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  1. Mr Henry

    $50k+ fruading people in telegram

    We need some worker for us. We are running telegram ads to get victim who comes for Bitcoin buying. Your job will be to scam him How you will do i will provide guide and instructions Message on telegram @henrygeord
  2. Mr Henry

    Paying $5000+ for doing fraud for me

    We are doing it for few months. Still looking for more people to extend our team No skills needed. We will teach you everything via instructions. Only your time is what we needed. You must be dedicated to do what we will teach you. Send a PM at telegram @henrygeord
  3. Mr Henry

    Facebook fund need

    Anyone selling Facebook fund for cheap price message me at telegram @henrygeord
  4. Mr Henry

    Bitcoin scamming job

    We need some worker for us. We are running telegram ads to get victim who comes for Bitcoin buying. Your job will be to scam him How you will do i will provide guide and instructions Message on telegram @henrygeord
  5. Mr Henry


    Message me if you want to do Bitcoin RBF scam. We are running it..
  6. Mr Henry


  7. Mr Henry


    Hi! We need some worker for us. You should know about crypto currency and have good social engineering. Skill. The job is to chat with people as support assistant with our customers and convince them to our service on telegram. English must be proficient. Priority US, AUSTRALIA, EUROPEAN...