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August 19, 2023
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Professional 3D modelling, rendering, and animation software Autodesk 3DS MAX 2024.2 Crack lets you create expansive worlds and high-end designs. Bring environments and landscapes to life with powerful modelling tools. Create highly detailed designs and props with intuitive texturing and shading tools. Iterate and produce professional-looking renders with full artistic control.
Autodesk 3DS MAX 2024.2 Patch has an integrated Arnold renderer that provides a rich experience and can handle your most complex characters, scenes, and effects. You can save time with centralized rendering tools for interactive light mixing, colour correction, and lens effects in the rendered image. Plus, you can work faster with an easy-to-use user experience and intuitive controls, rehearsing and producing high-quality renders and variations faster.
Autodesk 3DS MAX 2024.2 License Key lets you extend your workflow through automation, so you can spend more time getting creative. Use it as a compute engine to scale content production, extend integrated workflows with accessible APIs, and speed up manual steps to increase productivity.
Autodesk 3DS MAX 2024.2 Key Features:
  • Retopology tools: Automatically optimize high-resolution model geometries to create crisp quad mesh geometries.
  • Smart Extrude: Project faces onto 3D objects intuitively and flexibly. Automatically rebuild and stitch adjacent faces.
  • Open Shading Language (OSL) support: Create or use pre-existing procedural OSL maps with supported renderers.
  • Baking to texture: Experience efficient, intuitive, and fully scriptable texture toasting.
  • Integrated Arnold renderer: Arnold for Autodesk 3DS MAX 2024.2 Serial Key (MAXtoA) supports interactive rendering directly from the interface.
  • Interactive viewports: Reduce design iterations with render-quality window previews, displaying hardware PBR (physical rendering), and live camera effects.
  • Software Security: Use safe scene loading to protect your work from potentially dangerous scripts that might be part of scene files.

Autodesk 3DS MAX 2024.2 More Features:
3D modeling
  • Retopology tools: Automatically reconstructs polygon mesh data as a clean quad topology with uncompromising accuracy. These tools can be used to reduce complex high-resolution assets and enhance the traditional design and generative modelling work in Autodesk 3DS MAX 2024.2 Activator.
  • Smart Extrude: Interactively extrude faces onto 3D objects using flexible smart extrusion operations such as cut and overlap. Automatically rebuild and sew adjacent faces without having to manually correct hidden faces or geometric data.
  • Mesh and surface modelling: Create parametric and organic objects with polygons, subdivision surfaces, and spline-based modelling features.
  • Modifier Stack Workflow: Quickly draft, iterate, and explore design ideas using a variety of unique modifiers.
  • Spline Workflows: Create and animate geometry in several intuitive ways with the spline tool.
  • Texturing and shading: Generate high-quality textures that render accurately in the viewport using new or pre-existing OSL maps with supported render engines.
  • Baking to texture: Discover an elegant, intuitive, and fully writable texture baking experience with support for PBR (physical rendering) materials, overrides, and OSL workflows.
  • Material Editor: Add finishing touches to materials, modify textures, and use vibrant colours to create photorealistic designs. study again
  • Lightning: Illuminate and enhance your scene using photometric and standard lights.
3d rendering
  • Integrated Arnold renderer: Use the Arnold GPU renderer to see changes in the scene in real-time, including lighting, materials, and camera.
  • Interactive viewports: Reduce design iterations with render-quality window previews, displaying hardware PBR (physical rendering) and live camera effects.
  • ActiveShade viewport: With an interactive rendering experience, view your scene in near-finish render quality as you work.
  • Physical camera: Simulate real camera settings such as shutter speed, aperture, depth of field, and exposure.
  • Scene converter: Seamlessly and consistently switch materials, lights, cameras, and presenters between them.
Animations and effects
  • Character animation tools: Create procedural character animations and rigs with CAT (character animation toolkit), biped, and mob tools.
  • Motion paths: Preview and adjust animation paths directly in the window.
  • 3ds Max fluids: Create realistic fluid behaviours, such as water, oil, and lava, and mimic gravity and collision effects.
  • Particle flow effects: Create advanced particle effects like water, fire, spray, and snow.
  • Extensive plugin library: Access hundreds of industry-leading third-party plugins from our vast community.
Workflows and pipelines
  • Software Security: Use Safe Scene Script Execution to protect your work against malicious scripts that may be part of scene files and the Malware Removal feature, which detects and removes known malicious scripts from scene files and startup scripts.
  • Python 3: Enjoy tighter pipeline integration with support for Python 3.
  • Pipe integration support: Easily customize Autodesk 3DS MAX 2024.2 Keygen to suit your production line needs.
  • Modern UI and workspaces: Create your custom workspace with a more modern, responsive, and DPI-enabled UI.
  • GL Transmission Format (glTF) support: Publish assets from your 3ds Max scenes to glTF 3D content for use in web applications, online stores, browser games, and other online outlets.
What’s new in Autodesk 3DS MAX 2024.2?
  • The importing speed on some SketchUp models has been significantly improved. A new import option, Image Quality, is introduced in SketchUp import. When checked, distorted texture maps are redrawn; when disabled, better speed is achieved with possible distortion.
  • Fixed an issue when exporting Alembic files to directories that contain non-English characters that could 3ds Max to crash. This problem was caused by the inability of Windows to handle UTF-8 filenames with non-English characters.
  • Resolved an issue when exporting Alembic data where specified ranges of animation data sometimes didn’t export correctly.
  • Resolved an issue that was introduced in 3ds Max 2024 that could cause some Alembic data to take longer to export than it did previously.
  • Improved playback performance with the Skin Modifier, notably when there are two or more Skin Modifiers with different numbers of bones present in them.
  • Improved stability in the Skin Modifier when using the Heatmap weight solver.
  • Improving the reliability of Undo/Redo when rescaling units in Biped and selecting, scaling, or adding keys in Biped Workbench.
  • Users should no longer experience the Curve Editor window auto-resizing smaller upon closing and re-opening using the toolbar button. The Dope Sheet, Particle View, and Workbench windows have also been verified to not have any resizing issues.
  • A proper undo restore has been added to the Biped when using Time Configuration > Re-Scale Time. Enabling the Bipeds keys to return to their previous position if the animator was to undo the Re-Scale Time action.
  • Resolved an issue where the key range on the time slider was missing when the time slider was set to float and the mini curve editor was open in 3ds Max.
  • Resolved an issue where the Assign Controller Treeview in the Motion Command Panel wasn’t displaying controllers properly when the Biped was in Mixer Mode.
  • Resolved an issue when using Time Configuration > Re-Scale Time with a Biped, where the Biped keyframes were not snapping to whole frames even if the option was enabled. We have updated Biped so that the biped body controller performs the remapping (BipBodyControl::MapKeys) instead of the Biped footstep controller.
  • Fixed issue with the Biped copy/paste function where the copied collection posture or pose was not correctly mirroring data from a multi-bone neck when the data was pasted. Now when pasting Biped neck data found in a collection with the mirror or mirror-in-place tool, the animator will get the expected results.
  • Splines with animated vertices will now properly notify 3ds Max that they have changed, this change will help to improve viewport performance when these types of objects are in the animator’s scene.
  • Corrected a significant issue that existed in the CAT Capture Animation UI that prevented this retargeting functionality that is a part of CAT from working as expected as it once did before 3ds Max 2016. This fix corrects issues with Auto Map, along with save and load mapping that prevented this functionality from operating as expected.
  • Resolved an issue when importing an FBX file where if the Motion Command Panel was open while this import action was taking place, the Motion Command Panel could become stuck in a blank state until 3ds Max was restarted due to an error with how the FBX import process was attempting to control the Command Panel UI.
  • Fixed a bug with List Controllers when using the Delete or Cut actions where the weight value of the remaining controllers did not update correctly to reflect their actual values.
  • Rollouts in the command panels should now better remember the last state they were in, even between Max sessions.
  • Fixed a bug where the Biped Motion mixer was slightly slowing down viewport performance in 3ds Max, even when a Biped was not used in the scene.
  • Resolved an issue where the Motion Command Panel UI could redrawn blank (empty) if it was the active Command Panel that was in use when importing an FBX. This issue was caused by a problem with the Status Bar UI not properly unlocking the UI after the import process was completed.
  • When loading a CAT Rig with the Open Preset Rig button in the Command Panel, the rig data that you are attempting to apply will be correctly loaded at the location of the currently selected CAT Parent instead of the location where the Preset Rig was saved.
  • When loading Clips onto a CAT rig, if the user attempted to load animation data where a LookAt constraint was attached to one of the CAT bones, it could cause 3ds Max to crash. To resolve this we improved the LookAt constraint code to better handle working with CAT bone Clip data.
  • Resolved a crash that could occur when saving a CAT Clip when there is no animation data in the CAT layer (or any of the CAT layers).
  • When the user detaches a CAT Tail bone (or series of CAT tail bones) from the main rig it is generated with, it can break a dependency within the CAT rig and can cause 3ds Max to crash when the animator attempts to manipulate or interact with the now detached CAT Tail. To resolve this crash 3ds Max now handles this broken dependency to enable the animator to continue to work with the CAT Tail objects that they have purposely detached and broken away from their CAT rig and related controllers associated with the rig.
  • Resolved a pair of crashes that would occur when playing back animation data, or moving the time slider to a range of bad data, on a CAT rig where 3ds Max encounters a problem with the CATMotion Layer due to destructive changes that the user has made to the layer’s controllers or limb references. When this problem is encountered 3ds Max will no longer crash, but any corrupt animation data that exists during this frame range where the corruption is detected will not play.
  • Fixed an issue where the Paste Controller as Instanced failed with a parameter block entry that already had a controller.
  • Resolved an issue with the Copy / Paste functionality found in Biped when pasting data between Xtra bones where the “Paste” and “Paste Opposite” data were not properly interpolated against the existing keys, causing a “spike” or “noise” in the animation curve. This problem would persist until the scene was reloaded, impacting workflow and productivity. Now when Pasting a Pose to Xtra Bones the animation data interpolation is properly updated, and these distortions to the animation curve between existing keyframes and the newly pasted keyframe no longer occur.
  • Resolved an issue where the Mini Curve Editor can grow slightly taller each time it is opened and closed in the 3ds Max session.
  • Resolved an issue where information contained in the CAT Layer Manager list view UI would appear squished together making the information difficult to read when viewed on screen resolutions higher than 1080HD (and especially difficult to read on a 4k monitor). This UI fix should also resolve other similar listview UI rollout squished display information found in older components of 3ds Max.
  • Reduced scene file size bloat that some customers were encountering. With 3ds Max 2024.2, we have added code to:
  • Remove duplicate note track keys in a note track when loading and saving.
  • Remove note tracks that contain no, or only garbage, note track keys when loading.
  • Ensure all note tracks are removed from the scene when doing a file reset, file load, or file new.
  • On scene file, open/merge, Anim Layers that contain no layer controllers are now deleted. This will eliminate the possibility of a large number of Anim Layers accumulating in Track View under the Anim Layer Control Manager track, and as such will also help to further reduce unnecessary file bloat that some customers were experiencing.
  • CivilView Signs are now created with the correct size.
  • CivilView – Fix .NET runtime exception when importing traffic simulation.FZP file.
  • CivilView traffic simulation (FZP) can now import PTV Vissim V11 files.
  • Predefined palette colors are considered as sRGB. Under OCIO mode, colours should not show the warning when opened in the Color Picker.
  • When changing Color Management modes, rules are applied automatically to existing bitmaps in SME.
  • Fixed a crash that would happen when closing an open Bitmap View after changing colour management modes and after reloading the scene file.
  • Most of the legacy components that drove colour swatches and colour pickers through 8-bit functions are updated to use floating point functions so that colour fidelity is preserved during the roundtrip and thus colour picker erratic behaviours are eliminated.
    • Some legacy components were driving the colour swatches and colour pickers through legacy 8-bit functions and this was causing colour degradation and picker stability issues. Now colors retain their fidelity between the components and the the color picker.
    • Colour picker HSV sliders are now more stable during transient ambiguous colours (such as hue collapse when colour is set to black).
  • Fixed an issue with Color Picker sliders jumping around when using Legacy maps.
  • Bitmaps saved with PNG extension accept Gamma Override values between 0.2 and 5.0.
  • Bitmaps in Unmanaged mode now show as “Color Mgmt: OFF”.
  • OCIO Custom File>Lock status is kept after Re-Initialized. It can be changed only through Maxscript.
  • Fixed minor issues with the mouse cursor appearance in Preferences>Color Management UI.
  • The Display and View Transform settings applied by the user in the Color Management OCIO modes are now saved with the scene file and do not reset to the default “Automatic” setting when the scene is reloaded.
  • Added code to detect when a too-long filename (>= 260 characters) is specified in file open/save dialogues, and display a warning dialogue.
  • Fixed Undo Stack text for Recursively Opening Group.
  • Added core exported methods: EnableDisableRefMsgsOverride(), DisableDisableRefMsgsOverride(), IsForceDisableAllMsgsOverriden(). This allows override of DisableRefMsgs().
  • Fixed crash when Detaching group nodes when the list of nodes to detach includes all the nodes in a group plus their group head.
  • Fixed issues with Shift+Move cloning of nodes when selected nodes had unselected targets, and more than one copy was being made.
  • Fix crashes when opening/saving the file in the folder with a long name (260+ characters).
  • Fixed an issue where the Slate Material Editor would become semi-transparent when moved around.
  • Fix Viewport statistics in edge case when having a spline with no vertices.
  • Added menu item Options / Check Network Paths to Asset Tracking dialog. By default, the existence test of assets on network paths is not tested. Turning this option one causes them to be tested.
  • Resolved situations where a docked SME would grab the focus of the Alt key from the main UI preventing many common keyboard shortcuts from being available. Note that pressing the Alt key will no longer allow the user to access the SME menus when it is in a docked state.
  • The filePostMerge3 file merge notification callback now returns the correct array of information instead of undefined.
  • General performance improvement – A timer used to update the status of Container objects now performs any action only if Container objects exist.
  • Improved performance of MassFX post-load callback scripts to be significantly faster when loading scenes with lots of nodes and modifiers.
  • Multi-resolution icons are now loaded from app plugin folders via packageContents.xml.
  • Improved FBX import performance during the envelopes import stage.
  • Fixed a crash when undoed after an FBX import.
  • Fixed a crash in FBX import due to an outdated reference.
  • Fixed issue where textures are lost while exporting the obj file if the assigned physical material is nested in Multi/Sub Object material.
  • Unrecognized keyword parameters in menu, mouse tool, macro script, scripted plugin, and scripted custom attribute definitions now output a ‘– Compile Warning:’ message to the listener rather than throw a compile error exception.
  • Exposed maxops.GlobalScaleTime function to scale time in the same manner as is done via ‘Re-scale Time’ in the Time Configuration dialogue.
  • Added == and != support for MAXScript Interval values.
  • MAXScript methods resetMaxFile, importFile, and exportFile now accept, in addition to existing #noprompt argument, keyword argument quiet.
  • MAXScript .mse can be deleted while it is open.
  • Fixed DEL key behaviour when SME is open.
  • Fixed an issue where the Slate Material Editor would not update if a reference message was sent in a preRenderEval callback during rendering.
  • SME: Pick from Object tool is not active if selected and SME is then closed.
  • Nodes in SMEs with a single input handle will not show a second handle when trying to connect a wire in a collapsed state.
  • When a node is selected in the Preview list and is deleted, the Preview list will now update to another node and show it in the Preview as expected. When the Preview is set to Follow Current Selection, when the node is deleted, nothing is displayed in the Preview as there is no current selection anymore.
  • Added support to drag & drop a Compound node into a Material Library.
  • Restored the tooltips on buttons in SME when the focus is on the material editor window.
  • Fixed orphan connections in SME when Hide Child Tree is used on a node that has a connected node shared with another one.
  • Follow the Current Selection option in the material Preview Window is now more robust and is sticky when switching View tabs or working with nodes in SME.
  • In SME fixed Material Preview>Follow Current Selection behaviour: the preview shows the currently selected material.
  • Fixed an issue where Maxscript could not get material from selected when SME is open.
  • Fixed an issue where the Slate Material Editor would not open with the correct View tab displayed after the scene load.
  • Fixed the SME>Show Shaded/Realistic Material in Viewport button functionality.
  • New nodes should respect the hide-unused preference that can be toggled by the toolbar button with no node selected.
  • When the Thumbnail cache is deleted, there will not be any cache stored left and consumed by Compound nodes.
  • Resolved an issue where the soft selection of an Edit Spline was not always properly passed up the modifier stack.
  • Fixed an edge case issue with memory access when using the Boolean Modifier that could result in 3ds Max crashing to the desktop but not generating a CER.
  • Resolve a crash that could occur with the Boolean Modifier when attempting to use the Mirror tool on the Boolean modified object.
  • When cloning an object using Edit > Clone (CTRL+V) 3ds Max will now properly preserve the state of the “Display as Box” object attribute that the user had set on their source object, to the newly cloned result.
  • Resolved an issue where Fluid Simulations that are driven by an animated mesh were not properly storing the Motion Fields in the output Fluid simulation mesh data. This fix resolves an issue that was introduced in 3ds Max 2024.0.
  • Resolved a crash that could occur when moving a modifier that exists below the Boolean modifier on an operand so that it is now above the Boolean modifier by creating an invalid history. When this occurs the modifier that has been moved will become invalid and not apply because it holds invalid data.
  • Fixed an issue with the Push modifier where it was not updating the state of the polygonal normals after the modifier was first applied, resulting in an output that could be visually wrong or incorrect.
  • Resolved an issue where the Poly Select modifier was enabling the edge selection that it contained to be passed into the Boolean Modifier (which selects edges based on the intersecting edges of the boolean operation results), resulting in an incorrect edge selection result.
  • Resolved an issue where UV data on some operands could become reset or altered after cloning the Boolean Modified object.
  • The artist will now get the result that they expect when using the “Cut” and “Paste” or “Paste to new Boolean Modifier” functionality found in the Boolean Modifier when working with operands in the Operation List.
  • Resolved an issue with the Boolean Modifier where some types of degenerate geometry were not being fully caught and repaired and as a result, could cause a crash of 3ds Max.
  • Improved the results that the Boolean Modifier’s Subtraction operation can give when attempting to cut a very thin strip of geometry away from an object that doesn’t have enough support geometry.
  • Resolved an issue with the Array Modifier where changes to the location of the Pivot Point were not being reflected until the scene was reloaded. The Array Modifier will now properly update to reflect changes to the location of the Pivot Point when the changes are made.
  • Operands that are brought into the Boolean Modifier will now have their pivot data properly maintained. Now when the artist selects the operand in the Boolean Modifier’s Operands List, they can manipulate the operand object with the pivot located at the same location that it was on the object before it was added to the Boolean modifier. This will greatly help improve the manipulation of operands.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when using the Intersect operation of a Shape Boolean compound object where the operand spline shape contains a spline element with no knots. When a spline shape or element with no knots is now encountered with the Shape Boolean compound object, these spline shapes will now be excluded from the boolean actions.
  • Resolved an issue with the Data Channel modifiers Smooth operator that could cause a crash.
  • Resolved a crash that could occur when using the Boolean Modifiers subtract operation utilizing multiple operands and the faces of these operands are perfectly coplanar to one another.
  • Resolved an issue where entering into a Sub Object component level of one of the Boolean Modifier operands and using Show End Result could generate “Non-Watertight Geometry” errors with the Boolean Modifier which would affect the Boolean output in an unintended way.
  • Resolved an issue with the Array Modifiers “First Middle Last” type where it required a minimum of 4 elements to operate. This has since been resolved so that it requires a minimum of 3 elements to operate (a first, a middle, and a last).
  • Resolved an issue with the Boolean Modifier where the object’s Material IDs would be shifted to ID 1 if the object had no material assigned to it.
  • Resolved an issue with the Boolean Modifier where undoing all of its actions, removing operands, and restoring the modifier to its initial state before anything was added didn’t result in the mesh visually representing the data that was passed up the stack to the modifier.
  • Fixed an issue where the MaterialIDs on the Boolean Modifier output would change when the artist had “Use Material” disabled.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur with the Collapse Utility.
  • Fixed a crash that might occur with the Boolean Modifier when using a folder with multiple operands, and the operation type of the folder is set to Split.
  • Hollow shapes produced by a modifier such as Shell will remain hollow when meshed through the Boolean Modifiers OpenVDB method. Enabling the expected results from OpenVDB-based Union, Subtraction, or Intersection operations.
  • Resolved an issue with the Boolean Modifier where when using OpenVDB as the boolean meshing option, the animated parameters contained on an Operand were not being properly used to drive the boolean results as frames change. Now when using OpenVDB with the Boolean modifier, animated parameters affect the result as expected.
  • Resolved an issue where shading artefacts could occur when performing a non-uniform scale with Smart Extrude on an Editable Poly object.
  • Resolved a crash that could occur with the Optimize Modifier when it attempts to perform its operations on horribly malformed mesh data. When this error is encountered Optimize will now fail to process.
  • Fixed a problem with the Symmetry modifier when working with data from older 3ds Max scenes (2021 or earlier) where the Modifier was not correctly utilizing the same specific version of the Symmetry code when the object was cloned in a newer copy of 3ds max. This would result in the vertex IDs of the cloned object changing and affecting Modifiers high in the stack (i.e. Edit Poly), making the cloned results look distorted.
  • Resolved an issue with the Physical Camera where it was not updating the validity properly when only the Zoom is animated and Specify FOV is unchecked.
  • Fixed an issue where you could not search the modifier list if you were using a line-based object.
  • Fixed an infinite loop in pymxs.
  • The state of the “Set Key” button (grey/red) reacts to changes in key mode triggered by pymxs script.
  • Fixed the crash produced when loading a Render Preset with empty Layers.
  • Right-click on the FOV icon opens the Active Viewport Preferences tab, where the Perspective Field of View setting is exposed.
  • Fixed a crash that could have occurred while loading custom OSL files.
  • Fixed Color Picker lag that could occur when the OCIO config file has a large LUT for the default display/view transform.
  • Scanline>Raytrace Message checkbox remains OFF when importing objects from scenes having this checkbox ON.
  • Fixed a random crash produced when using OSL maps.
  • lib is now distributed as part of maxsdk.
  • Corrected an issue where UVs generated with an Unfold3D Peel or Reset Peel could appear distorted in the Edit UV window and were unable to be further modified/edited, but the UVs were correct on the geometry and displayed properly in the viewport. This Edit UV display issue was specifically caused by how selection data was passed up the stack to the Unwrap UVW modifier, through Unfold3D Peel or Pack, and then back to the Edit UV window, and would resolve itself when the user either reloaded the scene or applied a new Unwrap UVW modifier.
  • Resolved an issue where in rare circumstances, UV data from older 3ds Max scenes would no longer match the data that exists in the Unwrap UVW modifier, which could cause a crash when attempting to perform various actions within the Edit UV window.
  • Resolved an issue with malformed UV data that could cause the Unwrap UVW modifier to crash 3ds Max when using the Unfold3d methods for Peel, Pack, or Relax.
  • Fixed a crash that can occur with the LSCM version of Quick Peel due to a mismatch of the data found in the geometry and UV data.
  • Fixed an issue where Unwrap UVW was crashing on File > Reset when the scene contained mesh geometry with some malformed data.
  • Fixed the issue where Quicksilver would render images without lighting and shadows.
[Image: Autodesk-3DS-MAX-Serial-Key-Patch-Tested...wnload.png]
[Image: Autodesk-3DS-MAX-Keygen-Activator-Latest...wnload.png]

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October 5, 2024
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Professional 3D modelling, rendering, and animation software Autodesk 3DS MAX 2024.2 Crack lets you create expansive worlds and high-end designs. Bring environments and landscapes to life with powerful modelling tools. Create highly detailed designs and props with intuitive texturing and shading tools. Iterate and produce professional-looking renders with full artistic control.
Autodesk 3DS MAX 2024.2 Patch has an integrated Arnold renderer that provides a rich experience and can handle your most complex characters, scenes, and effects. You can save time with centralized rendering tools for interactive light mixing, colour correction, and lens effects in the rendered image. Plus, you can work faster with an easy-to-use user experience and intuitive controls, rehearsing and producing high-quality renders and variations faster.
Autodesk 3DS MAX 2024.2 License Key lets you extend your workflow through automation, so you can spend more time getting creative. Use it as a compute engine to scale content production, extend integrated workflows with accessible APIs, and speed up manual steps to increase productivity.
Autodesk 3DS MAX 2024.2 Key Features:
  • Retopology tools: Automatically optimize high-resolution model geometries to create crisp quad mesh geometries.
  • Smart Extrude: Project faces onto 3D objects intuitively and flexibly. Automatically rebuild and stitch adjacent faces.
  • Open Shading Language (OSL) support: Create or use pre-existing procedural OSL maps with supported renderers.
  • Baking to texture: Experience efficient, intuitive, and fully scriptable texture toasting.
  • Integrated Arnold renderer: Arnold for Autodesk 3DS MAX 2024.2 Serial Key (MAXtoA) supports interactive rendering directly from the interface.
  • Interactive viewports: Reduce design iterations with render-quality window previews, displaying hardware PBR (physical rendering), and live camera effects.
  • Software Security: Use safe scene loading to protect your work from potentially dangerous scripts that might be part of scene files.

Autodesk 3DS MAX 2024.2 More Features:
3D modeling
  • Retopology tools: Automatically reconstructs polygon mesh data as a clean quad topology with uncompromising accuracy. These tools can be used to reduce complex high-resolution assets and enhance the traditional design and generative modelling work in Autodesk 3DS MAX 2024.2 Activator.
  • Smart Extrude: Interactively extrude faces onto 3D objects using flexible smart extrusion operations such as cut and overlap. Automatically rebuild and sew adjacent faces without having to manually correct hidden faces or geometric data.
  • Mesh and surface modelling: Create parametric and organic objects with polygons, subdivision surfaces, and spline-based modelling features.
  • Modifier Stack Workflow: Quickly draft, iterate, and explore design ideas using a variety of unique modifiers.
  • Spline Workflows: Create and animate geometry in several intuitive ways with the spline tool.
  • Texturing and shading: Generate high-quality textures that render accurately in the viewport using new or pre-existing OSL maps with supported render engines.
  • Baking to texture: Discover an elegant, intuitive, and fully writable texture baking experience with support for PBR (physical rendering) materials, overrides, and OSL workflows.
  • Material Editor: Add finishing touches to materials, modify textures, and use vibrant colours to create photorealistic designs. study again
  • Lightning: Illuminate and enhance your scene using photometric and standard lights.
3d rendering
  • Integrated Arnold renderer: Use the Arnold GPU renderer to see changes in the scene in real-time, including lighting, materials, and camera.
  • Interactive viewports: Reduce design iterations with render-quality window previews, displaying hardware PBR (physical rendering) and live camera effects.
  • ActiveShade viewport: With an interactive rendering experience, view your scene in near-finish render quality as you work.
  • Physical camera: Simulate real camera settings such as shutter speed, aperture, depth of field, and exposure.
  • Scene converter: Seamlessly and consistently switch materials, lights, cameras, and presenters between them.
Animations and effects
  • Character animation tools: Create procedural character animations and rigs with CAT (character animation toolkit), biped, and mob tools.
  • Motion paths: Preview and adjust animation paths directly in the window.
  • 3ds Max fluids: Create realistic fluid behaviours, such as water, oil, and lava, and mimic gravity and collision effects.
  • Particle flow effects: Create advanced particle effects like water, fire, spray, and snow.
  • Extensive plugin library: Access hundreds of industry-leading third-party plugins from our vast community.
Workflows and pipelines
  • Software Security: Use Safe Scene Script Execution to protect your work against malicious scripts that may be part of scene files and the Malware Removal feature, which detects and removes known malicious scripts from scene files and startup scripts.
  • Python 3: Enjoy tighter pipeline integration with support for Python 3.
  • Pipe integration support: Easily customize Autodesk 3DS MAX 2024.2 Keygen to suit your production line needs.
  • Modern UI and workspaces: Create your custom workspace with a more modern, responsive, and DPI-enabled UI.
  • GL Transmission Format (glTF) support: Publish assets from your 3ds Max scenes to glTF 3D content for use in web applications, online stores, browser games, and other online outlets.
What’s new in Autodesk 3DS MAX 2024.2?
  • The importing speed on some SketchUp models has been significantly improved. A new import option, Image Quality, is introduced in SketchUp import. When checked, distorted texture maps are redrawn; when disabled, better speed is achieved with possible distortion.
  • Fixed an issue when exporting Alembic files to directories that contain non-English characters that could 3ds Max to crash. This problem was caused by the inability of Windows to handle UTF-8 filenames with non-English characters.
  • Resolved an issue when exporting Alembic data where specified ranges of animation data sometimes didn’t export correctly.
  • Resolved an issue that was introduced in 3ds Max 2024 that could cause some Alembic data to take longer to export than it did previously.
  • Improved playback performance with the Skin Modifier, notably when there are two or more Skin Modifiers with different numbers of bones present in them.
  • Improved stability in the Skin Modifier when using the Heatmap weight solver.
  • Improving the reliability of Undo/Redo when rescaling units in Biped and selecting, scaling, or adding keys in Biped Workbench.
  • Users should no longer experience the Curve Editor window auto-resizing smaller upon closing and re-opening using the toolbar button. The Dope Sheet, Particle View, and Workbench windows have also been verified to not have any resizing issues.
  • A proper undo restore has been added to the Biped when using Time Configuration > Re-Scale Time. Enabling the Bipeds keys to return to their previous position if the animator was to undo the Re-Scale Time action.
  • Resolved an issue where the key range on the time slider was missing when the time slider was set to float and the mini curve editor was open in 3ds Max.
  • Resolved an issue where the Assign Controller Treeview in the Motion Command Panel wasn’t displaying controllers properly when the Biped was in Mixer Mode.
  • Resolved an issue when using Time Configuration > Re-Scale Time with a Biped, where the Biped keyframes were not snapping to whole frames even if the option was enabled. We have updated Biped so that the biped body controller performs the remapping (BipBodyControl::MapKeys) instead of the Biped footstep controller.
  • Fixed issue with the Biped copy/paste function where the copied collection posture or pose was not correctly mirroring data from a multi-bone neck when the data was pasted. Now when pasting Biped neck data found in a collection with the mirror or mirror-in-place tool, the animator will get the expected results.
  • Splines with animated vertices will now properly notify 3ds Max that they have changed, this change will help to improve viewport performance when these types of objects are in the animator’s scene.
  • Corrected a significant issue that existed in the CAT Capture Animation UI that prevented this retargeting functionality that is a part of CAT from working as expected as it once did before 3ds Max 2016. This fix corrects issues with Auto Map, along with save and load mapping that prevented this functionality from operating as expected.
  • Resolved an issue when importing an FBX file where if the Motion Command Panel was open while this import action was taking place, the Motion Command Panel could become stuck in a blank state until 3ds Max was restarted due to an error with how the FBX import process was attempting to control the Command Panel UI.
  • Fixed a bug with List Controllers when using the Delete or Cut actions where the weight value of the remaining controllers did not update correctly to reflect their actual values.
  • Rollouts in the command panels should now better remember the last state they were in, even between Max sessions.
  • Fixed a bug where the Biped Motion mixer was slightly slowing down viewport performance in 3ds Max, even when a Biped was not used in the scene.
  • Resolved an issue where the Motion Command Panel UI could redrawn blank (empty) if it was the active Command Panel that was in use when importing an FBX. This issue was caused by a problem with the Status Bar UI not properly unlocking the UI after the import process was completed.
  • When loading a CAT Rig with the Open Preset Rig button in the Command Panel, the rig data that you are attempting to apply will be correctly loaded at the location of the currently selected CAT Parent instead of the location where the Preset Rig was saved.
  • When loading Clips onto a CAT rig, if the user attempted to load animation data where a LookAt constraint was attached to one of the CAT bones, it could cause 3ds Max to crash. To resolve this we improved the LookAt constraint code to better handle working with CAT bone Clip data.
  • Resolved a crash that could occur when saving a CAT Clip when there is no animation data in the CAT layer (or any of the CAT layers).
  • When the user detaches a CAT Tail bone (or series of CAT tail bones) from the main rig it is generated with, it can break a dependency within the CAT rig and can cause 3ds Max to crash when the animator attempts to manipulate or interact with the now detached CAT Tail. To resolve this crash 3ds Max now handles this broken dependency to enable the animator to continue to work with the CAT Tail objects that they have purposely detached and broken away from their CAT rig and related controllers associated with the rig.
  • Resolved a pair of crashes that would occur when playing back animation data, or moving the time slider to a range of bad data, on a CAT rig where 3ds Max encounters a problem with the CATMotion Layer due to destructive changes that the user has made to the layer’s controllers or limb references. When this problem is encountered 3ds Max will no longer crash, but any corrupt animation data that exists during this frame range where the corruption is detected will not play.
  • Fixed an issue where the Paste Controller as Instanced failed with a parameter block entry that already had a controller.
  • Resolved an issue with the Copy / Paste functionality found in Biped when pasting data between Xtra bones where the “Paste” and “Paste Opposite” data were not properly interpolated against the existing keys, causing a “spike” or “noise” in the animation curve. This problem would persist until the scene was reloaded, impacting workflow and productivity. Now when Pasting a Pose to Xtra Bones the animation data interpolation is properly updated, and these distortions to the animation curve between existing keyframes and the newly pasted keyframe no longer occur.
  • Resolved an issue where the Mini Curve Editor can grow slightly taller each time it is opened and closed in the 3ds Max session.
  • Resolved an issue where information contained in the CAT Layer Manager list view UI would appear squished together making the information difficult to read when viewed on screen resolutions higher than 1080HD (and especially difficult to read on a 4k monitor). This UI fix should also resolve other similar listview UI rollout squished display information found in older components of 3ds Max.
  • Reduced scene file size bloat that some customers were encountering. With 3ds Max 2024.2, we have added code to:
  • Remove duplicate note track keys in a note track when loading and saving.
  • Remove note tracks that contain no, or only garbage, note track keys when loading.
  • Ensure all note tracks are removed from the scene when doing a file reset, file load, or file new.
  • On scene file, open/merge, Anim Layers that contain no layer controllers are now deleted. This will eliminate the possibility of a large number of Anim Layers accumulating in Track View under the Anim Layer Control Manager track, and as such will also help to further reduce unnecessary file bloat that some customers were experiencing.
  • CivilView Signs are now created with the correct size.
  • CivilView – Fix .NET runtime exception when importing traffic simulation.FZP file.
  • CivilView traffic simulation (FZP) can now import PTV Vissim V11 files.
  • Predefined palette colors are considered as sRGB. Under OCIO mode, colours should not show the warning when opened in the Color Picker.
  • When changing Color Management modes, rules are applied automatically to existing bitmaps in SME.
  • Fixed a crash that would happen when closing an open Bitmap View after changing colour management modes and after reloading the scene file.
  • Most of the legacy components that drove colour swatches and colour pickers through 8-bit functions are updated to use floating point functions so that colour fidelity is preserved during the roundtrip and thus colour picker erratic behaviours are eliminated.
    • Some legacy components were driving the colour swatches and colour pickers through legacy 8-bit functions and this was causing colour degradation and picker stability issues. Now colors retain their fidelity between the components and the the color picker.
    • Colour picker HSV sliders are now more stable during transient ambiguous colours (such as hue collapse when colour is set to black).
  • Fixed an issue with Color Picker sliders jumping around when using Legacy maps.
  • Bitmaps saved with PNG extension accept Gamma Override values between 0.2 and 5.0.
  • Bitmaps in Unmanaged mode now show as “Color Mgmt: OFF”.
  • OCIO Custom File>Lock status is kept after Re-Initialized. It can be changed only through Maxscript.
  • Fixed minor issues with the mouse cursor appearance in Preferences>Color Management UI.
  • The Display and View Transform settings applied by the user in the Color Management OCIO modes are now saved with the scene file and do not reset to the default “Automatic” setting when the scene is reloaded.
  • Added code to detect when a too-long filename (>= 260 characters) is specified in file open/save dialogues, and display a warning dialogue.
  • Fixed Undo Stack text for Recursively Opening Group.
  • Added core exported methods: EnableDisableRefMsgsOverride(), DisableDisableRefMsgsOverride(), IsForceDisableAllMsgsOverriden(). This allows override of DisableRefMsgs().
  • Fixed crash when Detaching group nodes when the list of nodes to detach includes all the nodes in a group plus their group head.
  • Fixed issues with Shift+Move cloning of nodes when selected nodes had unselected targets, and more than one copy was being made.
  • Fix crashes when opening/saving the file in the folder with a long name (260+ characters).
  • Fixed an issue where the Slate Material Editor would become semi-transparent when moved around.
  • Fix Viewport statistics in edge case when having a spline with no vertices.
  • Added menu item Options / Check Network Paths to Asset Tracking dialog. By default, the existence test of assets on network paths is not tested. Turning this option one causes them to be tested.
  • Resolved situations where a docked SME would grab the focus of the Alt key from the main UI preventing many common keyboard shortcuts from being available. Note that pressing the Alt key will no longer allow the user to access the SME menus when it is in a docked state.
  • The filePostMerge3 file merge notification callback now returns the correct array of information instead of undefined.
  • General performance improvement – A timer used to update the status of Container objects now performs any action only if Container objects exist.
  • Improved performance of MassFX post-load callback scripts to be significantly faster when loading scenes with lots of nodes and modifiers.
  • Multi-resolution icons are now loaded from app plugin folders via packageContents.xml.
  • Improved FBX import performance during the envelopes import stage.
  • Fixed a crash when undoed after an FBX import.
  • Fixed a crash in FBX import due to an outdated reference.
  • Fixed issue where textures are lost while exporting the obj file if the assigned physical material is nested in Multi/Sub Object material.
  • Unrecognized keyword parameters in menu, mouse tool, macro script, scripted plugin, and scripted custom attribute definitions now output a ‘– Compile Warning:’ message to the listener rather than throw a compile error exception.
  • Exposed maxops.GlobalScaleTime function to scale time in the same manner as is done via ‘Re-scale Time’ in the Time Configuration dialogue.
  • Added == and != support for MAXScript Interval values.
  • MAXScript methods resetMaxFile, importFile, and exportFile now accept, in addition to existing #noprompt argument, keyword argument quiet.
  • MAXScript .mse can be deleted while it is open.
  • Fixed DEL key behaviour when SME is open.
  • Fixed an issue where the Slate Material Editor would not update if a reference message was sent in a preRenderEval callback during rendering.
  • SME: Pick from Object tool is not active if selected and SME is then closed.
  • Nodes in SMEs with a single input handle will not show a second handle when trying to connect a wire in a collapsed state.
  • When a node is selected in the Preview list and is deleted, the Preview list will now update to another node and show it in the Preview as expected. When the Preview is set to Follow Current Selection, when the node is deleted, nothing is displayed in the Preview as there is no current selection anymore.
  • Added support to drag & drop a Compound node into a Material Library.
  • Restored the tooltips on buttons in SME when the focus is on the material editor window.
  • Fixed orphan connections in SME when Hide Child Tree is used on a node that has a connected node shared with another one.
  • Follow the Current Selection option in the material Preview Window is now more robust and is sticky when switching View tabs or working with nodes in SME.
  • In SME fixed Material Preview>Follow Current Selection behaviour: the preview shows the currently selected material.
  • Fixed an issue where Maxscript could not get material from selected when SME is open.
  • Fixed an issue where the Slate Material Editor would not open with the correct View tab displayed after the scene load.
  • Fixed the SME>Show Shaded/Realistic Material in Viewport button functionality.
  • New nodes should respect the hide-unused preference that can be toggled by the toolbar button with no node selected.
  • When the Thumbnail cache is deleted, there will not be any cache stored left and consumed by Compound nodes.
  • Resolved an issue where the soft selection of an Edit Spline was not always properly passed up the modifier stack.
  • Fixed an edge case issue with memory access when using the Boolean Modifier that could result in 3ds Max crashing to the desktop but not generating a CER.
  • Resolve a crash that could occur with the Boolean Modifier when attempting to use the Mirror tool on the Boolean modified object.
  • When cloning an object using Edit > Clone (CTRL+V) 3ds Max will now properly preserve the state of the “Display as Box” object attribute that the user had set on their source object, to the newly cloned result.
  • Resolved an issue where Fluid Simulations that are driven by an animated mesh were not properly storing the Motion Fields in the output Fluid simulation mesh data. This fix resolves an issue that was introduced in 3ds Max 2024.0.
  • Resolved a crash that could occur when moving a modifier that exists below the Boolean modifier on an operand so that it is now above the Boolean modifier by creating an invalid history. When this occurs the modifier that has been moved will become invalid and not apply because it holds invalid data.
  • Fixed an issue with the Push modifier where it was not updating the state of the polygonal normals after the modifier was first applied, resulting in an output that could be visually wrong or incorrect.
  • Resolved an issue where the Poly Select modifier was enabling the edge selection that it contained to be passed into the Boolean Modifier (which selects edges based on the intersecting edges of the boolean operation results), resulting in an incorrect edge selection result.
  • Resolved an issue where UV data on some operands could become reset or altered after cloning the Boolean Modified object.
  • The artist will now get the result that they expect when using the “Cut” and “Paste” or “Paste to new Boolean Modifier” functionality found in the Boolean Modifier when working with operands in the Operation List.
  • Resolved an issue with the Boolean Modifier where some types of degenerate geometry were not being fully caught and repaired and as a result, could cause a crash of 3ds Max.
  • Improved the results that the Boolean Modifier’s Subtraction operation can give when attempting to cut a very thin strip of geometry away from an object that doesn’t have enough support geometry.
  • Resolved an issue with the Array Modifier where changes to the location of the Pivot Point were not being reflected until the scene was reloaded. The Array Modifier will now properly update to reflect changes to the location of the Pivot Point when the changes are made.
  • Operands that are brought into the Boolean Modifier will now have their pivot data properly maintained. Now when the artist selects the operand in the Boolean Modifier’s Operands List, they can manipulate the operand object with the pivot located at the same location that it was on the object before it was added to the Boolean modifier. This will greatly help improve the manipulation of operands.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when using the Intersect operation of a Shape Boolean compound object where the operand spline shape contains a spline element with no knots. When a spline shape or element with no knots is now encountered with the Shape Boolean compound object, these spline shapes will now be excluded from the boolean actions.
  • Resolved an issue with the Data Channel modifiers Smooth operator that could cause a crash.
  • Resolved a crash that could occur when using the Boolean Modifiers subtract operation utilizing multiple operands and the faces of these operands are perfectly coplanar to one another.
  • Resolved an issue where entering into a Sub Object component level of one of the Boolean Modifier operands and using Show End Result could generate “Non-Watertight Geometry” errors with the Boolean Modifier which would affect the Boolean output in an unintended way.
  • Resolved an issue with the Array Modifiers “First Middle Last” type where it required a minimum of 4 elements to operate. This has since been resolved so that it requires a minimum of 3 elements to operate (a first, a middle, and a last).
  • Resolved an issue with the Boolean Modifier where the object’s Material IDs would be shifted to ID 1 if the object had no material assigned to it.
  • Resolved an issue with the Boolean Modifier where undoing all of its actions, removing operands, and restoring the modifier to its initial state before anything was added didn’t result in the mesh visually representing the data that was passed up the stack to the modifier.
  • Fixed an issue where the MaterialIDs on the Boolean Modifier output would change when the artist had “Use Material” disabled.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur with the Collapse Utility.
  • Fixed a crash that might occur with the Boolean Modifier when using a folder with multiple operands, and the operation type of the folder is set to Split.
  • Hollow shapes produced by a modifier such as Shell will remain hollow when meshed through the Boolean Modifiers OpenVDB method. Enabling the expected results from OpenVDB-based Union, Subtraction, or Intersection operations.
  • Resolved an issue with the Boolean Modifier where when using OpenVDB as the boolean meshing option, the animated parameters contained on an Operand were not being properly used to drive the boolean results as frames change. Now when using OpenVDB with the Boolean modifier, animated parameters affect the result as expected.
  • Resolved an issue where shading artefacts could occur when performing a non-uniform scale with Smart Extrude on an Editable Poly object.
  • Resolved a crash that could occur with the Optimize Modifier when it attempts to perform its operations on horribly malformed mesh data. When this error is encountered Optimize will now fail to process.
  • Fixed a problem with the Symmetry modifier when working with data from older 3ds Max scenes (2021 or earlier) where the Modifier was not correctly utilizing the same specific version of the Symmetry code when the object was cloned in a newer copy of 3ds max. This would result in the vertex IDs of the cloned object changing and affecting Modifiers high in the stack (i.e. Edit Poly), making the cloned results look distorted.
  • Resolved an issue with the Physical Camera where it was not updating the validity properly when only the Zoom is animated and Specify FOV is unchecked.
  • Fixed an issue where you could not search the modifier list if you were using a line-based object.
  • Fixed an infinite loop in pymxs.
  • The state of the “Set Key” button (grey/red) reacts to changes in key mode triggered by pymxs script.
  • Fixed the crash produced when loading a Render Preset with empty Layers.
  • Right-click on the FOV icon opens the Active Viewport Preferences tab, where the Perspective Field of View setting is exposed.
  • Fixed a crash that could have occurred while loading custom OSL files.
  • Fixed Color Picker lag that could occur when the OCIO config file has a large LUT for the default display/view transform.
  • Scanline>Raytrace Message checkbox remains OFF when importing objects from scenes having this checkbox ON.
  • Fixed a random crash produced when using OSL maps.
  • lib is now distributed as part of maxsdk.
  • Corrected an issue where UVs generated with an Unfold3D Peel or Reset Peel could appear distorted in the Edit UV window and were unable to be further modified/edited, but the UVs were correct on the geometry and displayed properly in the viewport. This Edit UV display issue was specifically caused by how selection data was passed up the stack to the Unwrap UVW modifier, through Unfold3D Peel or Pack, and then back to the Edit UV window, and would resolve itself when the user either reloaded the scene or applied a new Unwrap UVW modifier.
  • Resolved an issue where in rare circumstances, UV data from older 3ds Max scenes would no longer match the data that exists in the Unwrap UVW modifier, which could cause a crash when attempting to perform various actions within the Edit UV window.
  • Resolved an issue with malformed UV data that could cause the Unwrap UVW modifier to crash 3ds Max when using the Unfold3d methods for Peel, Pack, or Relax.
  • Fixed a crash that can occur with the LSCM version of Quick Peel due to a mismatch of the data found in the geometry and UV data.
  • Fixed an issue where Unwrap UVW was crashing on File > Reset when the scene contained mesh geometry with some malformed data.
  • Fixed the issue where Quicksilver would render images without lighting and shadows.
[Image: Autodesk-3DS-MAX-Serial-Key-Patch-Tested...wnload.png]
[Image: Autodesk-3DS-MAX-Keygen-Activator-Latest...wnload.png]

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October 11, 2024
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Professional 3D modelling, rendering, and animation software Autodesk 3DS MAX 2024.2 Crack lets you create expansive worlds and high-end designs. Bring environments and landscapes to life with powerful modelling tools. Create highly detailed designs and props with intuitive texturing and shading tools. Iterate and produce professional-looking renders with full artistic control.
Autodesk 3DS MAX 2024.2 Patch has an integrated Arnold renderer that provides a rich experience and can handle your most complex characters, scenes, and effects. You can save time with centralized rendering tools for interactive light mixing, colour correction, and lens effects in the rendered image. Plus, you can work faster with an easy-to-use user experience and intuitive controls, rehearsing and producing high-quality renders and variations faster.
Autodesk 3DS MAX 2024.2 License Key lets you extend your workflow through automation, so you can spend more time getting creative. Use it as a compute engine to scale content production, extend integrated workflows with accessible APIs, and speed up manual steps to increase productivity.
Autodesk 3DS MAX 2024.2 Key Features:
  • Retopology tools: Automatically optimize high-resolution model geometries to create crisp quad mesh geometries.
  • Smart Extrude: Project faces onto 3D objects intuitively and flexibly. Automatically rebuild and stitch adjacent faces.
  • Open Shading Language (OSL) support: Create or use pre-existing procedural OSL maps with supported renderers.
  • Baking to texture: Experience efficient, intuitive, and fully scriptable texture toasting.
  • Integrated Arnold renderer: Arnold for Autodesk 3DS MAX 2024.2 Serial Key (MAXtoA) supports interactive rendering directly from the interface.
  • Interactive viewports: Reduce design iterations with render-quality window previews, displaying hardware PBR (physical rendering), and live camera effects.
  • Software Security: Use safe scene loading to protect your work from potentially dangerous scripts that might be part of scene files.

Autodesk 3DS MAX 2024.2 More Features:
3D modeling
  • Retopology tools: Automatically reconstructs polygon mesh data as a clean quad topology with uncompromising accuracy. These tools can be used to reduce complex high-resolution assets and enhance the traditional design and generative modelling work in Autodesk 3DS MAX 2024.2 Activator.
  • Smart Extrude: Interactively extrude faces onto 3D objects using flexible smart extrusion operations such as cut and overlap. Automatically rebuild and sew adjacent faces without having to manually correct hidden faces or geometric data.
  • Mesh and surface modelling: Create parametric and organic objects with polygons, subdivision surfaces, and spline-based modelling features.
  • Modifier Stack Workflow: Quickly draft, iterate, and explore design ideas using a variety of unique modifiers.
  • Spline Workflows: Create and animate geometry in several intuitive ways with the spline tool.
  • Texturing and shading: Generate high-quality textures that render accurately in the viewport using new or pre-existing OSL maps with supported render engines.
  • Baking to texture: Discover an elegant, intuitive, and fully writable texture baking experience with support for PBR (physical rendering) materials, overrides, and OSL workflows.
  • Material Editor: Add finishing touches to materials, modify textures, and use vibrant colours to create photorealistic designs. study again
  • Lightning: Illuminate and enhance your scene using photometric and standard lights.
3d rendering
  • Integrated Arnold renderer: Use the Arnold GPU renderer to see changes in the scene in real-time, including lighting, materials, and camera.
  • Interactive viewports: Reduce design iterations with render-quality window previews, displaying hardware PBR (physical rendering) and live camera effects.
  • ActiveShade viewport: With an interactive rendering experience, view your scene in near-finish render quality as you work.
  • Physical camera: Simulate real camera settings such as shutter speed, aperture, depth of field, and exposure.
  • Scene converter: Seamlessly and consistently switch materials, lights, cameras, and presenters between them.
Animations and effects
  • Character animation tools: Create procedural character animations and rigs with CAT (character animation toolkit), biped, and mob tools.
  • Motion paths: Preview and adjust animation paths directly in the window.
  • 3ds Max fluids: Create realistic fluid behaviours, such as water, oil, and lava, and mimic gravity and collision effects.
  • Particle flow effects: Create advanced particle effects like water, fire, spray, and snow.
  • Extensive plugin library: Access hundreds of industry-leading third-party plugins from our vast community.
Workflows and pipelines
  • Software Security: Use Safe Scene Script Execution to protect your work against malicious scripts that may be part of scene files and the Malware Removal feature, which detects and removes known malicious scripts from scene files and startup scripts.
  • Python 3: Enjoy tighter pipeline integration with support for Python 3.
  • Pipe integration support: Easily customize Autodesk 3DS MAX 2024.2 Keygen to suit your production line needs.
  • Modern UI and workspaces: Create your custom workspace with a more modern, responsive, and DPI-enabled UI.
  • GL Transmission Format (glTF) support: Publish assets from your 3ds Max scenes to glTF 3D content for use in web applications, online stores, browser games, and other online outlets.
What’s new in Autodesk 3DS MAX 2024.2?
  • The importing speed on some SketchUp models has been significantly improved. A new import option, Image Quality, is introduced in SketchUp import. When checked, distorted texture maps are redrawn; when disabled, better speed is achieved with possible distortion.
  • Fixed an issue when exporting Alembic files to directories that contain non-English characters that could 3ds Max to crash. This problem was caused by the inability of Windows to handle UTF-8 filenames with non-English characters.
  • Resolved an issue when exporting Alembic data where specified ranges of animation data sometimes didn’t export correctly.
  • Resolved an issue that was introduced in 3ds Max 2024 that could cause some Alembic data to take longer to export than it did previously.
  • Improved playback performance with the Skin Modifier, notably when there are two or more Skin Modifiers with different numbers of bones present in them.
  • Improved stability in the Skin Modifier when using the Heatmap weight solver.
  • Improving the reliability of Undo/Redo when rescaling units in Biped and selecting, scaling, or adding keys in Biped Workbench.
  • Users should no longer experience the Curve Editor window auto-resizing smaller upon closing and re-opening using the toolbar button. The Dope Sheet, Particle View, and Workbench windows have also been verified to not have any resizing issues.
  • A proper undo restore has been added to the Biped when using Time Configuration > Re-Scale Time. Enabling the Bipeds keys to return to their previous position if the animator was to undo the Re-Scale Time action.
  • Resolved an issue where the key range on the time slider was missing when the time slider was set to float and the mini curve editor was open in 3ds Max.
  • Resolved an issue where the Assign Controller Treeview in the Motion Command Panel wasn’t displaying controllers properly when the Biped was in Mixer Mode.
  • Resolved an issue when using Time Configuration > Re-Scale Time with a Biped, where the Biped keyframes were not snapping to whole frames even if the option was enabled. We have updated Biped so that the biped body controller performs the remapping (BipBodyControl::MapKeys) instead of the Biped footstep controller.
  • Fixed issue with the Biped copy/paste function where the copied collection posture or pose was not correctly mirroring data from a multi-bone neck when the data was pasted. Now when pasting Biped neck data found in a collection with the mirror or mirror-in-place tool, the animator will get the expected results.
  • Splines with animated vertices will now properly notify 3ds Max that they have changed, this change will help to improve viewport performance when these types of objects are in the animator’s scene.
  • Corrected a significant issue that existed in the CAT Capture Animation UI that prevented this retargeting functionality that is a part of CAT from working as expected as it once did before 3ds Max 2016. This fix corrects issues with Auto Map, along with save and load mapping that prevented this functionality from operating as expected.
  • Resolved an issue when importing an FBX file where if the Motion Command Panel was open while this import action was taking place, the Motion Command Panel could become stuck in a blank state until 3ds Max was restarted due to an error with how the FBX import process was attempting to control the Command Panel UI.
  • Fixed a bug with List Controllers when using the Delete or Cut actions where the weight value of the remaining controllers did not update correctly to reflect their actual values.
  • Rollouts in the command panels should now better remember the last state they were in, even between Max sessions.
  • Fixed a bug where the Biped Motion mixer was slightly slowing down viewport performance in 3ds Max, even when a Biped was not used in the scene.
  • Resolved an issue where the Motion Command Panel UI could redrawn blank (empty) if it was the active Command Panel that was in use when importing an FBX. This issue was caused by a problem with the Status Bar UI not properly unlocking the UI after the import process was completed.
  • When loading a CAT Rig with the Open Preset Rig button in the Command Panel, the rig data that you are attempting to apply will be correctly loaded at the location of the currently selected CAT Parent instead of the location where the Preset Rig was saved.
  • When loading Clips onto a CAT rig, if the user attempted to load animation data where a LookAt constraint was attached to one of the CAT bones, it could cause 3ds Max to crash. To resolve this we improved the LookAt constraint code to better handle working with CAT bone Clip data.
  • Resolved a crash that could occur when saving a CAT Clip when there is no animation data in the CAT layer (or any of the CAT layers).
  • When the user detaches a CAT Tail bone (or series of CAT tail bones) from the main rig it is generated with, it can break a dependency within the CAT rig and can cause 3ds Max to crash when the animator attempts to manipulate or interact with the now detached CAT Tail. To resolve this crash 3ds Max now handles this broken dependency to enable the animator to continue to work with the CAT Tail objects that they have purposely detached and broken away from their CAT rig and related controllers associated with the rig.
  • Resolved a pair of crashes that would occur when playing back animation data, or moving the time slider to a range of bad data, on a CAT rig where 3ds Max encounters a problem with the CATMotion Layer due to destructive changes that the user has made to the layer’s controllers or limb references. When this problem is encountered 3ds Max will no longer crash, but any corrupt animation data that exists during this frame range where the corruption is detected will not play.
  • Fixed an issue where the Paste Controller as Instanced failed with a parameter block entry that already had a controller.
  • Resolved an issue with the Copy / Paste functionality found in Biped when pasting data between Xtra bones where the “Paste” and “Paste Opposite” data were not properly interpolated against the existing keys, causing a “spike” or “noise” in the animation curve. This problem would persist until the scene was reloaded, impacting workflow and productivity. Now when Pasting a Pose to Xtra Bones the animation data interpolation is properly updated, and these distortions to the animation curve between existing keyframes and the newly pasted keyframe no longer occur.
  • Resolved an issue where the Mini Curve Editor can grow slightly taller each time it is opened and closed in the 3ds Max session.
  • Resolved an issue where information contained in the CAT Layer Manager list view UI would appear squished together making the information difficult to read when viewed on screen resolutions higher than 1080HD (and especially difficult to read on a 4k monitor). This UI fix should also resolve other similar listview UI rollout squished display information found in older components of 3ds Max.
  • Reduced scene file size bloat that some customers were encountering. With 3ds Max 2024.2, we have added code to:
  • Remove duplicate note track keys in a note track when loading and saving.
  • Remove note tracks that contain no, or only garbage, note track keys when loading.
  • Ensure all note tracks are removed from the scene when doing a file reset, file load, or file new.
  • On scene file, open/merge, Anim Layers that contain no layer controllers are now deleted. This will eliminate the possibility of a large number of Anim Layers accumulating in Track View under the Anim Layer Control Manager track, and as such will also help to further reduce unnecessary file bloat that some customers were experiencing.
  • CivilView Signs are now created with the correct size.
  • CivilView – Fix .NET runtime exception when importing traffic simulation.FZP file.
  • CivilView traffic simulation (FZP) can now import PTV Vissim V11 files.
  • Predefined palette colors are considered as sRGB. Under OCIO mode, colours should not show the warning when opened in the Color Picker.
  • When changing Color Management modes, rules are applied automatically to existing bitmaps in SME.
  • Fixed a crash that would happen when closing an open Bitmap View after changing colour management modes and after reloading the scene file.
  • Most of the legacy components that drove colour swatches and colour pickers through 8-bit functions are updated to use floating point functions so that colour fidelity is preserved during the roundtrip and thus colour picker erratic behaviours are eliminated.
    • Some legacy components were driving the colour swatches and colour pickers through legacy 8-bit functions and this was causing colour degradation and picker stability issues. Now colors retain their fidelity between the components and the the color picker.
    • Colour picker HSV sliders are now more stable during transient ambiguous colours (such as hue collapse when colour is set to black).
  • Fixed an issue with Color Picker sliders jumping around when using Legacy maps.
  • Bitmaps saved with PNG extension accept Gamma Override values between 0.2 and 5.0.
  • Bitmaps in Unmanaged mode now show as “Color Mgmt: OFF”.
  • OCIO Custom File>Lock status is kept after Re-Initialized. It can be changed only through Maxscript.
  • Fixed minor issues with the mouse cursor appearance in Preferences>Color Management UI.
  • The Display and View Transform settings applied by the user in the Color Management OCIO modes are now saved with the scene file and do not reset to the default “Automatic” setting when the scene is reloaded.
  • Added code to detect when a too-long filename (>= 260 characters) is specified in file open/save dialogues, and display a warning dialogue.
  • Fixed Undo Stack text for Recursively Opening Group.
  • Added core exported methods: EnableDisableRefMsgsOverride(), DisableDisableRefMsgsOverride(), IsForceDisableAllMsgsOverriden(). This allows override of DisableRefMsgs().
  • Fixed crash when Detaching group nodes when the list of nodes to detach includes all the nodes in a group plus their group head.
  • Fixed issues with Shift+Move cloning of nodes when selected nodes had unselected targets, and more than one copy was being made.
  • Fix crashes when opening/saving the file in the folder with a long name (260+ characters).
  • Fixed an issue where the Slate Material Editor would become semi-transparent when moved around.
  • Fix Viewport statistics in edge case when having a spline with no vertices.
  • Added menu item Options / Check Network Paths to Asset Tracking dialog. By default, the existence test of assets on network paths is not tested. Turning this option one causes them to be tested.
  • Resolved situations where a docked SME would grab the focus of the Alt key from the main UI preventing many common keyboard shortcuts from being available. Note that pressing the Alt key will no longer allow the user to access the SME menus when it is in a docked state.
  • The filePostMerge3 file merge notification callback now returns the correct array of information instead of undefined.
  • General performance improvement – A timer used to update the status of Container objects now performs any action only if Container objects exist.
  • Improved performance of MassFX post-load callback scripts to be significantly faster when loading scenes with lots of nodes and modifiers.
  • Multi-resolution icons are now loaded from app plugin folders via packageContents.xml.
  • Improved FBX import performance during the envelopes import stage.
  • Fixed a crash when undoed after an FBX import.
  • Fixed a crash in FBX import due to an outdated reference.
  • Fixed issue where textures are lost while exporting the obj file if the assigned physical material is nested in Multi/Sub Object material.
  • Unrecognized keyword parameters in menu, mouse tool, macro script, scripted plugin, and scripted custom attribute definitions now output a ‘– Compile Warning:’ message to the listener rather than throw a compile error exception.
  • Exposed maxops.GlobalScaleTime function to scale time in the same manner as is done via ‘Re-scale Time’ in the Time Configuration dialogue.
  • Added == and != support for MAXScript Interval values.
  • MAXScript methods resetMaxFile, importFile, and exportFile now accept, in addition to existing #noprompt argument, keyword argument quiet.
  • MAXScript .mse can be deleted while it is open.
  • Fixed DEL key behaviour when SME is open.
  • Fixed an issue where the Slate Material Editor would not update if a reference message was sent in a preRenderEval callback during rendering.
  • SME: Pick from Object tool is not active if selected and SME is then closed.
  • Nodes in SMEs with a single input handle will not show a second handle when trying to connect a wire in a collapsed state.
  • When a node is selected in the Preview list and is deleted, the Preview list will now update to another node and show it in the Preview as expected. When the Preview is set to Follow Current Selection, when the node is deleted, nothing is displayed in the Preview as there is no current selection anymore.
  • Added support to drag & drop a Compound node into a Material Library.
  • Restored the tooltips on buttons in SME when the focus is on the material editor window.
  • Fixed orphan connections in SME when Hide Child Tree is used on a node that has a connected node shared with another one.
  • Follow the Current Selection option in the material Preview Window is now more robust and is sticky when switching View tabs or working with nodes in SME.
  • In SME fixed Material Preview>Follow Current Selection behaviour: the preview shows the currently selected material.
  • Fixed an issue where Maxscript could not get material from selected when SME is open.
  • Fixed an issue where the Slate Material Editor would not open with the correct View tab displayed after the scene load.
  • Fixed the SME>Show Shaded/Realistic Material in Viewport button functionality.
  • New nodes should respect the hide-unused preference that can be toggled by the toolbar button with no node selected.
  • When the Thumbnail cache is deleted, there will not be any cache stored left and consumed by Compound nodes.
  • Resolved an issue where the soft selection of an Edit Spline was not always properly passed up the modifier stack.
  • Fixed an edge case issue with memory access when using the Boolean Modifier that could result in 3ds Max crashing to the desktop but not generating a CER.
  • Resolve a crash that could occur with the Boolean Modifier when attempting to use the Mirror tool on the Boolean modified object.
  • When cloning an object using Edit > Clone (CTRL+V) 3ds Max will now properly preserve the state of the “Display as Box” object attribute that the user had set on their source object, to the newly cloned result.
  • Resolved an issue where Fluid Simulations that are driven by an animated mesh were not properly storing the Motion Fields in the output Fluid simulation mesh data. This fix resolves an issue that was introduced in 3ds Max 2024.0.
  • Resolved a crash that could occur when moving a modifier that exists below the Boolean modifier on an operand so that it is now above the Boolean modifier by creating an invalid history. When this occurs the modifier that has been moved will become invalid and not apply because it holds invalid data.
  • Fixed an issue with the Push modifier where it was not updating the state of the polygonal normals after the modifier was first applied, resulting in an output that could be visually wrong or incorrect.
  • Resolved an issue where the Poly Select modifier was enabling the edge selection that it contained to be passed into the Boolean Modifier (which selects edges based on the intersecting edges of the boolean operation results), resulting in an incorrect edge selection result.
  • Resolved an issue where UV data on some operands could become reset or altered after cloning the Boolean Modified object.
  • The artist will now get the result that they expect when using the “Cut” and “Paste” or “Paste to new Boolean Modifier” functionality found in the Boolean Modifier when working with operands in the Operation List.
  • Resolved an issue with the Boolean Modifier where some types of degenerate geometry were not being fully caught and repaired and as a result, could cause a crash of 3ds Max.
  • Improved the results that the Boolean Modifier’s Subtraction operation can give when attempting to cut a very thin strip of geometry away from an object that doesn’t have enough support geometry.
  • Resolved an issue with the Array Modifier where changes to the location of the Pivot Point were not being reflected until the scene was reloaded. The Array Modifier will now properly update to reflect changes to the location of the Pivot Point when the changes are made.
  • Operands that are brought into the Boolean Modifier will now have their pivot data properly maintained. Now when the artist selects the operand in the Boolean Modifier’s Operands List, they can manipulate the operand object with the pivot located at the same location that it was on the object before it was added to the Boolean modifier. This will greatly help improve the manipulation of operands.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when using the Intersect operation of a Shape Boolean compound object where the operand spline shape contains a spline element with no knots. When a spline shape or element with no knots is now encountered with the Shape Boolean compound object, these spline shapes will now be excluded from the boolean actions.
  • Resolved an issue with the Data Channel modifiers Smooth operator that could cause a crash.
  • Resolved a crash that could occur when using the Boolean Modifiers subtract operation utilizing multiple operands and the faces of these operands are perfectly coplanar to one another.
  • Resolved an issue where entering into a Sub Object component level of one of the Boolean Modifier operands and using Show End Result could generate “Non-Watertight Geometry” errors with the Boolean Modifier which would affect the Boolean output in an unintended way.
  • Resolved an issue with the Array Modifiers “First Middle Last” type where it required a minimum of 4 elements to operate. This has since been resolved so that it requires a minimum of 3 elements to operate (a first, a middle, and a last).
  • Resolved an issue with the Boolean Modifier where the object’s Material IDs would be shifted to ID 1 if the object had no material assigned to it.
  • Resolved an issue with the Boolean Modifier where undoing all of its actions, removing operands, and restoring the modifier to its initial state before anything was added didn’t result in the mesh visually representing the data that was passed up the stack to the modifier.
  • Fixed an issue where the MaterialIDs on the Boolean Modifier output would change when the artist had “Use Material” disabled.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur with the Collapse Utility.
  • Fixed a crash that might occur with the Boolean Modifier when using a folder with multiple operands, and the operation type of the folder is set to Split.
  • Hollow shapes produced by a modifier such as Shell will remain hollow when meshed through the Boolean Modifiers OpenVDB method. Enabling the expected results from OpenVDB-based Union, Subtraction, or Intersection operations.
  • Resolved an issue with the Boolean Modifier where when using OpenVDB as the boolean meshing option, the animated parameters contained on an Operand were not being properly used to drive the boolean results as frames change. Now when using OpenVDB with the Boolean modifier, animated parameters affect the result as expected.
  • Resolved an issue where shading artefacts could occur when performing a non-uniform scale with Smart Extrude on an Editable Poly object.
  • Resolved a crash that could occur with the Optimize Modifier when it attempts to perform its operations on horribly malformed mesh data. When this error is encountered Optimize will now fail to process.
  • Fixed a problem with the Symmetry modifier when working with data from older 3ds Max scenes (2021 or earlier) where the Modifier was not correctly utilizing the same specific version of the Symmetry code when the object was cloned in a newer copy of 3ds max. This would result in the vertex IDs of the cloned object changing and affecting Modifiers high in the stack (i.e. Edit Poly), making the cloned results look distorted.
  • Resolved an issue with the Physical Camera where it was not updating the validity properly when only the Zoom is animated and Specify FOV is unchecked.
  • Fixed an issue where you could not search the modifier list if you were using a line-based object.
  • Fixed an infinite loop in pymxs.
  • The state of the “Set Key” button (grey/red) reacts to changes in key mode triggered by pymxs script.
  • Fixed the crash produced when loading a Render Preset with empty Layers.
  • Right-click on the FOV icon opens the Active Viewport Preferences tab, where the Perspective Field of View setting is exposed.
  • Fixed a crash that could have occurred while loading custom OSL files.
  • Fixed Color Picker lag that could occur when the OCIO config file has a large LUT for the default display/view transform.
  • Scanline>Raytrace Message checkbox remains OFF when importing objects from scenes having this checkbox ON.
  • Fixed a random crash produced when using OSL maps.
  • lib is now distributed as part of maxsdk.
  • Corrected an issue where UVs generated with an Unfold3D Peel or Reset Peel could appear distorted in the Edit UV window and were unable to be further modified/edited, but the UVs were correct on the geometry and displayed properly in the viewport. This Edit UV display issue was specifically caused by how selection data was passed up the stack to the Unwrap UVW modifier, through Unfold3D Peel or Pack, and then back to the Edit UV window, and would resolve itself when the user either reloaded the scene or applied a new Unwrap UVW modifier.
  • Resolved an issue where in rare circumstances, UV data from older 3ds Max scenes would no longer match the data that exists in the Unwrap UVW modifier, which could cause a crash when attempting to perform various actions within the Edit UV window.
  • Resolved an issue with malformed UV data that could cause the Unwrap UVW modifier to crash 3ds Max when using the Unfold3d methods for Peel, Pack, or Relax.
  • Fixed a crash that can occur with the LSCM version of Quick Peel due to a mismatch of the data found in the geometry and UV data.
  • Fixed an issue where Unwrap UVW was crashing on File > Reset when the scene contained mesh geometry with some malformed data.
  • Fixed the issue where Quicksilver would render images without lighting and shadows.
[Image: Autodesk-3DS-MAX-Serial-Key-Patch-Tested...wnload.png]
[Image: Autodesk-3DS-MAX-Keygen-Activator-Latest...wnload.png]

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Professional 3D modelling, rendering, and animation software Autodesk 3DS MAX 2024.2 Crack lets you create expansive worlds and high-end designs. Bring environments and landscapes to life with powerful modelling tools. Create highly detailed designs and props with intuitive texturing and shading tools. Iterate and produce professional-looking renders with full artistic control.
Autodesk 3DS MAX 2024.2 Patch has an integrated Arnold renderer that provides a rich experience and can handle your most complex characters, scenes, and effects. You can save time with centralized rendering tools for interactive light mixing, colour correction, and lens effects in the rendered image. Plus, you can work faster with an easy-to-use user experience and intuitive controls, rehearsing and producing high-quality renders and variations faster.
Autodesk 3DS MAX 2024.2 License Key lets you extend your workflow through automation, so you can spend more time getting creative. Use it as a compute engine to scale content production, extend integrated workflows with accessible APIs, and speed up manual steps to increase productivity.
Autodesk 3DS MAX 2024.2 Key Features:
  • Retopology tools: Automatically optimize high-resolution model geometries to create crisp quad mesh geometries.
  • Smart Extrude: Project faces onto 3D objects intuitively and flexibly. Automatically rebuild and stitch adjacent faces.
  • Open Shading Language (OSL) support: Create or use pre-existing procedural OSL maps with supported renderers.
  • Baking to texture: Experience efficient, intuitive, and fully scriptable texture toasting.
  • Integrated Arnold renderer: Arnold for Autodesk 3DS MAX 2024.2 Serial Key (MAXtoA) supports interactive rendering directly from the interface.
  • Interactive viewports: Reduce design iterations with render-quality window previews, displaying hardware PBR (physical rendering), and live camera effects.
  • Software Security: Use safe scene loading to protect your work from potentially dangerous scripts that might be part of scene files.

Autodesk 3DS MAX 2024.2 More Features:
3D modeling
  • Retopology tools: Automatically reconstructs polygon mesh data as a clean quad topology with uncompromising accuracy. These tools can be used to reduce complex high-resolution assets and enhance the traditional design and generative modelling work in Autodesk 3DS MAX 2024.2 Activator.
  • Smart Extrude: Interactively extrude faces onto 3D objects using flexible smart extrusion operations such as cut and overlap. Automatically rebuild and sew adjacent faces without having to manually correct hidden faces or geometric data.
  • Mesh and surface modelling: Create parametric and organic objects with polygons, subdivision surfaces, and spline-based modelling features.
  • Modifier Stack Workflow: Quickly draft, iterate, and explore design ideas using a variety of unique modifiers.
  • Spline Workflows: Create and animate geometry in several intuitive ways with the spline tool.
  • Texturing and shading: Generate high-quality textures that render accurately in the viewport using new or pre-existing OSL maps with supported render engines.
  • Baking to texture: Discover an elegant, intuitive, and fully writable texture baking experience with support for PBR (physical rendering) materials, overrides, and OSL workflows.
  • Material Editor: Add finishing touches to materials, modify textures, and use vibrant colours to create photorealistic designs. study again
  • Lightning: Illuminate and enhance your scene using photometric and standard lights.
3d rendering
  • Integrated Arnold renderer: Use the Arnold GPU renderer to see changes in the scene in real-time, including lighting, materials, and camera.
  • Interactive viewports: Reduce design iterations with render-quality window previews, displaying hardware PBR (physical rendering) and live camera effects.
  • ActiveShade viewport: With an interactive rendering experience, view your scene in near-finish render quality as you work.
  • Physical camera: Simulate real camera settings such as shutter speed, aperture, depth of field, and exposure.
  • Scene converter: Seamlessly and consistently switch materials, lights, cameras, and presenters between them.
Animations and effects
  • Character animation tools: Create procedural character animations and rigs with CAT (character animation toolkit), biped, and mob tools.
  • Motion paths: Preview and adjust animation paths directly in the window.
  • 3ds Max fluids: Create realistic fluid behaviours, such as water, oil, and lava, and mimic gravity and collision effects.
  • Particle flow effects: Create advanced particle effects like water, fire, spray, and snow.
  • Extensive plugin library: Access hundreds of industry-leading third-party plugins from our vast community.
Workflows and pipelines
  • Software Security: Use Safe Scene Script Execution to protect your work against malicious scripts that may be part of scene files and the Malware Removal feature, which detects and removes known malicious scripts from scene files and startup scripts.
  • Python 3: Enjoy tighter pipeline integration with support for Python 3.
  • Pipe integration support: Easily customize Autodesk 3DS MAX 2024.2 Keygen to suit your production line needs.
  • Modern UI and workspaces: Create your custom workspace with a more modern, responsive, and DPI-enabled UI.
  • GL Transmission Format (glTF) support: Publish assets from your 3ds Max scenes to glTF 3D content for use in web applications, online stores, browser games, and other online outlets.
What’s new in Autodesk 3DS MAX 2024.2?
  • The importing speed on some SketchUp models has been significantly improved. A new import option, Image Quality, is introduced in SketchUp import. When checked, distorted texture maps are redrawn; when disabled, better speed is achieved with possible distortion.
  • Fixed an issue when exporting Alembic files to directories that contain non-English characters that could 3ds Max to crash. This problem was caused by the inability of Windows to handle UTF-8 filenames with non-English characters.
  • Resolved an issue when exporting Alembic data where specified ranges of animation data sometimes didn’t export correctly.
  • Resolved an issue that was introduced in 3ds Max 2024 that could cause some Alembic data to take longer to export than it did previously.
  • Improved playback performance with the Skin Modifier, notably when there are two or more Skin Modifiers with different numbers of bones present in them.
  • Improved stability in the Skin Modifier when using the Heatmap weight solver.
  • Improving the reliability of Undo/Redo when rescaling units in Biped and selecting, scaling, or adding keys in Biped Workbench.
  • Users should no longer experience the Curve Editor window auto-resizing smaller upon closing and re-opening using the toolbar button. The Dope Sheet, Particle View, and Workbench windows have also been verified to not have any resizing issues.
  • A proper undo restore has been added to the Biped when using Time Configuration > Re-Scale Time. Enabling the Bipeds keys to return to their previous position if the animator was to undo the Re-Scale Time action.
  • Resolved an issue where the key range on the time slider was missing when the time slider was set to float and the mini curve editor was open in 3ds Max.
  • Resolved an issue where the Assign Controller Treeview in the Motion Command Panel wasn’t displaying controllers properly when the Biped was in Mixer Mode.
  • Resolved an issue when using Time Configuration > Re-Scale Time with a Biped, where the Biped keyframes were not snapping to whole frames even if the option was enabled. We have updated Biped so that the biped body controller performs the remapping (BipBodyControl::MapKeys) instead of the Biped footstep controller.
  • Fixed issue with the Biped copy/paste function where the copied collection posture or pose was not correctly mirroring data from a multi-bone neck when the data was pasted. Now when pasting Biped neck data found in a collection with the mirror or mirror-in-place tool, the animator will get the expected results.
  • Splines with animated vertices will now properly notify 3ds Max that they have changed, this change will help to improve viewport performance when these types of objects are in the animator’s scene.
  • Corrected a significant issue that existed in the CAT Capture Animation UI that prevented this retargeting functionality that is a part of CAT from working as expected as it once did before 3ds Max 2016. This fix corrects issues with Auto Map, along with save and load mapping that prevented this functionality from operating as expected.
  • Resolved an issue when importing an FBX file where if the Motion Command Panel was open while this import action was taking place, the Motion Command Panel could become stuck in a blank state until 3ds Max was restarted due to an error with how the FBX import process was attempting to control the Command Panel UI.
  • Fixed a bug with List Controllers when using the Delete or Cut actions where the weight value of the remaining controllers did not update correctly to reflect their actual values.
  • Rollouts in the command panels should now better remember the last state they were in, even between Max sessions.
  • Fixed a bug where the Biped Motion mixer was slightly slowing down viewport performance in 3ds Max, even when a Biped was not used in the scene.
  • Resolved an issue where the Motion Command Panel UI could redrawn blank (empty) if it was the active Command Panel that was in use when importing an FBX. This issue was caused by a problem with the Status Bar UI not properly unlocking the UI after the import process was completed.
  • When loading a CAT Rig with the Open Preset Rig button in the Command Panel, the rig data that you are attempting to apply will be correctly loaded at the location of the currently selected CAT Parent instead of the location where the Preset Rig was saved.
  • When loading Clips onto a CAT rig, if the user attempted to load animation data where a LookAt constraint was attached to one of the CAT bones, it could cause 3ds Max to crash. To resolve this we improved the LookAt constraint code to better handle working with CAT bone Clip data.
  • Resolved a crash that could occur when saving a CAT Clip when there is no animation data in the CAT layer (or any of the CAT layers).
  • When the user detaches a CAT Tail bone (or series of CAT tail bones) from the main rig it is generated with, it can break a dependency within the CAT rig and can cause 3ds Max to crash when the animator attempts to manipulate or interact with the now detached CAT Tail. To resolve this crash 3ds Max now handles this broken dependency to enable the animator to continue to work with the CAT Tail objects that they have purposely detached and broken away from their CAT rig and related controllers associated with the rig.
  • Resolved a pair of crashes that would occur when playing back animation data, or moving the time slider to a range of bad data, on a CAT rig where 3ds Max encounters a problem with the CATMotion Layer due to destructive changes that the user has made to the layer’s controllers or limb references. When this problem is encountered 3ds Max will no longer crash, but any corrupt animation data that exists during this frame range where the corruption is detected will not play.
  • Fixed an issue where the Paste Controller as Instanced failed with a parameter block entry that already had a controller.
  • Resolved an issue with the Copy / Paste functionality found in Biped when pasting data between Xtra bones where the “Paste” and “Paste Opposite” data were not properly interpolated against the existing keys, causing a “spike” or “noise” in the animation curve. This problem would persist until the scene was reloaded, impacting workflow and productivity. Now when Pasting a Pose to Xtra Bones the animation data interpolation is properly updated, and these distortions to the animation curve between existing keyframes and the newly pasted keyframe no longer occur.
  • Resolved an issue where the Mini Curve Editor can grow slightly taller each time it is opened and closed in the 3ds Max session.
  • Resolved an issue where information contained in the CAT Layer Manager list view UI would appear squished together making the information difficult to read when viewed on screen resolutions higher than 1080HD (and especially difficult to read on a 4k monitor). This UI fix should also resolve other similar listview UI rollout squished display information found in older components of 3ds Max.
  • Reduced scene file size bloat that some customers were encountering. With 3ds Max 2024.2, we have added code to:
  • Remove duplicate note track keys in a note track when loading and saving.
  • Remove note tracks that contain no, or only garbage, note track keys when loading.
  • Ensure all note tracks are removed from the scene when doing a file reset, file load, or file new.
  • On scene file, open/merge, Anim Layers that contain no layer controllers are now deleted. This will eliminate the possibility of a large number of Anim Layers accumulating in Track View under the Anim Layer Control Manager track, and as such will also help to further reduce unnecessary file bloat that some customers were experiencing.
  • CivilView Signs are now created with the correct size.
  • CivilView – Fix .NET runtime exception when importing traffic simulation.FZP file.
  • CivilView traffic simulation (FZP) can now import PTV Vissim V11 files.
  • Predefined palette colors are considered as sRGB. Under OCIO mode, colours should not show the warning when opened in the Color Picker.
  • When changing Color Management modes, rules are applied automatically to existing bitmaps in SME.
  • Fixed a crash that would happen when closing an open Bitmap View after changing colour management modes and after reloading the scene file.
  • Most of the legacy components that drove colour swatches and colour pickers through 8-bit functions are updated to use floating point functions so that colour fidelity is preserved during the roundtrip and thus colour picker erratic behaviours are eliminated.
    • Some legacy components were driving the colour swatches and colour pickers through legacy 8-bit functions and this was causing colour degradation and picker stability issues. Now colors retain their fidelity between the components and the the color picker.
    • Colour picker HSV sliders are now more stable during transient ambiguous colours (such as hue collapse when colour is set to black).
  • Fixed an issue with Color Picker sliders jumping around when using Legacy maps.
  • Bitmaps saved with PNG extension accept Gamma Override values between 0.2 and 5.0.
  • Bitmaps in Unmanaged mode now show as “Color Mgmt: OFF”.
  • OCIO Custom File>Lock status is kept after Re-Initialized. It can be changed only through Maxscript.
  • Fixed minor issues with the mouse cursor appearance in Preferences>Color Management UI.
  • The Display and View Transform settings applied by the user in the Color Management OCIO modes are now saved with the scene file and do not reset to the default “Automatic” setting when the scene is reloaded.
  • Added code to detect when a too-long filename (>= 260 characters) is specified in file open/save dialogues, and display a warning dialogue.
  • Fixed Undo Stack text for Recursively Opening Group.
  • Added core exported methods: EnableDisableRefMsgsOverride(), DisableDisableRefMsgsOverride(), IsForceDisableAllMsgsOverriden(). This allows override of DisableRefMsgs().
  • Fixed crash when Detaching group nodes when the list of nodes to detach includes all the nodes in a group plus their group head.
  • Fixed issues with Shift+Move cloning of nodes when selected nodes had unselected targets, and more than one copy was being made.
  • Fix crashes when opening/saving the file in the folder with a long name (260+ characters).
  • Fixed an issue where the Slate Material Editor would become semi-transparent when moved around.
  • Fix Viewport statistics in edge case when having a spline with no vertices.
  • Added menu item Options / Check Network Paths to Asset Tracking dialog. By default, the existence test of assets on network paths is not tested. Turning this option one causes them to be tested.
  • Resolved situations where a docked SME would grab the focus of the Alt key from the main UI preventing many common keyboard shortcuts from being available. Note that pressing the Alt key will no longer allow the user to access the SME menus when it is in a docked state.
  • The filePostMerge3 file merge notification callback now returns the correct array of information instead of undefined.
  • General performance improvement – A timer used to update the status of Container objects now performs any action only if Container objects exist.
  • Improved performance of MassFX post-load callback scripts to be significantly faster when loading scenes with lots of nodes and modifiers.
  • Multi-resolution icons are now loaded from app plugin folders via packageContents.xml.
  • Improved FBX import performance during the envelopes import stage.
  • Fixed a crash when undoed after an FBX import.
  • Fixed a crash in FBX import due to an outdated reference.
  • Fixed issue where textures are lost while exporting the obj file if the assigned physical material is nested in Multi/Sub Object material.
  • Unrecognized keyword parameters in menu, mouse tool, macro script, scripted plugin, and scripted custom attribute definitions now output a ‘– Compile Warning:’ message to the listener rather than throw a compile error exception.
  • Exposed maxops.GlobalScaleTime function to scale time in the same manner as is done via ‘Re-scale Time’ in the Time Configuration dialogue.
  • Added == and != support for MAXScript Interval values.
  • MAXScript methods resetMaxFile, importFile, and exportFile now accept, in addition to existing #noprompt argument, keyword argument quiet.
  • MAXScript .mse can be deleted while it is open.
  • Fixed DEL key behaviour when SME is open.
  • Fixed an issue where the Slate Material Editor would not update if a reference message was sent in a preRenderEval callback during rendering.
  • SME: Pick from Object tool is not active if selected and SME is then closed.
  • Nodes in SMEs with a single input handle will not show a second handle when trying to connect a wire in a collapsed state.
  • When a node is selected in the Preview list and is deleted, the Preview list will now update to another node and show it in the Preview as expected. When the Preview is set to Follow Current Selection, when the node is deleted, nothing is displayed in the Preview as there is no current selection anymore.
  • Added support to drag & drop a Compound node into a Material Library.
  • Restored the tooltips on buttons in SME when the focus is on the material editor window.
  • Fixed orphan connections in SME when Hide Child Tree is used on a node that has a connected node shared with another one.
  • Follow the Current Selection option in the material Preview Window is now more robust and is sticky when switching View tabs or working with nodes in SME.
  • In SME fixed Material Preview>Follow Current Selection behaviour: the preview shows the currently selected material.
  • Fixed an issue where Maxscript could not get material from selected when SME is open.
  • Fixed an issue where the Slate Material Editor would not open with the correct View tab displayed after the scene load.
  • Fixed the SME>Show Shaded/Realistic Material in Viewport button functionality.
  • New nodes should respect the hide-unused preference that can be toggled by the toolbar button with no node selected.
  • When the Thumbnail cache is deleted, there will not be any cache stored left and consumed by Compound nodes.
  • Resolved an issue where the soft selection of an Edit Spline was not always properly passed up the modifier stack.
  • Fixed an edge case issue with memory access when using the Boolean Modifier that could result in 3ds Max crashing to the desktop but not generating a CER.
  • Resolve a crash that could occur with the Boolean Modifier when attempting to use the Mirror tool on the Boolean modified object.
  • When cloning an object using Edit > Clone (CTRL+V) 3ds Max will now properly preserve the state of the “Display as Box” object attribute that the user had set on their source object, to the newly cloned result.
  • Resolved an issue where Fluid Simulations that are driven by an animated mesh were not properly storing the Motion Fields in the output Fluid simulation mesh data. This fix resolves an issue that was introduced in 3ds Max 2024.0.
  • Resolved a crash that could occur when moving a modifier that exists below the Boolean modifier on an operand so that it is now above the Boolean modifier by creating an invalid history. When this occurs the modifier that has been moved will become invalid and not apply because it holds invalid data.
  • Fixed an issue with the Push modifier where it was not updating the state of the polygonal normals after the modifier was first applied, resulting in an output that could be visually wrong or incorrect.
  • Resolved an issue where the Poly Select modifier was enabling the edge selection that it contained to be passed into the Boolean Modifier (which selects edges based on the intersecting edges of the boolean operation results), resulting in an incorrect edge selection result.
  • Resolved an issue where UV data on some operands could become reset or altered after cloning the Boolean Modified object.
  • The artist will now get the result that they expect when using the “Cut” and “Paste” or “Paste to new Boolean Modifier” functionality found in the Boolean Modifier when working with operands in the Operation List.
  • Resolved an issue with the Boolean Modifier where some types of degenerate geometry were not being fully caught and repaired and as a result, could cause a crash of 3ds Max.
  • Improved the results that the Boolean Modifier’s Subtraction operation can give when attempting to cut a very thin strip of geometry away from an object that doesn’t have enough support geometry.
  • Resolved an issue with the Array Modifier where changes to the location of the Pivot Point were not being reflected until the scene was reloaded. The Array Modifier will now properly update to reflect changes to the location of the Pivot Point when the changes are made.
  • Operands that are brought into the Boolean Modifier will now have their pivot data properly maintained. Now when the artist selects the operand in the Boolean Modifier’s Operands List, they can manipulate the operand object with the pivot located at the same location that it was on the object before it was added to the Boolean modifier. This will greatly help improve the manipulation of operands.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when using the Intersect operation of a Shape Boolean compound object where the operand spline shape contains a spline element with no knots. When a spline shape or element with no knots is now encountered with the Shape Boolean compound object, these spline shapes will now be excluded from the boolean actions.
  • Resolved an issue with the Data Channel modifiers Smooth operator that could cause a crash.
  • Resolved a crash that could occur when using the Boolean Modifiers subtract operation utilizing multiple operands and the faces of these operands are perfectly coplanar to one another.
  • Resolved an issue where entering into a Sub Object component level of one of the Boolean Modifier operands and using Show End Result could generate “Non-Watertight Geometry” errors with the Boolean Modifier which would affect the Boolean output in an unintended way.
  • Resolved an issue with the Array Modifiers “First Middle Last” type where it required a minimum of 4 elements to operate. This has since been resolved so that it requires a minimum of 3 elements to operate (a first, a middle, and a last).
  • Resolved an issue with the Boolean Modifier where the object’s Material IDs would be shifted to ID 1 if the object had no material assigned to it.
  • Resolved an issue with the Boolean Modifier where undoing all of its actions, removing operands, and restoring the modifier to its initial state before anything was added didn’t result in the mesh visually representing the data that was passed up the stack to the modifier.
  • Fixed an issue where the MaterialIDs on the Boolean Modifier output would change when the artist had “Use Material” disabled.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur with the Collapse Utility.
  • Fixed a crash that might occur with the Boolean Modifier when using a folder with multiple operands, and the operation type of the folder is set to Split.
  • Hollow shapes produced by a modifier such as Shell will remain hollow when meshed through the Boolean Modifiers OpenVDB method. Enabling the expected results from OpenVDB-based Union, Subtraction, or Intersection operations.
  • Resolved an issue with the Boolean Modifier where when using OpenVDB as the boolean meshing option, the animated parameters contained on an Operand were not being properly used to drive the boolean results as frames change. Now when using OpenVDB with the Boolean modifier, animated parameters affect the result as expected.
  • Resolved an issue where shading artefacts could occur when performing a non-uniform scale with Smart Extrude on an Editable Poly object.
  • Resolved a crash that could occur with the Optimize Modifier when it attempts to perform its operations on horribly malformed mesh data. When this error is encountered Optimize will now fail to process.
  • Fixed a problem with the Symmetry modifier when working with data from older 3ds Max scenes (2021 or earlier) where the Modifier was not correctly utilizing the same specific version of the Symmetry code when the object was cloned in a newer copy of 3ds max. This would result in the vertex IDs of the cloned object changing and affecting Modifiers high in the stack (i.e. Edit Poly), making the cloned results look distorted.
  • Resolved an issue with the Physical Camera where it was not updating the validity properly when only the Zoom is animated and Specify FOV is unchecked.
  • Fixed an issue where you could not search the modifier list if you were using a line-based object.
  • Fixed an infinite loop in pymxs.
  • The state of the “Set Key” button (grey/red) reacts to changes in key mode triggered by pymxs script.
  • Fixed the crash produced when loading a Render Preset with empty Layers.
  • Right-click on the FOV icon opens the Active Viewport Preferences tab, where the Perspective Field of View setting is exposed.
  • Fixed a crash that could have occurred while loading custom OSL files.
  • Fixed Color Picker lag that could occur when the OCIO config file has a large LUT for the default display/view transform.
  • Scanline>Raytrace Message checkbox remains OFF when importing objects from scenes having this checkbox ON.
  • Fixed a random crash produced when using OSL maps.
  • lib is now distributed as part of maxsdk.
  • Corrected an issue where UVs generated with an Unfold3D Peel or Reset Peel could appear distorted in the Edit UV window and were unable to be further modified/edited, but the UVs were correct on the geometry and displayed properly in the viewport. This Edit UV display issue was specifically caused by how selection data was passed up the stack to the Unwrap UVW modifier, through Unfold3D Peel or Pack, and then back to the Edit UV window, and would resolve itself when the user either reloaded the scene or applied a new Unwrap UVW modifier.
  • Resolved an issue where in rare circumstances, UV data from older 3ds Max scenes would no longer match the data that exists in the Unwrap UVW modifier, which could cause a crash when attempting to perform various actions within the Edit UV window.
  • Resolved an issue with malformed UV data that could cause the Unwrap UVW modifier to crash 3ds Max when using the Unfold3d methods for Peel, Pack, or Relax.
  • Fixed a crash that can occur with the LSCM version of Quick Peel due to a mismatch of the data found in the geometry and UV data.
  • Fixed an issue where Unwrap UVW was crashing on File > Reset when the scene contained mesh geometry with some malformed data.
  • Fixed the issue where Quicksilver would render images without lighting and shadows.
[Image: Autodesk-3DS-MAX-Serial-Key-Patch-Tested...wnload.png]
[Image: Autodesk-3DS-MAX-Keygen-Activator-Latest...wnload.png]

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