
  1. the Indonesian Ministry of Transportation Full Employees Database (

    the Indonesian Ministry of Transportation Full Employees Database ( the Indonesian Ministry of Transportation Full Employees Database ( Date 20 AUGUST 2024 Database Contains Over 14,000 employees Data. The website is a platform managed by...
  2. National public data - database 2.7 billion records

    National public data - database 2.7 billion records Hidden content Not my leak. Hello police officer, now fuck off
  3. Database Leak Database Leak Database Leak Israel DataBase Leak Target : SIZE : 4,53 Mo Format : csv Total Lines : 28874 The Compromised Data Includes ["Member_Id, Member_FirstName, Member_LastName, Member_Email, Member_IDNumber, Member_Title, Member_Age...
  4. Irancell MDB 40M database

    Irancell MDB 40M database Irancell ( iranian simcard operator ) 40 MILLION Leaked MDB Database MTN Irancell, also known as Irancell is an Iranian telecommunications company that operates Iran's largest 2G-3G-4G-4.5G-5G mobile network, and fixed wireless TD-LTE internet services. It is the...
  5. 96,189 OG Instagrams (EMAIL Database Leak)

    96,189 OG Instagrams (EMAIL Database Leak) This is a list of emails that are linked with just under 100k OG Instagram Usernames, happy hunting! EMAILS: Hidden content
  6. 🔥 Вытащу ваш запрос со своей базы URL:LOG:PASS / i’ll pull your request from my database URL:LOG:PASS 🔥

    RUS: В моей базе 3ккк строк без дублей и прочего мусора Ежедневные обновы Быстрый доступ к данным (5-10 минут) Отправлю в любом формате Происхождение: приват, обмен , скупка, паблик ENG: My base consists of 3kkk lines (with no doubles or other garbage) Updated daily Quick access to...
  7. database 100k for sale Escrow

  8. USA DATABASE 20M people. escrow only!

    IP address+first and last name+ssn+dob+dlnumber+home phone+cell phone+state+gender+militaryactive+residence+residencetype+ email+employment+job title+employer name+workphone. telegram @professorXY6 ESCROW ViA DNA only!!!
  9. Xam Cloud - #1 bot for finding your links

    Xam Cloud - Time is Money This is exactly why people choose us. We have created a unique optimization that allows you to search for your queries of any size in no more than 3 minutes! And this is far from our only advantage in this market. - A dynamic database counter that any of our users...
  10. Beg for Yahoo's old database

    我需要雅虎2012年、2014年和2016年的数据库泄露事件。 请保存并分享,非常感谢。
  11. FULL database 2024

    Full NPD database Format: csv Size: 277GB uncompressed Website: Background Check API XML, Criminal Records API XML, SSN Trace API XML Contains...
  12. I have an extensive CC database list of my country and almost my entire region

    I have an extensive list of CC card data, original, the only inconvenience, is that you have lists of almost 3000 cards, but the majority do not have safety code or do not have the expedition date, they know how it can be done to extract the money it contains. I tell you the most summarized...
  13. 15M Email Panther Database Dump

    `id`, `uid`, `mail_list_id`, `email`, `status`, `from`, `ip`, `created_at`, `updated_at`, `subscription_type`, `tags`, `verification_status`, `last_verification_at`, `last_verification_by`, `last_verification_result` Hidden content
  14. Fundamentals of Database Systems / Fundamentals of Database Systems

    This book covers various aspects of database systems, such as data modeling, relational databases, SQL programming, database design, and database administration. It is an indispensable resource for students and professionals in computer science and information technology who are interested in...
  15. 21M Database Dump

  16. 500K+ Database Dump

    SiteID, Preparer Name, EFIN, UserID, State, Refund Type, Routing Number, Checking, Savings, Account Number, SSN, Tax Payer Name, PrintFinalDate, Return Status, CreatedReturnDate, IRSAckDate, EIP, NetEFFee, AdminEFFee, TaxPrepFee, InvoiceTotalPayments, id, id_location, first_name, last_name...
  17. SQL Injection Exposed: A Deep Dive into Database Security

    In “SQL Injection Exposed: A Deep Dive into Database Security,” Aryeh Kedmi delves into the intricate world of database security, uncovering the threats posed by SQL injection attacks and providing comprehensive strategies to safeguard critical data assets. With the proliferation of web...
  18. 80K Users Database Dump

    codigo nome cpf rg nasc email email_nf senha cep rua numero complemento bairro cidade estado tel1 tel2 razao cnpj insc contato tipo vendedor obs seguimento usuario_cadastro data_cadastro banco status created_at updated_at deleted_at Waste garbage cans, industrial trolleys for transporting loads...
  19. 1.3K User Database Dump

    id name avatar authkey wallet role email phone otp otp_expired_at phone_verified_at address email_verified_at password status Hidden content
  20. 80M US Wireless Database Dump

    "first","last","address","city","st","zip5","zip4","cell","NXX","CellPart" Hidden content