
  1. Credit card cloning.

    What devices you use for credit card clonning. Just i bouth one. But i do mistake its only for IC cards. Im interesting for working with emv cheap.
  2. Can anyone help me check what is wrong with cloning? I will pay good money if you can help me.

    These are store voucher , I have many, we can even partner to give you a large part of the money, they are Mexican. Telegram @Trash7K
  3. Mentoring carding/cloning

    Hello everyone!!! After several months I learned how to clone and card. Now I offer a private mentoring service for newbies. I keep a part of the profit (commission). Anyone interested can write me on telegram! @AwakeCoder
  4. cloning a card =)

    Im willing to pay 100$++ for anyone who can hop on a call with me and show me step by step how to clone a card with a dump i have all the software and hardware needed just need a legit dump and information, 1-2h discord call I pay you! i would apriciate every help im not a total noob in this...

    Welcome everyone, we are very excited to bring this new services to the market / Приветствуем всех, мы очень рады представить эту новую услугу на рынке 2. Flood attack [to group] 3. Scraping groups and channels 4. Audience scraping 5. Phone number database checker 6. Boosting 7. Mass...
  6. Website cloning

    Dear Readers, I have a question for the smarter people, I really want to know how to clone a website fully. If anyone can help me I would really appreciate it! Have a wonderful day, take care, Danker
  7. Card cloning guide[Clear everything]

    Hello DNA members today I want to clear everything to all of you about card cloning, I see many people ask about this. Cloning card can be a hard challenge multi task are on the way like (Track 2 dump,IST file,CC eraser tool,EVM cheap card blank one). So what's cloning, Cloning nothing more...
  8. Card Cloning Tutorial [Write data to card]

    Hidden content

    Selling all Tools and Software that you need to be able to clone your first card. (Also come with IST files) For more details, telegram @cclickit
  10. B

    IST file help please

    I have a dump with a 544928 bin, i cant clone it because i dont have the ist file for it so if you do please hmu on tele @BlckSaint
  11. L


    Hey guys you can hit me up on telegram if you have more questions or Interested, these are real and I can provide proof in case you want to be sure Telegram @Linoo