🚀 Database 👌 Scripts

Infinity Member
March 3, 2025
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1.1 + 1 Merger - merge all text files in the folder
2. 1-2 Unical - subtract the second base from the first
3. AntiDupler - anti-duplicate
4. CleanBase - deleting lines with certain characters
5. Delemptymail - remove soaps without passwords
6. DeleteFromBase - delete lines with the selected character
7. DeleteTrash - deleting junk domains
8. DomenSorter - domain sorting
9. EasySorter - simple domain sorting
10. FinderRegion - dividing the database into regions com \ ua \ fr \ de \ it and so on (convenient for Paypal)
11. LowRegEmail - converting to lower case logins in mail databases
12. PrivateEditor - search for domain names
13. ReverseDomain - replaces the selected domains
14. SmenaRazdelitel - separator replacement
15-20. Sorting types of bases (login; pass, email; pass, phone; pass, ip; port).
21. SortRusZab - The best separator of databases for Russian domains and Zabugor !!!

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    data automation database management scripting tools