
  1. LeakGod

    The Software Developer's Guide to Linux: A practical, no-nonsense guide to using the Linux command line and utilities as a software developer 2024

    A must-read for software developers who lack command line skills and specialize in Linux. It provides transferable command line skills for use on Mac OS, Unix and Windows using WSL Key Features Practical and clear guide specifically written for developers (not sysadmins) who need to quickly gain...

    Windows Command Mastery for Ethical Hackers 2023

    Welcome to "Windows Command Mastery for Ethical Hackers," a comprehensive course designed to equip ethical hackers with the essential skills to navigate, manipulate, and secure Windows systems through the command line interface (CMD). This course spans 14 in-depth lectures, providing a hands-on...
  3. Sauron

    Develop Discord Bots in NodeJS

    You’ll learn how to create your own basic Discord bot using NodeJS and Discord.js. You’ll learn how to create your own basic Discord bot using NodeJS and Discord.js. You must have a basic knowledge about NodeJS in-order to understand this course. You’ll learn how to create a new bot, how to...
  4. ALZ1Q

    Gafhill - An Advanced Private Web Vulnerability Scanner + Source Code

    gafhill - a private SQLi, XSS, RCE, OSC scanner written in bash. Help: gafhill is a standart Linux CLI tool running from the command line. It's opensource, you can always look through to code. gafhill comes with everything it needs packet with, there's no need to installation. You can start...