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  • Users: cazra
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  1. cazra


    Still works for y'all? Only losses now on my side..
  2. cazra

    How to make $$ with crypto flasher?

    Noob here -- what's your best method to make actual $$ with a crypto flasher? Winning proven method gets a % of the gain!
  3. cazra

    How i earn 250$ a day with crypto

  4. cazra

    Help wanted! Disassembling & decompiling static lib

    Hi all, I would like to know from you experts if there is a specific tool that I should be using if I want to disassemble and then decompile a static library file. I am trying Hopper Disassembler but it is really tedious... and the decompilation does not work that well. Thanks for any advice...
  5. cazra

    Hiring hacker to access a website

    Hi community I am looking to hire a hacker to get admin control and the db of a website with a tech stack known for vulnerabilities. $$ through DNA escrow. Thank you!!
  6. cazra

    Trusted market poaces and vendors

    Hi -- I would like to know too please! Much appreciated help!
  7. cazra

    Help! RCE with pearcmd through a LFI vulnerability

    Hi everyone! I haven't found a solution but I know that the best are around here, so I am bumping this thread. I'd be grateful if anyone had a solution!
  8. cazra

    Help! RCE with pearcmd through a LFI vulnerability

    Hi again everyone! Asking yet another question just in the hope that someone has more clarity than me. In the test env, with a v5.1.41 thinkphp server,;?%3E+/tmp/hello.php...
  9. cazra

    Help! RCE with pearcmd through a LFI vulnerability

    Hey, thanks for the answer and for the help Running the thinkphp website locally simpy through php think run does not seem to expose the exploit, but putting it in a container and running it properly with Apache exposes the vulnerability as expected. Thanks, i can experiment now to build the...
  10. cazra

    Help! RCE with pearcmd through a LFI vulnerability

    Hey, thanks for the help. Yes, I am working my way thru v5.1.41. I start from git clone think_git; cd think_git; git checkout v5.1.41 Then that's my composer characteristics "require": { "php": ">=5.6.0", "topthink/framework"...
  11. cazra

    Help! RCE with pearcmd through a LFI vulnerability

    Hi everyone A website I am targeting right now is based on thinkphp v5.1.41 and has a language pack so it's exposed to that vulnerability: Thinkphp 多语言 RCE - 跳跳糖. And that example here shows an execution using the local pearcmd.php. I'm trying locally in a VM with a dummy thinkphp v5.1.41...
  12. cazra

    Old jQuery + thinkphp website resisting

    Hi Turns out I had missed a critical CVE [CVE-2022-47945] [http] [critical] I tried to inject files, php code ... I can't get it to happen. Anyone has any idea with that one?
  13. cazra

    Old jQuery + thinkphp website resisting

    Hi I am looking for help & tools to exploit jquery & thinkphp vulnerabilities on a (simple looking) website. So far it has been resisting me. $$