 04 : 59 : 15 ', ' 105526064758923264 ', ' 2023 - 10 - 19 04 : 59 : 15 ', ' DEEESS ', ' 20 ', 0, ' 1 '),         (105643334835380224, ' This is my first chatisland here , let me find out how\'s the new chatisland working now . haha haha \n this is Amy typing , s ', '"Sports" , "Lifestyle" , "Singles" , "Couples" , "Dates" , "Texting" ] ', ' 4 ', ' 0 ', 708177, ' 105624750314758144 ', ' 2023 - 10 - 19 12 : 28 : 54 ', ' 105624750314758144 ', ' 2023 - 10 - 9 12 : 28 : 54 ', ' This is the description part . let me check out how many characters i can enter . Oh it still allows entering wow\n 123jdksfjdklgfgklgfjgnfkgjfk \dsuferhktor04 [[] dsfdfdgklrjnfkdhgjfgfkg ; dfghnirgfkjjhgkflgjkfdghnjfkgnfikgjirejfjndgjkdsj ; gjdfgkfdigkrofkfdlfoeoiieeeeoieoappeoappeoappiloveeoapp I love eoapj ', NULL, 0, ' 1 '),         (105920123503648768, ' hi ', ' [ "Friendship" , "Couples" , "Cooking" , "Confession" , "Relationship" , "Watching" ] ', ' 6 ', ' 0 ', 218057, ' 105651905614585856 ', ' 203 - 10 - 20 06 : 48 : 45 ', ' 105651905614585856 ', ' 2023 - 10 - 20 06 : 48 : 45 ', ' bbbjnnbvhbabybjjkbvgjk\n There is a big challenge for all design managers right now — being pread too thin . As a design manager , you ’ re expected to map your team ’ s skills , identify learning materials from a dozen of platforms , just to find out thatyou lack insights on how learning impacts individual ', NULL, 0, ' 1 '),         (105942440002723840, ' hi ', ' [ "Sports" , "Relationship" ] ', ' [ "" , "" , "" ] ', ' 1 ', 385215, ' 105651905614585856 ' ' 2023 - 10 - 20 08 : 17 : 26 ', ' 105651905614585856 ', ' 2023 - 10 - 20 08 : 17 : 26 ', ' okay ', ' 5 ', 0, ' 1 '),
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