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August 19, 2023
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Alright, new day new method. This one is made entirely by me, and unlike 99% of methods posted here I’ve actually used it. This method implies reselling on vinted, a famous clothes reselling website. But if you think this is just a reselling method you’ll be surprised.
So here’s the method :
First, you’re gonna create 2 accounts on vinted. One will be your scout account, you’ll use it to find new products. The other one will be your seller account, where you will actually resell the products. If you already have a vinted account with reviews, use this one to sell. Your scouting account can look like trash, but for your main account you’ll need to make it look clean. Make a nice logo, there are plenty of sites to generate professional looking logos, put a nice bio etc.
Once you got both your accounts it’s scouting time. Log into your scouting account and start searching for products. Ideally you want to look for hot products, I mainly look for nike shirts and pants, but honestly the possibilities are endless. Also ideally you want the product to be underpriced, and you’ll quickly notice that people who sell on vinted want to sell their products QUICK, so they will usually price it fairly low. However it’s not too important to find a super cheap product, we want to go as fast as possible and resell many products. Quantity over quality.
So now you’ve found let’s say a nike shirt. Here’s what’s you’re gonna do :
1) On your scout account, add the item in your favorites.
2) Click on the pictures of the item and download them to your computer. Save them in a folder and name them like “nikeshirt1” etc because itll become a mess quick otherwise trust me lol
3) On your main account, click add a product.
4) Now you wanna repost the item. You’re gonna try and change many things. First the title. Make it more appealing. Most people post a shit title that can be easily improved. Second the pictures. Reorganize them compared to what the og seller did, only keep the best etc. Finally the description, you’ll have to write something appealing. Pro tip : use ChatGPT to get hq description in 10 seconds.
5) For all the details related to the product, aka size, shipping cost, product condition etc, straight up copy the original post.
6) Price : the most important thing. You want to add at least 5$. This is the profit you’ll make. It really depends on the items, if you wanna sell fast etc. You’ll get a feel for it after many products. You can easily up the og price by 10-15$ even 20+$, but when you’re starting I recommend not to be greedy to sell fast and get reviews.
7) Post your product and VOILA, now we wait.

This process takes no more that 3 minutes per item once you get a feel for it. You can EASILY add 5-10 products a day.
When someone message you and buy the product, head over to your scouting account and buy the product from the og seller. You can even try to negociate but I do not recommend it, as some sellers can get mad and just won’t sell to you after that. When vinted asks you for the shipping infos when you buy, fill in the infos your buyer filled when he bought. The og seller will send the item directly to your customer and boom, you just made profit. Congrats.
Now the part that is a little tricky, the delivery. See when someone buy something from you on vinted, in order to be able to confirm they’ve received, you need to actually send something using the send coupon vinted will provide you. What I recommend is to send a simple letter with your logo saying “thanks for buying from me !” and send it using the prepaid coupon. That way itll be tracked as the actual package and vinted will have a proof you’ve actually sent something and your client will be able to confirm he has received the product. Also this makes you look extremely professional so it’s good. See pro tip section for more.
The letter and package should arrive approximately at the same time, so it should be alright. And here it is, you just dropshipped a vinted item and made some cash. Congrats !
Pro tips :
1) Be clean on the shipping. Don’t try to hide things from your clients. Tell them openly about the thanks letter, and tell them it’s the letter that is being tracked directly in vinted. Explain you already had coupons to send and that’s why there are 2 packages. IMPORTANT : send them the tracking link youll get from the original seller so they won’t freak out if there is a 1-2 day delay between the letter and the package arrival.
2) If you have a lot of reviews on vinted, you can ask the client if they want to pay outside vinted, to save on the shipping fees, tell em you already have coupons to send. If they send no say its fine and do the letter sending method. Only do this if you have a lot of reviews because otherwise they’ll think you’re trying to scam and wont buy
3) NOT RECOMMENDED : if you don’t want to do neither of the shipping methods above, you can do nothing. After a few days, vinted will ask the client if they received the package. PROBLEM : If they just say no, youll have 0 way of proving you sent something so they’ll get the item for free and youll lose money.
4) Only buy the item from the og seller once your client have bought. Many people will message you saying they are interested but will never end up buying.
5) Check regularly your scout account to check if some products have been sold. Vinted will notify you since theyre in your favorites. If yes it’s ok, just delete them from your seller account. Also if you start having hundreds of unsold products on your seller account start deleting the old ones that won’t sell so your profile still looks clean.
6) Once you make some profit, boost your items. This does not cost a lot and youll really sell A LOT faster. For your first item, youll have a free boost, you can test with it.

There you go, that’s pretty much it !
This method will not make you thousands per month, but it’s still good for quick cash, especially if you can’t invest a lot, if you’re in highschool for example. I did this a lot in highschool. Also this method it good because it takes little to no time once you get a feel for it. I still do it sometimes even now.

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Alright, new day new method. This one is made entirely by me, and unlike 99% of methods posted here I’ve actually used it. This method implies reselling on vinted, a famous clothes reselling website. But if you think this is just a reselling method you’ll be surprised.
So here’s the method :
First, you’re gonna create 2 accounts on vinted. One will be your scout account, you’ll use it to find new products. The other one will be your seller account, where you will actually resell the products. If you already have a vinted account with reviews, use this one to sell. Your scouting account can look like trash, but for your main account you’ll need to make it look clean. Make a nice logo, there are plenty of sites to generate professional looking logos, put a nice bio etc.
Once you got both your accounts it’s scouting time. Log into your scouting account and start searching for products. Ideally you want to look for hot products, I mainly look for nike shirts and pants, but honestly the possibilities are endless. Also ideally you want the product to be underpriced, and you’ll quickly notice that people who sell on vinted want to sell their products QUICK, so they will usually price it fairly low. However it’s not too important to find a super cheap product, we want to go as fast as possible and resell many products. Quantity over quality.
So now you’ve found let’s say a nike shirt. Here’s what’s you’re gonna do :
1) On your scout account, add the item in your favorites.
2) Click on the pictures of the item and download them to your computer. Save them in a folder and name them like “nikeshirt1” etc because itll become a mess quick otherwise trust me lol
3) On your main account, click add a product.
4) Now you wanna repost the item. You’re gonna try and change many things. First the title. Make it more appealing. Most people post a shit title that can be easily improved. Second the pictures. Reorganize them compared to what the og seller did, only keep the best etc. Finally the description, you’ll have to write something appealing. Pro tip : use ChatGPT to get hq description in 10 seconds.
5) For all the details related to the product, aka size, shipping cost, product condition etc, straight up copy the original post.
6) Price : the most important thing. You want to add at least 5$. This is the profit you’ll make. It really depends on the items, if you wanna sell fast etc. You’ll get a feel for it after many products. You can easily up the og price by 10-15$ even 20+$, but when you’re starting I recommend not to be greedy to sell fast and get reviews.
7) Post your product and VOILA, now we wait.

This process takes no more that 3 minutes per item once you get a feel for it. You can EASILY add 5-10 products a day.
When someone message you and buy the product, head over to your scouting account and buy the product from the og seller. You can even try to negociate but I do not recommend it, as some sellers can get mad and just won’t sell to you after that. When vinted asks you for the shipping infos when you buy, fill in the infos your buyer filled when he bought. The og seller will send the item directly to your customer and boom, you just made profit. Congrats.
Now the part that is a little tricky, the delivery. See when someone buy something from you on vinted, in order to be able to confirm they’ve received, you need to actually send something using the send coupon vinted will provide you. What I recommend is to send a simple letter with your logo saying “thanks for buying from me !” and send it using the prepaid coupon. That way itll be tracked as the actual package and vinted will have a proof you’ve actually sent something and your client will be able to confirm he has received the product. Also this makes you look extremely professional so it’s good. See pro tip section for more.
The letter and package should arrive approximately at the same time, so it should be alright. And here it is, you just dropshipped a vinted item and made some cash. Congrats !
Pro tips :
1) Be clean on the shipping. Don’t try to hide things from your clients. Tell them openly about the thanks letter, and tell them it’s the letter that is being tracked directly in vinted. Explain you already had coupons to send and that’s why there are 2 packages. IMPORTANT : send them the tracking link youll get from the original seller so they won’t freak out if there is a 1-2 day delay between the letter and the package arrival.
2) If you have a lot of reviews on vinted, you can ask the client if they want to pay outside vinted, to save on the shipping fees, tell em you already have coupons to send. If they send no say its fine and do the letter sending method. Only do this if you have a lot of reviews because otherwise they’ll think you’re trying to scam and wont buy
3) NOT RECOMMENDED : if you don’t want to do neither of the shipping methods above, you can do nothing. After a few days, vinted will ask the client if they received the package. PROBLEM : If they just say no, youll have 0 way of proving you sent something so they’ll get the item for free and youll lose money.
4) Only buy the item from the og seller once your client have bought. Many people will message you saying they are interested but will never end up buying.
5) Check regularly your scout account to check if some products have been sold. Vinted will notify you since theyre in your favorites. If yes it’s ok, just delete them from your seller account. Also if you start having hundreds of unsold products on your seller account start deleting the old ones that won’t sell so your profile still looks clean.
6) Once you make some profit, boost your items. This does not cost a lot and youll really sell A LOT faster. For your first item, youll have a free boost, you can test with it.

There you go, that’s pretty much it !
This method will not make you thousands per month, but it’s still good for quick cash, especially if you can’t invest a lot, if you’re in highschool for example. I did this a lot in highschool. Also this method it good because it takes little to no time once you get a feel for it. I still do it sometimes even now.
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