Recent content by sigmaspectre

  1. sigmaspectre

    Cabal-shadow government-grand table

    this is what they did to me and im trying to share precious infos that can helps people to understand
  2. sigmaspectre

    Cabal-shadow government-grand table

    ---translate in your language--- if u have other questions im happy to answer il governo ombra - deep state americano riesce a fare tutto quello che vuole perche agisce energeticamente ed a livello quantistico per ottenere il controllo su tutto il mondo senza che nessuno sappia nulla ---vedi...
  3. sigmaspectre

    cabal-shadow government

    hi i have important informations about cabal and shadow government i need to know if there is a forum that talk about theese topics because i have a lot of information about it i advise ... i have pc under control my phone too