Google ethical hacking, how to gather sensitive data

Hero Member
Infinity Member
November 19, 2023
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Google ethical hacking, how to gather sensitive data

Google ethical hacking, how to gather sensitive data

Google is a great tool that must of us use on a daily basis, however it’s real power and capacities are hidden to the vast majority of us. Since it fetches data from all over the internet (or most of it) some sensitive data also stays available and can be gathered with a few custom search queries and a bit of imagination

This course will not only teach you how use most of Google’s full capacities, it will also show you how to use other search engines to fetch sensitive information and validate if credentials are compromised. Besides this you will learn how to setup a phishing attack website in order to get sensitive information by cloning websites such as Google’s, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc and you will also learn how to setup a local fake WiFi access point to get users credentials, among other useful information.

You will also learn best practices to secure your information, detect and avoid phishing scams in order to best secure your data.

This course is meant to be practical, no boring slideshows or lectures, we will go straight to the point and start exploring the several tools right from the first lessons.

This course is for educational purposes only, I do not take any responsibility for your actions and you are highly advised not to use this information to perform any illicit actions.

Who this course is for:
Anyone with basic IT knowledge
Curious, enthusiasts, hackers, beginners
Student must know how to use Google (Duh!)
Import and run Kali Linux on VirtualBox
Network basic knowledge

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Reactions: qweewq, hariboharambe, umidkhonestly and 22 others
May 26, 2024
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Google ethical hacking, how to gather sensitive data

Google ethical hacking, how to gather sensitive data

Google is a great tool that must of us use on a daily basis, however it’s real power and capacities are hidden to the vast majority of us. Since it fetches data from all over the internet (or most of it) some sensitive data also stays available and can be gathered with a few custom search queries and a bit of imagination

This course will not only teach you how use most of Google’s full capacities, it will also show you how to use other search engines to fetch sensitive information and validate if credentials are compromised. Besides this you will learn how to setup a phishing attack website in order to get sensitive information by cloning websites such as Google’s, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc and you will also learn how to setup a local fake WiFi access point to get users credentials, among other useful information.

You will also learn best practices to secure your information, detect and avoid phishing scams in order to best secure your data.

This course is meant to be practical, no boring slideshows or lectures, we will go straight to the point and start exploring the several tools right from the first lessons.

This course is for educational purposes only, I do not take any responsibility for your actions and you are highly advised not to use this information to perform any illicit actions.

Who this course is for:
Anyone with basic IT knowledge
Curious, enthusiasts, hackers, beginners
Student must know how to use Google (Duh!)
Import and run Kali Linux on VirtualBox
Network basic knowledge

[Hidden content]

Google ethical hacking, how to gather sensitive data

Google ethical hacking, how to gather sensitive data

Google is a great tool that must of us use on a daily basis, however it’s real power and capacities are hidden to the vast majority of us. Since it fetches data from all over the internet (or most of it) some sensitive data also stays available and can be gathered with a few custom search queries and a bit of imagination

This course will not only teach you how use most of Google’s full capacities, it will also show you how to use other search engines to fetch sensitive information and validate if credentials are compromised. Besides this you will learn how to setup a phishing attack website in order to get sensitive information by cloning websites such as Google’s, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc and you will also learn how to setup a local fake WiFi access point to get users credentials, among other useful information.

You will also learn best practices to secure your information, detect and avoid phishing scams in order to best secure your data.

This course is meant to be practical, no boring slideshows or lectures, we will go straight to the point and start exploring the several tools right from the first lessons.

This course is for educational purposes only, I do not take any responsibility for your actions and you are highly advised not to use this information to perform any illicit actions.

Who this course is for:
Anyone with basic IT knowledge
Curious, enthusiasts, hackers, beginners
Student must know how to use Google (Duh!)
Import and run Kali Linux on VirtualBox
Network basic knowledge

[Hidden content]
May 3, 2024
Reaction score

Google ethical hacking, how to gather sensitive data

Google ethical hacking, how to gather sensitive data

Google is a great tool that must of us use on a daily basis, however it’s real power and capacities are hidden to the vast majority of us. Since it fetches data from all over the internet (or most of it) some sensitive data also stays available and can be gathered with a few custom search queries and a bit of imagination

This course will not only teach you how use most of Google’s full capacities, it will also show you how to use other search engines to fetch sensitive information and validate if credentials are compromised. Besides this you will learn how to setup a phishing attack website in order to get sensitive information by cloning websites such as Google’s, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc and you will also learn how to setup a local fake WiFi access point to get users credentials, among other useful information.

You will also learn best practices to secure your information, detect and avoid phishing scams in order to best secure your data.

This course is meant to be practical, no boring slideshows or lectures, we will go straight to the point and start exploring the several tools right from the first lessons.

This course is for educational purposes only, I do not take any responsibility for your actions and you are highly advised not to use this information to perform any illicit actions.

Who this course is for:
Anyone with basic IT knowledge
Curious, enthusiasts, hackers, beginners
Student must know how to use Google (Duh!)
Import and run Kali Linux on VirtualBox
Network basic knowledge

[Hidden content]
July 10, 2024
Reaction score

Google ethical hacking, how to gather sensitive data

Google ethical hacking, how to gather sensitive data

Google is a great tool that must of us use on a daily basis, however it’s real power and capacities are hidden to the vast majority of us. Since it fetches data from all over the internet (or most of it) some sensitive data also stays available and can be gathered with a few custom search queries and a bit of imagination

This course will not only teach you how use most of Google’s full capacities, it will also show you how to use other search engines to fetch sensitive information and validate if credentials are compromised. Besides this you will learn how to setup a phishing attack website in order to get sensitive information by cloning websites such as Google’s, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc and you will also learn how to setup a local fake WiFi access point to get users credentials, among other useful information.

You will also learn best practices to secure your information, detect and avoid phishing scams in order to best secure your data.

This course is meant to be practical, no boring slideshows or lectures, we will go straight to the point and start exploring the several tools right from the first lessons.

This course is for educational purposes only, I do not take any responsibility for your actions and you are highly advised not to use this information to perform any illicit actions.

Who this course is for:
Anyone with basic IT knowledge
Curious, enthusiasts, hackers, beginners
Student must know how to use Google (Duh!)
Import and run Kali Linux on VirtualBox
Network basic knowledge

[Hidden content]
Advanced Member
July 18, 2024
Reaction score

Google ethical hacking, how to gather sensitive data

Google ethical hacking, how to gather sensitive data

Google is a great tool that must of us use on a daily basis, however it’s real power and capacities are hidden to the vast majority of us. Since it fetches data from all over the internet (or most of it) some sensitive data also stays available and can be gathered with a few custom search queries and a bit of imagination

This course will not only teach you how use most of Google’s full capacities, it will also show you how to use other search engines to fetch sensitive information and validate if credentials are compromised. Besides this you will learn how to setup a phishing attack website in order to get sensitive information by cloning websites such as Google’s, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc and you will also learn how to setup a local fake WiFi access point to get users credentials, among other useful information.

You will also learn best practices to secure your information, detect and avoid phishing scams in order to best secure your data.

This course is meant to be practical, no boring slideshows or lectures, we will go straight to the point and start exploring the several tools right from the first lessons.

This course is for educational purposes only, I do not take any responsibility for your actions and you are highly advised not to use this information to perform any illicit actions.

Who this course is for:
Anyone with basic IT knowledge
Curious, enthusiasts, hackers, beginners
Student must know how to use Google (Duh!)
Import and run Kali Linux on VirtualBox
Network basic knowledge

[Hidden content]
June 17, 2024
Reaction score

Google ethical hacking, how to gather sensitive data

Google ethical hacking, how to gather sensitive data

Google is a great tool that must of us use on a daily basis, however it’s real power and capacities are hidden to the vast majority of us. Since it fetches data from all over the internet (or most of it) some sensitive data also stays available and can be gathered with a few custom search queries and a bit of imagination

This course will not only teach you how use most of Google’s full capacities, it will also show you how to use other search engines to fetch sensitive information and validate if credentials are compromised. Besides this you will learn how to setup a phishing attack website in order to get sensitive information by cloning websites such as Google’s, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc and you will also learn how to setup a local fake WiFi access point to get users credentials, among other useful information.

You will also learn best practices to secure your information, detect and avoid phishing scams in order to best secure your data.

This course is meant to be practical, no boring slideshows or lectures, we will go straight to the point and start exploring the several tools right from the first lessons.

This course is for educational purposes only, I do not take any responsibility for your actions and you are highly advised not to use this information to perform any illicit actions.

Who this course is for:
Anyone with basic IT knowledge
Curious, enthusiasts, hackers, beginners
Student must know how to use Google (Duh!)
Import and run Kali Linux on VirtualBox
Network basic knowledge

[Hidden content]good
March 11, 2025
Reaction score

القرصنة الأخلاقية من Google ، وكيفية جمع البيانات الحساسة

Google ethical hacking, how to gather sensitive data

Google هي أداة رائعة يجب أن نستخدمها على أساس يومي ، ومع ذلك فإن قوتها وقدراتها الحقيقية مخفية عن الغالبية العظمى منا. نظرا لأنه يجلب البيانات من جميع أنحاء الإنترنت (أو معظمها) ، تظل بعض البيانات الحساسة متاحة أيضا ويمكن جمعها من خلال بعض استعلامات البحث المخصصة وقليل من الخيال

لن تعلمك هذه الدورة التدريبية كيفية استخدام معظم قدرات Google الكاملة فحسب ، بل ستوضح لك أيضا كيفية استخدام محركات البحث الأخرى لجلب المعلومات الحساسة والتحقق من صحة ما إذا كانت بيانات الاعتماد قد تم اختراقها. إلى جانب ذلك ، ستتعلم كيفية إعداد موقع ويب لهجوم التصيد الاحتيالي من أجل الحصول على معلومات حساسة عن طريق استنساخ مواقع الويب مثل Google و Facebook و LinkedIn وما إلى ذلك وستتعلم أيضا كيفية إعداد نقطة وصول WiFi مزيفة محلية للحصول على بيانات اعتماد المستخدمين ، من بين معلومات مفيدة أخرى.

ستتعلم أيضا أفضل الممارسات لتأمين معلوماتك واكتشاف عمليات التصيد الاحتيالي وتجنبها من أجل تأمين بياناتك على أفضل وجه.

من المفترض أن تكون هذه الدورة عملية ، ولا توجد عروض شرائح أو محاضرات مملة ، سننتقل مباشرة إلى هذه النقطة ونبدأ في استكشاف الأدوات العديدة منذ الدروس الأولى.

هذه الدورة للأغراض التعليمية فقط ، ولا أتحمل أي مسؤولية عن أفعالك وينصح بشدة بعدم استخدام هذه المعلومات لأداء أي أعمال غير مشروعة.

لمن هذه الدورة:
أي شخص لديه معرفة أساسية بتكنولوجيا المعلومات
فضوليون ، متحمسون ، قراصنة ، مبتدئون
يجب أن يعرف الطالب كيفية استخدام Google (Duh!)
استيراد وتشغيل Kali Linux على VirtualBox
المعرفة الأساسية للشبكة

[محتوى مخفي]
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    analysis data ethical ethical hacking google hacking how to training
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